Foxfyre wrote: Your other comments were posed as mostly questions and you didn't answer my question as to why tweezers are somehow more dangerous than a ballpoint pen. Any thought on that?
I think it's assinine. Prison inmates regularly make improvised weapons from ball point pens, safety razors, etc. (And they use matches to melt the plastic.

) Safety razors can be purchased
within the security areas of many airports!
Which goes back to my contention that the "new" airport security is designed to:
A) Make people
feel safer. It doesn't actually make people safer.
B) Employ large numbers of people.
There used to be a website on the stupid policies... seems to be "under construction" right now....
One incident mentioned was National Guardsmen taking a commercial flight. They were allowed to take their weapons on board... but only after said weapons had gone through the X-ray machine. Gee. This M16 isn't enough of a weapon, let me pack it full of explosives....
I've also previously stated the need to positively track baggage with the passenger that checks it.