Sure, and it will be just like Holder investigating himself.
Brooks: Trump Needs Congress to Engage in Oversight – Democrats Have Become ‘an Attack Machine’
On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that President Trump should cooperate with Congress and say he needs Congressional oversight, while the Democrats are just acting as “an attack machine.”
Brooks said, “The president has to say, Congress, I need you. I need you to oversee what I’m doing. I need you to correct for my imbalances, and so I’m going to cooperate with you. And that’s just the normal way we do business. And the Trump administration is not doing that. So, that’s the first crisis.”
He continued, “The second is, if you’re going to do oversight, you’ve got to oversee. You’ve got to try to say, I’m at least going to try to be a productive force here. But what we’re seeing on the side of the Democrats is an escalation of the passion, and it’s just become an attack machine.”