You are going ass-backward TS. You are allowing, indeed encouraging, these materialistic atheists to plough your field and sow their own crops.
They have science to back them up. Science defined by them of course but nevertheless it chimes with those who also seek an atheistic society or those who simply want the Church out of the way regarding abortion, divorce, homosexuality, pre-marital sex, artificial contraception and eugenics.
Which is a serious coalition and not to be underestimated when it is egged on by those commercial interests, and they are many, which stand to benefit by the wider acceptance of those sorts of social arrangements.
Using their somewhat narrow definition of science, attacking what you say is a piece of cake and their attacks are welcome to those in the coalition. In fact, it being a piece of cake is not the least of its attractions. You will find if you care to look that edgar's, ci's and ros's contributions today are exactly the same as they were years ago when these threads began. Same simplistic ideas and even phrases. No doubt they were spouting the same things long before A2K existed.
But they chime in with a large number of people who have not had the full implications of such ideas explained to them. They rely on superficiality and ignorance.
And those who agree with you need no persuading. In which case all you are doing is providing a stage for them to strut their one-step routines upon.
But they also have a field. It is atheistic materialism. And rather than allow them the easy privileges of ploughing your field why don't you turn your attention to what their crops will be when the harvest of their efforts ripens and we are stuck with secular, atheistic materialism which cannot be anything else but mundane and crass.
While ever they can say that the earth is 4 billion years old, that the Bible is full of errors, which is a teleological and smug interpretation of it, and that your translation is not dependable, they have so habitually diverted attention from their own position to an extent that they are shocked and angry if anybody has the temerity to raise questions about it and its usefulness for the future.
And not only do I admit that it might have a usefulness but also that it might be a necessity. What I don't admit is their right to promote the materialist atheistic agenda without examination of its implications and they seem to believe that we ought to be prepared to do just that. They seek to abolish the Christian project without any consideration of what will replace it when they come to power as they assuredly will if they are allowed to continue in the same manner they have repetitively engaged in since the general idea came to them in pantsdown situations during their earlier years and which they feel no need to revise because of how easy it is to write the sort of posts you have allowed them to write.
Not that they would ever dream of allowing politicians to promote policies which are unexamined.
You are dealing with fools in other words.