@Frank Apisa,
Look Frank-- I've explained it a few times and you won't get it.
It is a working hypothesis. Everything else having been tried and nothing worked. No God is as the animals are. Leaving off dozing when hunger and the drive to mate urged it.
In between the foggy ruins of time and the flowering of three great civilisations on the Nile, the Euphrates and the Greek peninsula when Rome was a collection of huts, something happened which is still a mystery but must have been religious in genesis. 2 million years of human life had gone before. Nomadic hordes numbering a few hundred at most and never meeting strangers.
All sorts of Gods were brought in as working hypotheses.
The origins of a catalytic cracker would have been a working hypothesis.
Monotheism with God creating the world was a working hypothesis. How could a God have authority when there were thousands of them contradicting each other depending upon whose God they were. And the one God's authority is still not established. There are different versions of the one God and the fear of God is not universal.
The intelligent designer is not an entity. Until you get the notion out of your head that it is not an entity but a hypothesis you will never understand these issues.
The Luddites had a hypothesis that mechanisation would lead to ruin. It still had adherents. They couldn't prove it.
Those working a hypothesis are required to believe in it or act as if they do. The outcome is what matters.
If you don't want to believe in the hypothesis, or act as if you do, aren't you being a bit precious considering how wonderful the outcome has been for you. Shouldn't you, as a man of principle and integrity shun the benefits of the hypothesis? Or at least offer an explanation of how those benefits could have arisen with any other hypothesis from the vast and exhaustive range the human intelligence has tried out. And is still trying out.
I bet that if we knew more of Spades' messianic religion it would have a few get out clauses in the rumpy-pumpy department. Which is a tweak of the general hypothesis and may well be a useful one. As it is it remains unexamined.
Agnostics and atheists reject the hypothesis and are identical in that regard and are both of no account.