Holy Marlene! See what I mean about length rather than depth?
Quote: "I believe" eh? Twice. I thought you didn't do beliefs Joe.
No. That would be my good friend, Frank. I know, all of us Yanks seem the same to you, but not if you pay attention.
[quote]Anyway--I hereby grant you permission to be as unkind as is necessary in order to answer the questions asked of you rather than going off on another of your very silly, ignorant and insulting rants.
I have a medal for active service in the Middle East you fat-lipped sap. [/quote]
My lips have been complimented over the years because of their shape and girth, so I don't take that as the insult you thought you were delivering.
Question: Is it your opinion that insults provide some service to intelligent discussion. I don't believe that that is true. (there's a belief for you)
Please refrain from further denigrations, they reflect badly on your education.
I find it interesting that you served in the Middle East in some undefined position; perhaps that where you picked up the Taliban philosophy.
Quote:I don't resent anything. Being born where I was is better than winning the national lottery. I do not reject science at all. It is science that leads me to the conclusions I have reached. You know nothing about science. I worked for the first twenty years of my adult life in government scientific establishments asociated with military hardware. I passed on to lecturing in science at a university and a special college. Then I became a businessman and have worked for both political parties. The socialists first which taught me that there are no socialists.
And my definition of a Christian church is limited to sexual regulation because that is what the Christian Church is all about. As Professor Greer said--it's a "fertility machine". The law covers everything else although weasel words can make it all a bit fuzzy. Sin has clarity. A good Catholic would not hack somebody's phone in the same way that he wouldn't steal candy from a baby's pram. A sense of personal guilt would prevent both whereas only the fear of not getting away with it would prevent others.
Attacking the other side without offering your alternative is the hallmark of wobbly, dithering wimpiness and a pathetic attempt to score cheap points. The very cheapest actually.
You nearly made me spit up my morning coffee. I must remember not to sip while reading your prose. Not resent anything? Why, Spendius, your whole approach to everything I've read from you from springs from some sort of resentment, mostly the passage of time, which is understandable given that you are deeply into your dotage. Sorry, is that an insult? It was meant to be an observation.
Your rejection of science, especially Evolutionary Science, is renown on these pages and it too is something you share with the Taliban. It's almost as if you spent all those years only tangentially involved with the actual science being done, perhaps that is the cause of your suspicion and your gall-filled comments towards progress.
Speaking of insults, what a snide remark about Catholicism? It's curious that you say such things, knowing that you 'believe' that without such institutions, civilization as we know it, would devolve into chaos.
Am I overstating your position?
And it's nice to know that Catholics are the standard of upright morality and would never, what was it?, oh yes, hack a phone or steal a baby's candy. I must talk to my Irish uncles. Their tales of fire-bombing Ulster police stations must be apocryphal and those other stories one hears these days about the defiling of children at the hands of Bishops and Priests must be fantastic hyperbole.
Really. You should write more comedy.
I am not attacking you, Spendius,
you asked the questions. I offered you the opportunity to answer your own questions in the way you wanted.
You did. I thought, and now I am a bit surer, that your answers put you in the philosophical view as the Taliban and we'd all like to know much, much more about that.
It's not everyday one gets to talk to someone from the 13th Century.
Joe(It was a shame that the Moors were expelled from Spain, right?)Nation