Dear agrote;
Quote:All I claim is that it is the best theory of the origin of species that I have come across, and it fits known scientific facts about genetics
Can you give me examples of those "facts" ?
Quote:damn sight better than the theory of creation
What you described as "theory" of creation is indeed the FACT of creation. All the major religions agree that we all come from Adam and Eve. God almighty created the human beings and dignified them; the "theory" of evolution degrade the dignity of Man.
Quote:The Qu'ran proves nothing at all
I would request you to read the Holy Qur'an. You can't judge a book without reading it, it's unscientific.
Quote:There is a wealth of evidence supporting the theory
Again, a very general statement. What evidence (real and scientific evidence) can support the theory?
Quote:I have a perfectly good, conscious brain
Who created that brain? The brain is a very complex system, no human can create it, nor it can be created by itself. The only remainnig solution is that the brain is created by almighty God (Allah in Arabic), the creator of the universe.
Quote:You have more patience than I do
God (Allah) give religious people more patience.
Quote:medieval stuff and nonsense
Is the Holy Qur'an a "medieval stuff "? Have a look on the following link, where you will find a complete concialiation between the Holy Qur'an (revealed 1400 years ago) and modern science:
Qur'an and modern science
Quote:There are two types of overtly religious people, the deluded and the dangerously deluded. These people are dangerous and their ideas should be rigorously exposed for what they are...medieval stuff and nonsense.
Why are our ideas dangerous? Can't we express ourselves freely?
Yet, be sure, no one on the Earth can prevent us from saying the truth of almighty God (Allah).
Best Regards.