Good morning all and especially McTag:
This should have been a pm, I know, but it's my thread and I'll post what I want to.
How to post pictures: there's a thread =
So you want to post a picture...
And here's a place to put them so you can post them.
Raven's Realm
Basically, you have to upload your pics to to a website, and then post them onto A2k. I use Image Shack because it allows me to do addtional editing, but Raven's is a good place to start. Once you have a picture (image) on a website, you can RIGHT click on it. That opens a box. Click on Properties. You will see a URL for your picture usually ending in with the letters jpg. Like this:
COPY that address.
Now to post your image: When you are replying you'll see a set of buttons Quote Code IMG URL click on the IMG button and paste
the image address into another box that appears. Then they ask you to name your image. Make up something.
Note: Some images are huge. I try to use clickable photos (Thumbnails) so that people can see a small picture but if they want they can click on for the full effect.
Have fun
Joe(click, copy, click, paste, ahhh)Nation