I am a democrat. I am also registered as a democrat.
1. I believe the super wealthy should pay a lot more in taxes than they have been.
2. I also believe that the low and middle class should be paying less taxes.
3. I believe in strong regulations and enforcement for consumer protections.
4. I believe in strong regulations and enforcement for consumer rights.
5. I believe in strong regulations and enforcement for labor rights.
6. I believe in strong labor Unions.
7. I believe in strong regulations and enforcement for public health.
8. I believe in strong regulation and enforcement for public safety.
9. I believe in strong regulation and enforcement for environmental protections.
10. I believe in strong regulations and enforcement to keep harmful pollutants out of our ground, air, and water.
11. I believe in the preservation of our rivers, lakes, oceans, beaches, mountains, forest, and other forms of nature.
12. I believe in maintaining the cleanliness and pureness of our rivers, lakes, oceans, beaches, mountains, forest, and other forms of nature.
13. I believe in single payer/Medicare-for-all.
14. I also believe in incremental steps that would some day evolve into Medicare-for-all.
15. I also believe in a strong public education, because the children are our future.
16. I am against cutting entitlements that helps the poor, because I believe the super wealthy should be paying more in taxes to help fund those programs.
17. I believe in making laws that would increase voter turn out.
18. I believe in giving voters the option of voting early.
19. I believe in opening many more locations for early voting.
20. I believe that all voting machines should have a paper trail back up, just in case there is a need for a manual recount.