Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Thu 7 Jun, 2012 04:15 am
Did anybody see the programme that claimed to have found replicating organisms in the clouds at the top of the highest mountain in the Alps? They caught some of the critters by holding a fine sieve in the blowin' wind for two hours and then saw them replicating under a microscope.

I don't know if the procedures were peer-reveiwed.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 04:17 am
and your point is?
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 04:21 am
I never made the connection between your complex and depression simply because you werent that important to me.

Surely the real reason is that there is no such connection and you thought it a good jape to follow Joe's ridiculous and unpeer-reviewed insult.

Your record of spending your precious time responding to my posts is concrete evidence that I am more important to you than your sense of dignity and personal worth is comfortable admitting.
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Thu 7 Jun, 2012 04:26 am
That the fossil record has none of them in it. It only does the oohing and aahing stuff on which funding grants to waste lives are posited.

The fake fossil industry plies its trade on your fatuities. How many times are they going to prove the same thing? Answer--as often as appropriations last.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 04:40 am
How many times are they going to prove the same thing? Answer--as often as appropriations last.
Unfortunately science doesnt "quit" after a few hits. The fossil record has many uses besides demonstrating evolutionary linkages. If you werent such a twit taken in baseless jactation you would have spent a little time expanding your claimed( but unevidenced) knowledge of science.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 04:52 am
You do know don't you that the fossil you all made a big fuss about a couple of years back was a fake. A wind up.

It's all a wind up in the service of attacking Christian sexual teaching on behalf of those who would like to set them aside in order to assuage their residual guilt at having disobeyed them.

And I have disobeyed them more than most but I'm not daft enough to go about arguing that they should be set aside until I think it is safe for us to do so. Which I don't. My little dickie is not allowed to decide American's educational future and I'll take a bet that it's bigger that Dawkins's. And it's conscience is the size of a quark.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 05:18 am
The fossil record has many uses besides demonstrating evolutionary linkages.

I know that. I have said so often enough.

Unlike you I gave some of the other uses as I went along.

Funds, holidays in the sun, being on telly or feechewered in National Geographic, getting away from the wife, shagging research assistants chosen for their scientific expertise, trading in relics or oven-aged bones from the butcher's, ordering mahogany display cabinets, finding a use for old buildings, keeping people occupied, getting the key to the executive's (VIP's) washroom, not having to wash up or sweep the floor, reserved car parking---- just follow a successful evolutionist's movements and you'll get a better picture. Being impressive is the crude brush stroke. Basically a ponzi. Keep investing and it will pay. You'll find out you are a ******* monkey. Wonderful. That's what I call a dividend. Madoff was a crude amateur.

What were the uses you had in mind before my list of uses wiped them off your cerebrals. It is no use saying that the "fossil record has many uses besides demonstrating evolutionary linkages" and not saying what they are.

I forgot finding something to do with carbon dating machines and their highly paid operatives and interpreters, manufactures and sales personell. One really does feel the need to know how old everything is to the nearest 10 million years. And have all the print-outs stored in vaults so that some bright student might come along to look them up and prove, once again, that the Church is talking a load of bollocks.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 05:21 am
which one? there have been several recent fakes from Laioning and Patagonia. "FAkes" have always been with us and its amazing at how quickly these things are ferreted out and debunked. Many unscrupulous fossil hunters and dealers often try to pull the fast ones and make small fortunes on fake fossils. They usually dont make it for long. The "proto -aves" fossils that I think you were alluding to was sold to A British collector then to the Museum of NAt History in NY. It was studied in detail and was initially declared a fake because the stratigraphy of two adjoined (and carefully glued) segments were not of the same sorting.
It was then easily disclosed as more discontinuities were discovered. The Chinese govt wanted to execute the fossil dealer and several organizations intervened on his behalf. (That dealer has since moved to Thailand as an expat)
What the NY Museum of NAt Hostory dod was to have a show of "faked and forged fossils" . They used it as a learning tool which celebrated the long and illustrious industry of faking fossils, from Piltdown to archeopteryx to dinosaurs that never existed .

The fossil record I deal with has uses in structural and mining geology. It also has been quite useful in de crypting the time lines for continental collisions and separations. The remnants of a fossil life assemblage , when seen in rocks like graywackes or flysch, can help determie the nearness of slope traps and shelf deposits.

No tool should be poo poohed by amateurs who have no idea of what they speak (like you for example). Since your knowledge base is quite limited on the subject, you could have initially been forgiven for your ignorance if you let it pass after your first exclamation about the uselessness of fossils. Instead, you enjoy continual appearane in the spotlight as one who enjoys his ignorance and wallows in it in every post herein.

Im just here to remind you that you dont know anything of what you speak and itd do you a lot more good to read more if you wish to engage me in a critique of this subject.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 05:36 am
You're a bit like a peacock which has taken it into its head to redesign its tail feathers and finds it can't do. So it paints some new and vivid patterns on its tail from the DIY Science shop and has a short-back-and-sides, and tries to persuade all the other peacocks which are too stupid to have such a brilliant idea to follow suit.

Besides it being a gross insult to the female sex, when the others have followed suit it is back where it started. i.e. not getting it, which was the inspiration for the bright idea. What else?

And underneath the painted patterns the old ones, which were evolved in the slush by female intellectuals of the highest order, are still there waiting for the paint to wear off and the feathers to grow again.

The ones that haven't gone bald I mean.

0 Replies
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 05:40 am
and make small fortunes on fake fossils. They usually dont make it for long.

Having made a fortune they wouldn't have any inclination to continue making fake fossils. Unless they happen to be one of those silly sods who are unaware of the uses of fortunes.
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Thu 7 Jun, 2012 06:28 am
What the NY Museum of NAt Hostory dod was to have a show of "faked and forged fossils" . They used it as a learning tool which celebrated the long and illustrious industry of faking fossils, from Piltdown to archeopteryx to dinosaurs that never existed .

What about the fakes the Museum can't detect?

Would you say that there are no performance enhancing drugs in use which the testers can't detect. Better testing inspires ingenuity.

And by focussing on a "superior" institution, thus aligning yourself with it, you conveniently by-pass in your usual manner the vibrant market in "fossils" catering to private collectors, or proprieters of small town museums, who have been impressed by their contemplation of their own scientific prowess set forth by their ownership of a few as a result of the skilful PR of the industry and who agree that the Church should be shafted.

The fossil record I deal with has uses in structural and mining geology.

Such as? I saw a programme about an Arab goat herder who made it rich telling American geologists where to drill. He said he wasn't bothered, "alakiefik" in Arabic, ataraxia in English, and not giving a **** in colloquial- speak, what bullshit they told their superiors on Wall Street.

The pharmaceutical industry got all its ideas off natives with no teeth. And old texts from various cultures.

I didn't say fossils are useless. I gave a number of uses all of which are quite understandable.

Im just here to remind you that you dont know anything of what you speak and itd do you a lot more good to read more if you wish to engage me in a critique of this subject.

You toffee-nosed twat!!
0 Replies
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 07:12 am
Im just here to remind you that you dont know anything of what you speak and itd do you a lot more good to read more if you wish to engage me in a critique of this subject.

I can just imagine you braying that over the pious congregation you gate-crashed once in order to protest their activities not realising that they were caucusing on the price of corn and the zoning of the coming development.

No wonder they threw you out onto the dirt. If pomposity had an odour that would be a foul stench. And everybody knows who dropped it.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 07:58 am
A couple of quotes from Shakespeare to ponder--

The spinsters and the knitters in the sun,
And the free maids that weave their thread with bones.

Twelfth Night

For use can almost change the stamp of nature.

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Joe Nation
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 08:40 am
You asked a number of questions in amongst your more prickled, note the spelling, comments. Here are my answers, let me know if I've side-stepped any important issues.
1) Yes.
3) Alright then.

Joe(back to work now)Nation

0 Replies
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 08:49 am
I think we should discuss something more interesting than the maunderings of some dipsomaniac.

For a new topic, i have chosen: Intelligent design? Where's the evidence of intelligence, never mind design?
Joe Nation
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 09:34 am
Good question, Set.

Going to be some hilarious answers.

Joe(How many gods on the creative design committee?)Nation

Thu 7 Jun, 2012 09:36 am
Another bardic utterance from Troilus and Cressida--

There is a mystery, with whom relation
Durst never meddle, in the soul of state,
Which hath an operation more divine
Than breath or pen can give expressure to.

Such a mystery is an alien concept to an atheist/materialist who thinks that there are no mysteries but only things we do not understand yet, which will, in due course, after the appropriated funds have been scientifically apportioned, be explained and all mysteries demystified. The existence of mysteries cannot be admitted because to do so undermines their every utterance on this subject and, I should imagine, on a number of other subjects.

Such a person will never know Shakespeare except, maybe, as an instrument for the projection of themselves as a literary savant operated and serviced by the lip.
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 09:39 am
@Joe Nation,
Ah committees . . . i always loved the comment that a camel is a horse designed by a committee.
Joe Nation
Thu 7 Jun, 2012 09:50 am
Um, you have it backwards.
It's the realist how thrives on knowing there are mysteries to unravel.

'tis the religious man who looks a quandary , says "God knows." and thinks that is a sufficient answer.

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Thu 7 Jun, 2012 09:51 am
Ah!! The recyling business.
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