It well knows that some unscrupulous spokespersons using carefully chosen scientific sounding word formulations can easily bamboozle the population into delivering us all up to scientific materialism.
The sellers of quack medicines use the same method.
What you lot need to do is explain the joys of scientific materialism so we can look them over. We are, to some extent, democratic and we like to know what we are buying into before we bite. We don't want it to creep up on us unawares simply by the crude ruse of flattering us all for our scientific knowledge and then finding we cannot escape.
It isn't as if "scientific materialism" is only two fine sounding words.
Your complete failure to describe what the words mean in action, which is self-evident the whole length of the thread despite you being repeatedly asked to do so, is concrete evidence that either you don't know or you wouldn't dare because you know what will happen if you do seeing as it is camel squitter at an infected oasis.
From the point of view of a member of the cadre that supervises North Korea it is, of course, wonderful as it allows extra rations of sugar.
Any old goat can do the scientific materialist mirage from a comfy spot in a world that rejects it so that everybody gets as much sugar as they can stand.
You're laughing at a gift horse.