Just observe folks the alacrity with which fm jumps onto the easy questions and with an answer he has had rehearsed so long that it is more or less fossilised.
And he assumes, as usual, that late-night talk-radio is giving out bullshit and he starts from that proposition in order to arrive at his conclusion; which is fat-head fatuity.
I don't think he dare allow that the living organisms which need explaining might be the homoess sapieness in her modern, Christian incarnation. Her only similarity with the women of evolution is to the odd Roman Empress or European King's mistress. And she has many advantages over them.
Those who think the Christian religion is anti-woman should compare our ladies with everything that went before. They just want even more of their own way.
fm, gunga, can easily use scientific enquiry to explain living organisms because he thinks that the flagella can be compared to a foot pump and they are simple to explain.