Dates from Hell...

Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 10:42 pm
Ok - we've all had them. My girlfriend and I were reminiscing today about our worst dates and I want to hear more. Here are my worst:

Bachelor #1 - This was a blind date, you know a friend of a friend of a friend. I was a college student living in NYC and all I was told was he was a nice guy who worked as a street performer to put himself through graduate school. We briefly talk on the phone, he seemed nice and we agree he will meet me at my dorm. I am waiting in the lobby and in walks a clown. I mean a real clown - silly polka dot jumper, big yellow fright wig, red rubber nose and big clown shoes. He walks over to me and introduces himself - he pulls out a big paper flower from the side of his pantaloons and hands it to me. I am in shock - this is my date and I am stuck with him for the evening. As we go outside it is starts to rain lightly. I mention we should get an umbrella. He reaches into the pocket of his pants again and pulls out and pops open a very tiny umbrella and hands it to me. It is bright pink and would not protect a miniature poodle, but in my stunned state I hold it over my head (in my other hand is the paper flower) and we walk down 5th Ave. We are stared at - a lot - and remember this is NYC , the place where all pedestrians pretend to be blind. Long story short part - we went to a movie where he honked his little toy horn at all the funny parts, until the guy behind us said he was about "to commit clownicide" if he didn't stop it. He took me home and at the door and bent down to kiss me good-night - I said "I do not kiss men who wear more makeup than I do." I shook his hand and did not answer the phone for 3 weeks.

Bachelor #2 - Met a handsome man at a business conference. We arrange to meet for drinks later in the week at an upscale restaurant/bar with both know. I arrive wearing a new little black dress and a string of pearls I inherited from my great aunt. He looks nice and is sitting at the bar. I sit next to him. About 15 minutes into the conversation I notice him staring down at the pearls. "They're not real are they?' he says. "Oh yes, they certainly are" I say. " I could tell if I touch them, if they are real or not" he says. "Go right ahead" I say confident that the pearls are the genuine article. He reaches out and literally grabs my breasts. I jump up, almost falling off the bar stool, a yelp sort of came out of my mouth and not knowing what else to do I darted out of the restaurant and grabbed a cab that was letting out other people and went home - and did not answer my phone for 3 weeks. He actually did call and left an apology, but I did not calling him back.

Bachelor #3 - Another blind date - started out great - good looking guy, good talker, we have a nice dinner, go to a club to dance - he takes me home. As we get to the front stoop of my building he puts his foot up on the step and leans over to tie his shoe. We both hear a big ripping sound as the back of his chinos split wide open. It's fairly dark, but I could tell from the sound that his butt must be hanging out. I say "Come on upstairs and I'll fix the seam on my roommates sewing machine." He comes up and I tell him to go into the bedroom and throw his pants into a little hallway between the living room and the bedrooms. Now across from the bedroom is the bathroom and on the bathroom door is a mirror which by coincidence happens to reflect back into the bedroom. I swear I didn't mean to peak, but I clearly caught his reflection in the mirror as he was throwing the pants into the hall and there was no mistaking the fact that he was wearing women's undies. Satin little panties with pink and yellow flowers and lacy trim. I didn't say anything, just sewed up the pants, and thanked him for the evening. He did call again and I admit I lied and told him I had gotten back together with an old beau.

OK next...

edited because I can't spell.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 10:54 pm
Wow, no date I have ever had could top those!
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 11:06 pm
Hahaha, I love the clown story. Why in god's name would a guy actually think that the clown bit would work? Some people need to catch the train back to reality.
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Green Witch
Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 11:10 pm
I sometimes wonder whatever happened to the clown guy. He said was working towards an MBA. He's probably a successful investment banker by now and laughing all the way to the bank.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 11:22 pm
Nah, he's probably posting stories on some website about a green witch he once dated with obviously fake boobs.

<snort> Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Those were really classics, GW. I've had my share of bad dates, but none of them could measure up to yours. ROTFLMAO!
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Green Witch
Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 11:26 pm
Hey - they're REAL! - the pearls and the boobs!
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 12:44 am
Oh, I believe you! They must be very impressive to have caused such a reaction from Date No. 2. (Not the pearls.)
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 01:49 am
I wish was making this up, but its 100% true (long, so I'll give the abridged version):

I'm 16 years old. First girl that ever came on to me invites me to a family BBQ.
I get lost on my way to her house.
I finally get to her neighborhood, and its in the "Bad" part of town. One kid on the street shouted at me "Where the f*ck do you think your at, man? I think your in the wrong part of town!"
500 feet from her house I roll over a piece of metal in the street and pop my tire.
I try to get away to fix it and then return, but the air went out so fast I was on my rim by the time I was 4 houses away. So I had to stop.
I didn't have a jack for my car, so I begged a local homeowner to call my uncle for me to come and help me fix it (this is before cell phones).
My date steps out of the house, and walks over to see whats going on. Trying to save face, I tell her, "Oh, its fine. I just came out of this house, he's a good friend of the family, I've known him for years. He's just making a quick call for me, thats all..." Just then, the guy sticks his head out of the window and shouts "HEY KID, I called that number you gave me. The guys says he's on his way!". I was mortified.
Then it started to rain.

My uncle arrived not to long afterward, fixed my tire, and I took off.

I never heard from her again.
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 02:40 am
Ever had a guy crying on a first date? Sobbing, in fact. Yup, it's real charming. Well, this one lost his father not long before the date, but still. I tried my damnedest to be a sport and make the evening as smooth as possible, but I have ignored my phone for three weeks also. Never saw him again.
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 07:45 am
Eva wrote:
Oh, I believe you! They must be very impressive to have caused such a reaction from Date No. 2. (Not the pearls.)

OK, Kickycan promised me a picture tutorial - What better time to pop my boobs up onto the internet. I'll have to get my act together and post a picture and you can decide. I'll have to find a little black dress that fits the same (naked is not an option).
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 06:21 pm
Tooooo funny!! Did you ever find out what clown-guy looked like under all the make-up?

Here's my horror story: When I was about 16 I met a guy. We hit it off. He was great looking, sweet, all that good stuff. He asked me on to go with him to a school dance the following week. So, we go to the dance, holding hands, started getting to know each other a bit, talking about our families, relatives (you know where this is going right?..) We seemed to be related to the same people.... we were cousins!! <shudder> Needless to say the hand holding stopped immediately and we were both thankful we hadn't gotten to the kissing yet.
Oh the joys of small town dating lol
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 06:28 pm
I guess you're not from the Ozarks.

Nope never found out what he looked like and not sure I wanted to.
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 07:42 pm
I was thinking about why a guy would do that, and I bet he just did it so he would have a story to tell.

As far as the pearl thing, you have to admit he was pretty clever. Unless he had no idea you were talking about the pearls. Then he was just lucky.
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Joe Nation
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 07:55 pm
It's 1965, Boston. We are a group of six viral um virile men who want dates(!!!) and the rumor is that if we go the Katherine Gibbs School and announce ourselves as eligible, dates will appear. We do. The fresh faced woman-girl at the front desk leans into the microphone and oozes "There are six men from Emerson looking for a date for the evening." There is a pause, appropriate pause, proper pause... then a thunder on the stairs and not six, but sixTEEN women, girls, WO men, holy moly SexTeen women are staring at us like we are the aliens just landed. The fresh faced girl-women from the front desk informs us of the the Fairness Doctrine, in this case meaning that which ever six reached the landing first are our dates, picking and choosing based on breast size or godknowswhat would be untoward. So the first six stepped forward and we matched up one for one. I got a one and half for one.

Elizabetha (names have been changed because of the fog of time) stood Six foot two in her stocking feet, I am a mere Five foot nine when I lie about my height and, it must be said, Elizabetha was not a happy person that night. (I found out later that the Fairness Doctrine said that if you were at the front of the line you HAD to go on the date for at least two hours.)

The twelve of us went to the some folk concert place in Copley Square, like the HungryI, it was plain and full of musicians singing about the heartbreak of being a coalminer in Nova Scotia. I bought Elizabetha a hot apple cider, it wasn't hot nor particularly tasty and neither was the rest of the evening.

We parted at the corner of Arlington and Beacon after a long ten block walk through the frosty autumn air. We did not kiss nor embrace nor make any semblance of any psycho-social-sexual-convention of being aware of each other's presence other than to say that it had been an experience. A term that I think was co-opted later by Jimi Hendrix after I told him about that night but nevermind...

About two weeks later, I met one of the dorm matrons of Katherine Gibbs by pure happenstance when we both appeared at a Catholic Church for Mass at the wrong time. We both stood looking at the schedule in disbelief, no pun intended. She broached the conversation by saying she thought there was a later Mass on the North Side. This proved to be untrue or something she made up for we ended up having a drink together (I was eighteen barely, she was, I don't know, older.) We got a room at a very nice, small, hotel and she taught me many, many things over the next three months, then the semester was out and she left to teach at a college in Vermont.

You may not believe this, but I think about Elizabetha and (I have never revealed her name before and think I will not now) the matron often, as often as ten or more times a year. I always hope that Elizabetha came roaring down the stairs the night that some tall, very very rich Harvard man had come calling and I wish for the matron a life of the purest joy filled with the same unbounded passion of those mid-autumn afternoons.
I was never afraid again, shy but not afraid.

Joe(somewhere, there is a picture of us on a pier, we are wildeyed)Nation
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Reply Thu 31 Mar, 2005 12:14 pm
Bookmarking for entertainment when I have a minute!

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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 06:34 am
And wonderful entertainment it was, too.

The clown is my favourite story - just SO absurd.

I don't think I've got anything to compare with the tales related here!

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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 08:49 am
Funny Green Witch – I can say that I never went on a date with some one dressed as a clown, but I did have some one dressed as a clown try to pick me up and flirt with me – it didn’t work. My girlfriend also had a mall Santa say some not so Santa Claus stuff to her as we walked by him.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 09:02 am
Once I went on a date...and the girl DIDN'T put out! Crazy, I know.

Worst date I had. At a bar having some beers watching some live music. Psycho just looks at me a little blankly, then asks if I want her to be my girlfriend. I told her to go play in the street(in the nicest way possible). Few minutes later she shows me the scars on her wrist from when she tried to kill herself. Took her home, banged her, and never talked to her again.

Other than that, I haven't really had any dates that have turned into some nightmare story.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 09:03 am
Yer quite a story-teller Joe ...
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 09:31 am
My worst date happened on a night that I had invited this fellow I'd begun seeing to my house for dinner -- you know, the whole Phase II thing.

I was cooking Mexican food.
Chopping jalepenos.
Went to put in contacts.

Jalapeno marinated contacts are a very bad idea.

By the time Date arrived my eye was swollen shut and he had to pry my eye open to remove the lens.

How romantic!

He suggested we "reschedule" and I was sure I would never hear from him again but he did call the next day to see how I was and we agreed to see each other again on the next day.

I go visit the opthomoligist where I am issued an eye patch, of all things.

That evening, the bell rings and I anwser the door to be met with stunned silence....

... then a mighty "Arrrgggg".

Playing pirate can be fun, matey.
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