All Praise be to God (Allah), mot Gracious, most Merciful.
Quote:its precisely because i have no misconceptions that i dont want to become a muslim. cos i know exactly what it is.
Since you know exactly what Islam is, can you describe it in a few sentences?
Quote:i am satisfied with my non islamic religion.
Would you mind mentioning the name of your religion so that I can answer you in a proper way?
Quote:there's no rule that says just because someone knows about another faith a lot, means he/she should convert to it.
I agree with you. Yet, Islam is an exception. All the people who knew exactly the
truth of Islam reverted to it (Islam).
I'd like to check whether you know exactly what Islam is. If you don't mind, I'll ask you a question in each post:
- What are the five pillars of Islam, and what is the wisdom behind each one of them?
whats desirs?
Brother Michael meant "desires".
Desires: conscious impulses toward something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment - sexual urge or appetite.
From Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Quote:I don't know if anyone can continue to say that there is a particular religion which we all should follow.
I continue (an will continue, Allah willing) to say that Islam is the true religion that we
should follow. I said we "should" not we "must". In fact, almighty God (Allah in Arabic) says:
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error" [Holy Qur'an 2:256]
We try our best to show people where the truth is. They are free to embrace it or to reject it.
Quote:Yeah, so what? They're all wrong... Britney Spears has sold millions of records; that doesn't mean she's talented, it means millions of people are stupid.
I think it's unfair to compare religion with music. Religion and belief is a most vital issue in our life unlike music.
Thank you for responding to my six questions. Let's now discuss and analyse your answers:
Quote:1. Who created the Universe? This is a leading question. Why does the universe need a creator? and if it does, who created the creator?
One of the attributes of the Creator is that He was not created. God (Allah), the Creator says:
"Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him.
" [Holy Qur'an Chapter 112]
The Universe needs to have been created. Take for example the stars and examine their constituents. They are mainly formed of Hydrogen and Helium. Who putted Hydrogen and Helium together to form the stars? who made the extraordinary interstellar matter (plasma) in the Universe?
Quote:2. Who created human beings? Evolutionary forces and DNA.
First, your response recognizes that human beings are created, and that's good.
Secondly, the Creator is
always superior to the 'created' in attributes, power, intelligence, design... Could you compare Evolutionary forces and DNA (which are Deaf, dumb, blind, with no intelligence...) to a human being?
Quote:3. jesus moses Mohammed etc. Co incidence? Billions of people agree (maybe not me you might be surprised to hear) that there is no God. Dont they outvote the 3 listed above? And in any case Jesus or the religion he founded said god is 3 not 1.
First I am glad to see that you maybe believe in God.
As for messenger Jesus (peace be upon him), we Muslims believe that the original book revealed to him (the Injeel) was from God almighty and said that God in One and Only.
I totally agree with you that today, Christians say that god is 3 in 1(trinity). That's because the Bible we have today is not exactly the Injeel revealed.
Quote:4. The vast majority believed in the same God as you do? No they did not.
In Islam, we are eliminating 'models of god' so that we worship the One and Only God who created everything and who is the Sustainer of the Universe.
"And your Allah is One Allah. There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. " [Holy Qur'an 2:163].
Quote:5. Right and Wrong. Instinct. Altruism. Life promoting/life degrading. Moral codes. Law. Not very difficult really.
Who made that Instinct? Who established the Moral codes? What makes a person follow those rules?
As a Muslim, what makes me try my best to follow what is right, is the fact that I fear God (Allah), I know that there is an important "Day of Judgement" in which I'll be asked about all what I did in this life.
Quote:6. After death? I have no idea. And neither my friend do you.
I know what will happen after death: All the human beings will be present in a "Day of Judgement" in which justice will be done to all the creations.
Honestly, Steve, do you think that criminals like Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin took their deserved punishment in this life? In addition, many people were oppressed, killed and died without any rights. That's why God (Allah) will gather all the humanity in the "Day of Judgement" (Day here means 'long period of time') in which
complete and perfect justice will be achieved. All praise be to God (Allah).
Brother NewSoul;
It's always a pleasure and honor for me to read your valuable posts. May God (Allah) reward you.
May the peace and blessings of God (Allah) be upon his messenger Muhammad.