Mon 7 Jan, 2019 11:59 am
This guy (we’ll call him #1) has a crush on me, his two friends (#2 and #3) tagged me in a relationship meme with him on Instagram to force him to tell me how he feels. I was able to let him down in a nice way, but guy #2 tagged me again in the same meme with him multiple times as a joke, I decided to flip the situation and it turned into a fun online friendship between the four of us. They don’t live that far from me, so when they went to eat at a restaurant that was really close to my house I said, “you should bring me French fries.” I said it as a joke but they actually ended up doing it. Through the chat I had already started having an crush on #3 but nothing too serious because I had never met him in person. When he got out of the car with #1 and #2 to give me the French fries my crush majorly expanded. He was even cuter and funnier in person. That night I had a conversation with #2 about school and stuff and #3 got really upset with him because he felt that #2 was trying to date me which was a betrayal to #1, but he wasn’t we are just friends. If #3 got upset when he thought #2 was breaking the bro code, that means I probably don’t have a chance with him. What should I do?