'**** happens' doesn't say enough about the reasons for changes in species, you can't leave that out, people will start to think stupid things, like evolution is guided by supernatural forces.
Your remarks about science make me think you're depressed.
I suppose so does "**** happens."
I hope you are okay.
Quote:Would you like to return to life in the vicinity of Damascus in 45 AD?
No. I am quite content with this present life, a little regretful that I shan't be here in another forty years. I have high hopes.
Quote:That unguidedness doesn't bother me in the slightest.
That's bravado unthought through. You cannot avoid being guided. And what does it reduce us, and all our works, to?
Nah. Ain't no strings on me. Except the ones I choose or find I cannot avoid (the IRS. My bank, so
very insistent about mortgage payments!.). Being unguided frees us and our works, it does a really nice job at freeing our loves and joys, it allows us to be, Spendius, really be.
Our triumphs are our own.
Our failures are our own.
We need not, in our moment of glory, give any of it up to some silent god.
We need not, in our moments of ashes, blame that same silent god for any of our troubles.
We are here, the result of trillions and trillions of changes over time, that's not a reduction unless you are someone so depressed as to say '**** happens.', it's a revelation about who we are. The present.
Joe(denizens of the four percent of this universe which has some sort of physical nature.)Nation