You guys have no entrepeneurial spirit... I spent 14.00 on two five gallon gas cans and cut out a length or two of garden hose and now me and my boy cub just siphon them full from the neighbors cars in the middle of the night's not enough for them to notice anything, but we don't pay for gas...and I'm teaching my boy a valuable survival skill.......that's quality parenting and thrifty to boot.....

Did you discuss Hazards?
What to say when caught in the act?
Or not to swallow when yer sucking in the mouthful?
$1.65 to $1.75 for regular unleaded here, depending on who you buy it from. It was down around $1.50 over the holidays.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:You guys have no entrepeneurial spirit... I spent 14.00 on two five gallon gas cans and cut out a length or two of garden hose and now me and my boy cub just siphon them full from the neighbors cars in the middle of the night's not enough for them to notice anything, but we don't pay for gas...and I'm teaching my boy a valuable survival skill.......that's quality parenting and thrifty to boot.....
Bear, this is wrong. Just wrong. You're supposed to siphon directly from one tank to the other. That way, the siphon stops when yours is half full and the neighbor's is half empty. "From each according to his ablility. To each according to his need." Abby Hoffman said that, so you know it's the straight skinny.
roger wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:You guys have no entrepeneurial spirit... I spent 14.00 on two five gallon gas cans and cut out a length or two of garden hose and now me and my boy cub just siphon them full from the neighbors cars in the middle of the night's not enough for them to notice anything, but we don't pay for gas...and I'm teaching my boy a valuable survival skill.......that's quality parenting and thrifty to boot.....
Bear, this is wrong. Just wrong. You're supposed to siphon directly from one tank to the other. That way, the siphon stops when yours is half full and the neighbor's is half empty. "From each according to his ablility. To each according to his need." Abby Hoffman said that, so you know it's the straight skinny.
Ah, but is the neighbors tank half empty or half full? Let's keep a positive attitude. :wink:
And a lot of my neighbors are gun owners so in this case I think on foot, discretion being the key to a longer life.
BPB...Glad to see you still have electricity
thanks....I'm heading to the community well goes when the power is out...I have a generator that runs the house but we still get no water....
in vermont it is anywhere from $2.09 to $2.25
Interesting to see this thread reborn. 1.5 years later and gas is $1 more than when I last posted (about $2.50 for regular here). Plus, there's good old Bear, who has now morphed into a throbbing appendage.
It hovers around $2.50 here, too. Glad I don't drive much...
Was paying over a dollar a litre. Just got my car converted to LPG and paying 42c.
diesel is down to 2.08 and its .89 for ag diesel. You cant put ag diesel into a road vehicle because its dyed red or blue. If a cop stops you for any kind of check and then dips your tank and comes up with diesel, you be screwed big time.
So, in order to keep them from finding ag diesel, you have to buy a tank insert with road diesel in it. Big Pain in the ass., but it saves you really big bucks on a long road trip
How odd. We buy highway diesel and deduct Fed tax for the off road portion. Saves a whopping big 24.4 cents per gallon.
What are you paying for gas?
Too much . . .
Gas actually went down here on the big beach weekend...very unusual...1.92 a gallon.
It went down here, too. It's about the same price, give or take a penny. We are in ethanol country and there is a glut on the market right now. I don't buy it but I could save 10 cents a gallon if'n I did.
It seems we always pay the highest gas prices here in
1.08 for a liter-- I am glad I don't need a car here.
Gas prices have dropped here too. $2.37/gallon for regular at my neighborhood Shell.