Sun 9 Mar, 2003 11:41 pm
just wondering what other a2k'ers are paying for gasoline in your part of the world.
currently on guam regular unleaded is $2.01
Fort Worth, TX, $1.51 at Sam's club up from a $1.21 in January. And I have seen gas as hight at $1.67. These are all low test, i.e, the cheapest.
Sarasota, Florida, last I checked $1.59/gallon for Regular (cheapest).
Southern Oregon - $1.82 for regular unleaded. I might as well be on Guam!
I have no idea, haven't put gas in the car for maybe a week and a half - 2 weeks..... I love my HONDA!
1.65 in northwest New Mexico. Sam's and a few others a bit lower. What's the deal? We grow the stuff here.
We are paying about the same as you are Pueo :-(
They go by liters up here and I still haven't figured that metric stuff out yet, but it costs me over $40 to fill my tank.
It is $1.03 a litre here - which is about $4.00 a gallon.
Oh Bunny, that's even worse than us. I feel your pain!!!
I suspect some gouging down there, Deb, unless you have some screaming outrageous fuel taxes.
Really!!! That's just plain crazy!!!
Well, our dollar is weaker than yours - and I believe all this commerce is done in US$. Actually - it is not weaker than Canada's!
We DO have very high fuel taxes - which I support - as they encourage fuel conservation and, in the transport industry, rail transport - though diesel is cheaper, of course. They also get used for roads etc as well as other things.
heigh ho!
Gezzy - it costs me about $40 dollars to fill a tank, too - I wonder if I have me litres wrong?
In the states they go by gallons, so I just figured I mention the liters since that's what we've got going on over here.
On the Big Island the cheapest gas is at BJs in Kurtistown between Hilo and Volcano. $1.78 a gallon and I have a SUV that gets filled twice a week. I shudder at what prices might go up to here because everything is brought in by ship or plane.
I know that hurts for sure.
Well, I pay 1.07 $/lltr for Diesel, others pay 1.24$ for normal gas, 1.26$ for super and 1.29 for extra-super.
This all x 3.785412 for getting it per gallon/US.

I pay 83p for a liter - that is abt $1.33 - that is abt $6 per gallon WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
The cheapest I could find yesterday in my neighborhood was $1.57/gal.