Quote:Traditionally it is the Dems who promote diversity as a positive response to racism and narrow-mindedness they perceive on the right, but how deep does their respect/appreciation for diversity really go?
In many ways they are opposed to traditional Christianity, and do they really appreciate traditional Jewish and Muslim religion or do they only appreciate secular ethnic cultural traditions, such as traditional foods, dress, music, etc.?
In short, are Dems really capable of appreciating and/or respecting deep religious beliefs, which may contradict certain political interests they hold, as part of respecting diversity?
Dems generally only accept a secular humanist version of every religion. They have a system they use to establish this secular humanist version of the worlds religions.
First, they take the authority to instill morals in the population at a young age away from parents through
elected local school boards by giving that authority to a much larger more encompassing public educational system that answers to a National university system.
Then, they take the religious moral authority over the university systems away from orthodox God centered religions and, give it to humanist secular centered (more enlightened) educated versions of said religions.
They do this by, misinterpreting the "separation of church and state clause" from Thomas Jefferson's letter to a baptist church (which is not even written in the constitution) and then, use the misinterpretation of said letter as an excuse for
non-elected judges to remove an orthodox "God centered" interpretation of the moral code and give it to a "human secular" version of the moral code.
This then transfers the authority over deciding what the moral code is from God to the elite (liberal professors) in academia who (once again) are appointed and therefore
non elected officials.
Unfortunately the type of people that get selected for these type of positions are excellent at communicating because they can really focus on the here and now which is subjective point of view (if it feels good to me it is good). But, God is all encompassing which is objective point of view (it is good only if it fits God's all encompassing eternal plan).
Which means a very narrow, self centered, subjective moral code is being established in our nation by the Dems which, by definition is always less diverse than an all encompassing objective moral code established by God because God can consider what's good for all people over all of time.
And it was done by removing the right to vote over local elected school boards to non elected professors at National universities.
So, The Dems do have one thing right, "
It is very important to give people the right to vote. Unfortunately the Dems love to suppress people's right to vote at a local level over moral issues.
Examples of this moral code being established without a vote is revealed as we have recently replaced a God centered definition of the following moral issues: what is a human being
definition of marriage
who is considered a man and who is a woman
which rights come from the state and which rights are endowed by God
etc . . .