i had a gf once that told me that good chocolate was better than sex. i never bought her chocolate again
haha! Sometimes it is, but that's an aweful big generalization!
Hmmmm - I nearly went and bought some offerings to the Dark God yesterday - but I resisted - for how long, I wonder?
Chocolate and sex - this either/or mentality!!!! They are DIFFERENT - both can be wonderful, both can be ho-hum - BUT, with chocolate, you can tell what you are getting - and the more you pay, the better it gets.
Why not combine them?
yeah well i guess she thought of me as the Hershey's of romance and of course i told her i was the Godiva.

she dumped me for a box from Harrods
Will there be a chocolate-coated sponge?
c'mona my house, l'k. there's always chocolate here, even though i'm not a fan. i keep a stash for visitors having cocoa emergencies. no candy bars pretending to be chocolate - chocolate bars only!
mmmmm... thanks Beth.
I came home, got the powdered ghiradeli (that's not the right spelling, but it's too late to get up and look), through two HEAPING tsp of that with one tsp of sugar and made cocoa with half hot water and half cold milk. And then I had turkey for dinner. I'm feeling MUCH better.
Chocolate is full of fat and calories.
So am I, but some people still love me!
Chocolate is good especially when you are exhausted.
Hardening of the arteries.
Softening of the heart and ravishment of the senses....
NH - didja read the link I posted?
Walter has sent you a very special virtual chocolate treat and a message for you!!
To retrieve your virtual chocolate message, double click on the URL below:
Walter, what a delicious site!