revel wrote: If the child was in a tizzy fit then what choice did they have but to restrain her if they had to remove her? Some kind of health services should have been called instead who knew what they were doing.
That's nice in theory but it doens't hold up in practice. Social Services can't do much with a call from a school that a child is throwing a temper tantrum. They'd have no legal authority to intervene unless the parent requests their intervention.
If a child is arrested then the social services agencies are usually
required to intervene and that is how they get brought into the process over-riding the parents wishes.
Since the parent in this case has been at odds with the school on numerous previous occassions I suspect we'll find out down the road that the parent/child were already referred to some sort of social services agency and refused.
It appears thusfar, that the school did exactly what they should have done. The police that responded are the ones that screwed up. They should have contacted social services and had a social worker respond with them.