Muslim1, yes, indeed, the verses can be interpreted as having the meaning you explained in your post.
However, that is just one interpretation. It can also simultaneously be interpreted as saying that the sun rotates around the Earth, due to its vagueness.
May I also point out that the Silk Route runs through a few Muslim countries. It is quite possible that astronomical findings from China and India found their way to the Middle East.
Those passages in the Quran merely imply to me that Muslims are clever people who were open to ideas and didn't figuratively put their heads into the sand whenever something new came along.
Either way you slice it, its a compliment to Muslims.
steve (as 41oo) wrote:Islam is backward- looking
Contrarily, there are things in Islam that are quite logical.
For example, in the Bible, it says that it is wrong to get drunk. In Islam, it is wrong to drink alcohol.
Sir Richard Francis Burton, who was quite fascinated with Arabic life and Islam, found out that before the introduction of Islam, the sole purpose of drinking alcohol amongst Arabs was to get drunk. Therefore, Islam banned the drinking of alcohol, for the obvious detrimental sides of being drunk and also because Islam is based on Judaism which states that getting drunk is forbidden.