It happened to me what the **** is the other guys thinking not only did he ruin his prettyboy face he ruined my marriage of 15 years the guy knew he was in the wrong so he never called the cops broken collar bone broken nose broken Jaw Bashed skull he's hurt so Am I go to hell all you coventers you get what you deserve
I don't think there is anything wrong with having sex with another man's (or women's) wife.
After all, the marriage is the responsibility of the husband and wife. They took whatever vows they took. These vows are not anyone else's responsibility.
If a wife is willing to break her vows with you, that isn't your responsibility.
I am of the opinion that women are human beings able to make their own choices. The idea that wives belong to their husbands is outdated.
I just realized that I am posting on an 8 year old thread. Sorry Kickycan that I wasn't here earlier.