Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 10:51 am
Republican-style Nazis
Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 03:30 pm
A few things to comment on, edgar -

First, stop lobbing the word 'Nazi' around. You are using it incorrectly and quite frankly, I find it more than a a little insensitive to its actual meaning and connotations. Further it is unsettling.

While I understand your frustration and anger with what the DCCC is doing, I would ask you to see at least part of, if not entirely their strategy. At this time, the majority of Americans, i.e. the voters are not on the rather recently launched Progressive bandwagon. The idea is to find a candidate who can and will attract the most people to take part in next year's Presidential election, with an aim of defeating Trump or whomever might get the Republican nod should Trump no longer be in office (or should he decide against a second term --- stranger things things have happened). Keep in mind, the idea is long range goals. They are best achieved through small steps.
Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 07:10 am
erry Lee Perez Jr Use this to our advantage, any firm that complies with the DCCC's threat will be blacklisted by progressives. This is more ammunition for us.
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· Reply · 8h
Jeff Snyder
Jeff Snyder Do you finally understand yet? Pelosi and the democratic establishment would rather lose to a republican then win with a progressive. Their 1st priority is to attack the challenger from their left
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· Reply · 8h
Darron Charlesworth
Darron Charlesworth Making a firm statement that the Democratic Party does not believe in democracy.
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· Reply · 8h
Deb Geelsdottir
Deb Geelsdottir NO!
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· Reply · 8h
James Leavings
James Leavings The first couple consulting firms, and other support firms that step forward to SPECIFICALLY assist Progessives, especially primary challengers will do very well next cycle.
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· Reply · 7h
Karen Cobeen
Karen Cobeen I've come to think the establishment democrats have profitted handsomely from the Trump administration. Both personally and for their donors. Hence they put up pathetic resistance to anything he has done. It's all theatre.
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· Reply · 7h
David Aurelius
David Aurelius banana republic
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· Reply · 4h
Felix Fuentes
Felix Fuentes The undemocratic party's leaders keep alienating progressive candidates with true progressives ideas. That message is not for republicans. It's a fascist warning to us, progressives. Such a hypocrite ****. In other words: Don't support progressives, only support our hardline corporate puppets called democrats.
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Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 07:41 am
At least Edgar is doing his part to make sure Trump is re-elected in 2020.
Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 02:36 pm
If he really wants to be sure Trump is not reelected, then it is imperative that he state that if his chosen candidate is not given the nomination, that he will vote for the Democrat who is selected. His and others behavior in 2016 is part of the reasons Trump was elected.
While voting for (I believe it was Jill Stein), due to his abhorring of Clinton, he allowed the slim margin towards the Electoral College to be eaten away. Quite similar to the 2000 elections where Ralph Nader nibbled off several Gore votes which have the election to George W. Bush.

As I said before, small steps need to be taken. The country as a whole is not substantially into the Progressive movement at this time. Winning local and even state elections (Senator,Governor) is the way to start.
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