Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2006 08:32 am
Foxfyre wrote:
You have strange ideas on what is partisan, Revel. But this isn't the thread to discuss that either.

You have brought up the discussions and said things which were not accurate then you cry foul when someone calls you on it in rebuttal. Typical behavior I have come to expect from you, but sometimes I just don't feel like letting you get away with it. Now is one of those times.

Well I'm 100% with the anti-terror police in Britain on this one. I don't often take my country to task without pointing out the good. But the leftist mainstream media in the USA has been so careless and irresponsible about what they report, they might as well be the promo and communications network for al-Qaida and all other terrorist groups. They sure as heck aren't on the side of the USA or democracy, freedom, and security of anybody anywhere. I can't find any good side to that.

The above is clearly partisan because you said; "leftist mainstream media" then you went on to say the "leftist mainstream media" might as well be the AQ communications network. This maneuver is more along the same lines as calling Lamont the AQ candidate, another talking point among folks such as you.

Criticizing the bush administration is not synonyms with not supporting the United States, freedom or security.

That too. But whatever the local FBI is leaking wouldn't be common knowledge without the aid of a media who really doesn't care who gets hurt by what they publish. However, I think any person who intentionally leaks classified information, especially information critical to national security, should be subject to immediate prosecution for treason and subject to the full penalty of law for that.

The Bush administration clearly leaked information that was critical to security when they "exposed a mole that had penetrated Al Qaeda, and it crippled a sting operation, allowing numerous subjects of investigation to escape. Some of those subjects may have participated in a major terrorist attack a year later." (From the previous link http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_jpol_060716_the_leak_none_dared_.htm) Perhaps this is why the British did not want to share with US any critical information in regards to the foiled British terror plot until just shortly before it all came down. http://thinkprogress.org/2006/08/11/bush-british/

There is no term such as "leftist mainstream media" as anyone who would do a bit of researching could easily find out; the term is merely a conservative myth.

George Bush's administration has made one mistake after another and has made policy decision that fall on the criminal side with ignoring FISA laws and trying to legalize torture by getting around the GC. The Iraq war is the administration's baby and it has been a disaster predicated on false premises. To report on those things is not promoting terrorism or being against the US or security, but rather just reporting the miserable failure of the Bush administration who is messing up the USA and endangering it's citizens with its stupid/criminal decisions.

But as you don't want to talk about it anymore, I'll now let it drop.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2006 08:57 am
Thanks, revel, for bringing this up again.

revel wrote:

But as you don't want to talk about it anymore, I'll now let it drop.

I'll tried it before as well ...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2006 10:06 am
Revel, since when is "Left" or "Right" partisan? While either can be an ideological methodology utilized by a political party, I didn't menton any political party and did not imply any political party. Your assertion seems to be that the GOP cannot ever be left of center nor the Democrats right of center. Such is not and has never been the case. I do not see the issue of airport security as being a partisan issue.

I will stand by my original statement no matter how much you and Walter want me to be the straw man you can attack instead of discussing the topic of this thread.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 01:44 pm
Only 20% Of Britons Believe Blair On Terror Threats
Neo-Fascists need to stage real attack to reclaim credibility and obedience

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 22 2006

A figure that is both telling and foreboding - that only one fifth of British citizens believe the Blair government is telling the truth on terror alerts - increases the chances of a staged attack to reinforce the notion that Islamo-Fascism is a real danger and not the invention of a ruthless Neo-Fascist government that has all but abolished freedom in the United Kingdom.

A Guardian/ICM poll today reveals that just 20% of British voters believe the government is telling the truth about the threat to bomb transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives - meaning 80% of the country do not trust Blair and the war on terror agenda. Blair's re-election itself was carried with a majority of just 33% and since only half of the country actually voted, that means only just above a quarter of British citizens actively support their government.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2006 01:49 pm
Britons and airport security: Airport rules 'costing musicians'
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 05:21 am
Amid new anxiety about air travel and tough new regulations covering what passengers may bring on planes, seven U.S. flights were involved in security incidents on Friday

1 day, 7 flight-security incidents

The terrorists got what the wanted: trouble, and disruptions to our life.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 06:15 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Revel, since when is "Left" or "Right" partisan? While either can be an ideological methodology utilized by a political party, I didn't menton any political party and did not imply any political party. Your assertion seems to be that the GOP cannot ever be left of center nor the Democrats right of center. Such is not and has never been the case. I do not see the issue of airport security as being a partisan issue.

I will stand by my original statement no matter how much you and Walter want me to be the straw man you can attack instead of discussing the topic of this thread.

Can you give me ONE example where the GOP was "left of center". I think Clinton swung right as a political trick to hijack conservative issues... i.e. welfare reform.

But the GOP has been pretty solidly run by conservatives since the Gingrich thing. You can find voices, but you have not seen Republicans as a group getting behind a single liberal idea.

BTW I wish the Democrats could figure out that the GOP strategy of playing to the true hard conservatives has been working-- and do the same. The Democrats continue the obviously losing strategy of being centrist while the GOP continues to move the debate to the right.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 07:42 am
ebrown_p wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Revel, since when is "Left" or "Right" partisan? While either can be an ideological methodology utilized by a political party, I didn't menton any political party and did not imply any political party. Your assertion seems to be that the GOP cannot ever be left of center nor the Democrats right of center. Such is not and has never been the case. I do not see the issue of airport security as being a partisan issue.

I will stand by my original statement no matter how much you and Walter want me to be the straw man you can attack instead of discussing the topic of this thread.

Can you give me ONE example where the GOP was "left of center". I think Clinton swung right as a political trick to hijack conservative issues... i.e. welfare reform.

But the GOP has been pretty solidly run by conservatives since the Gingrich thing. You can find voices, but you have not seen Republicans as a group getting behind a single liberal idea.

BTW I wish the Democrats could figure out that the GOP strategy of playing to the true hard conservatives has been working-- and do the same. The Democrats continue the obviously losing strategy of being centrist while the GOP continues to move the debate to the right.

Partisan does not just mean loyality to one political party; it also includes causes or ideas.


However, the term leftist means people who support ideas of the left.


Actually, though conservative playing true to conservatives only worked, it is starting to lose its impact in the last year. The same would happen if all of the sudden "leftist" became popular and we didn't try to work with those more to the right. I believe we did do that for awhile when we had control of congress and media and that is why all those right shrills began to have such a voice. In the words of someone else here this all just my opinion though.

They have gotten out of hand when folks like these get to have air time to vent their spleen.

Fox News Host On Sexist Forbes Article
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 09:45 am
Revel, that's just plain silly and I won't hijack the thread further to discuss it. Ebrown, if you want to debate the policies/procedures of the GOP and Dems within leftist and rightist principles, please start a new thread. I'll be happy to participate there.

Meanwhile, I got to take tweezers on the plane yesterday, but I still couldn't take hand cream. It gets weirder and weirder.

(I can just imagine, however, hijacking a plane however "Nobody move! I've got tweezers!")
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 10:08 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Revel, that's just plain silly and I won't hijack the thread further to discuss it. Ebrown, if you want to debate the policies/procedures of the GOP and Dems within leftist and rightist principles, please start a new thread. I'll be happy to participate there.

Meanwhile, I got to take tweezers on the plane yesterday, but I still couldn't take hand cream. It gets weirder and weirder.

(I can just imagine, however, hijacking a plane however "Nobody move! I've got tweezers!")

I am still confused on what your point is in all this. Do you believe that no one should have leave their treezers and hand creams behind or just muslims and Arabs should have to leave their treezers and hand creams behind?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2006 11:57 am
Already asked and answered Revel. I think terrorists should not be allowed on airplanes at all so that other people can safely transport normal everyday items. As we are unlikely to have assurance of that anytime in the near future, I do not mind the security provisions in place. I do appreciate it when they make sense. And I would just like them increased to include profiling and extra scrutiny of all those who are most likely to be terrorists.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 06:52 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Already asked and answered Revel. I think terrorists should not be allowed on airplanes at all so that other people can safely transport normal everyday items. As we are unlikely to have assurance of that anytime in the near future, I do not mind the security provisions in place. I do appreciate it when they make sense. And I would just like them increased to include profiling and extra scrutiny of all those who are most likely to be terrorists.

I agree, terrorist should not be allowed on a plane at all.

Those of Arabic looking origins and Muslim sounding names are already profiled and extra scrutinized.

Racial Profiling

Which rules do you think do not make sense, and would you like those rules to be changed for everybody or just those who are not obvious Muslims or Arabs?

I mean if you think it is silly for anyone to believe you could hijack a plane with a pair of treezers, how would that same item be any different in the hands of a terrorist?

It seems to me you get on a plane an awful lot so obviously you must have enough money to stop at the local walmart to buy those sorts of items when you arrive at your destination. They have them in the travel section for a relative low price.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 07:02 am
Just two thoughts (again):

- I really would like, one of you US-citizens had to undergo an interview like I did in May (at first, a lady in with commands that made GDR-officers sound friendly ordered me where to go, then the interview with questions whom I was going to meet, from where I knew them, where they lived etc etc)

- my photo equipment is to heavy/big to be taken as hand luggage now (in the UK and US). And I would never pack it in the luggage (not only because it's $6,000 worth). So: no flights there until rules are changed. (My cameras and lenses have been inspected by security supervisors already a couple of times :wink: )
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2006 03:16 pm
I don't mind having my computer, cell phone, camera, and other equipment I travel with inspected in great detail. I don't mind if terrorists have tweezers. I think it rather ridiculous to ban tweezers and allow ballpoint pens which I think are much more dangerous. It isn't what we are allowed to carry or not carry that is the issue, but I am just funny I guess in that I like for things to make sense. Such as awhile back, fingernail clippers were conficated by security, and then you could purchase a replacement at one of the kiosks when you were walking on to your gate. Does that make sense? I think not.

I don't mind when I'm the one singled out for extra scrutiny though it still bugs me to be receiving the scrutiny while a couple of dozen far less innocent looking types breeze right through security without any extra scrutiny.

Whatever Amnesty International reports too often bears so little resemblance to the reality that I don't trust their report without verification from another source. (I don't mean to say they never get it right because sometimes they do. And they absolutely do some good work too right alongside their more flaky side.)

And to the best of my knowledge, it is still against the rules, at least in the United States, to profile Middle-Eastern looking guys or any other based on racial characteristics. That is the one rule I would like to see changed.

Final observation: There aren't a heck of a lot of Wal-marts at airports or near major hotels.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 07:19 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I don't mind having my computer, cell phone, camera, and other equipment I travel with inspected in great detail. I don't mind if terrorists have tweezers. I think it rather ridiculous to ban tweezers and allow ballpoint pens which I think are much more dangerous. It isn't what we are allowed to carry or not carry that is the issue, but I am just funny I guess in that I like for things to make sense. Such as awhile back, fingernail clippers were conficated by security, and then you could purchase a replacement at one of the kiosks when you were walking on to your gate. Does that make sense? I think not.

I don't mind when I'm the one singled out for extra scrutiny though it still bugs me to be receiving the scrutiny while a couple of dozen far less innocent looking types breeze right through security without any extra scrutiny.

Whatever Amnesty International reports too often bears so little resemblance to the reality that I don't trust their report without verification from another source. (I don't mean to say they never get it right because sometimes they do. And they absolutely do some good work too right alongside their more flaky side.)

And to the best of my knowledge, it is still against the rules, at least in the United States, to profile Middle-Eastern looking guys or any other based on racial characteristics. That is the one rule I would like to see changed.

Final observation: There aren't a heck of a lot of Wal-marts at airports or near major hotels.

I am not surprised that you don't trust Amnesty.

I sincerely doubt you are going to find a source that you trust who actually looks into racial profiling in airports. However here is another one that I am sure you are not going to trust.

Muslim-Americans Say Racial Profiling Led to Detention, Harassment at Airport

Failing to find a local Wal-Mart, I am sure there are other stores to buy personal items such hand cream and tweezers or other personal toilette items.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2006 09:23 am
revel wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I don't mind having my computer, cell phone, camera, and other equipment I travel with inspected in great detail. I don't mind if terrorists have tweezers. I think it rather ridiculous to ban tweezers and allow ballpoint pens which I think are much more dangerous. It isn't what we are allowed to carry or not carry that is the issue, but I am just funny I guess in that I like for things to make sense. Such as awhile back, fingernail clippers were conficated by security, and then you could purchase a replacement at one of the kiosks when you were walking on to your gate. Does that make sense? I think not.

I don't mind when I'm the one singled out for extra scrutiny though it still bugs me to be receiving the scrutiny while a couple of dozen far less innocent looking types breeze right through security without any extra scrutiny.

Whatever Amnesty International reports too often bears so little resemblance to the reality that I don't trust their report without verification from another source. (I don't mean to say they never get it right because sometimes they do. And they absolutely do some good work too right alongside their more flaky side.)

And to the best of my knowledge, it is still against the rules, at least in the United States, to profile Middle-Eastern looking guys or any other based on racial characteristics. That is the one rule I would like to see changed.

Final observation: There aren't a heck of a lot of Wal-marts at airports or near major hotels.

I am not surprised that you don't trust Amnesty.

I sincerely doubt you are going to find a source that you trust who actually looks into racial profiling in airports. However here is another one that I am sure you are not going to trust.

Muslim-Americans Say Racial Profiling Led to Detention, Harassment at Airport

Failing to find a local Wal-Mart, I am sure there are other stores to buy personal items such hand cream and tweezers or other personal toilette items.

I have no reasons to trust or distrust the source as it is irrelevent to the reality of policy. The administration and homeland security say they are not doing profiling. That somebody gets pulled aside for extra scrutiny is certainly not evidence that profiling is being done. I'm sure there are any number of people, when pulled aside for extra scrutiny, are going to complain about harrassment on any grounds they can think of.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2006 07:52 am
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2006 07:56 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I'm sure there are any number of people, when pulled aside for extra scrutiny, are going to complain about harrassment on any grounds they can think of.

Yes, they are.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2006 08:13 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Revel, since when is "Left" or "Right" partisan?.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2006 12:59 pm
just listened to CNBC :
more and more air-travellers are shipping their luggage ahead to their point of destinations . of course , the majority of travellers will still take their baggage to the airport for check-in .
the two companies involved in 'preshipping' have posted increases of 100-150 % within the last few months .
it's not cheap - a traveller paid $400 to have her luggage shipped ahead to greece . she said it's worth the money avoiding all the hassle .
0 Replies

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