Robert Allen Zimmerman aka BOB DYLAN

Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 06:50 am

Do I count as an individual recipient?

How many "views of the rendering" are there?

Are they all correct?

Are they all valid?

Your's is the Derida position if memory serves me well.Or the Babel stance.It's OK by me either way but it is end of story.We all take your post to mean anything we want as individual recipients.Is that it?

So the tutor tooted a tune
To tutor two tooters some toots
But the flute of the tutor
Did a hoot not a tooter
Cos two tooters tutored with boots.
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 02:00 pm
Spendius Dear Boy, it matters not how you view the feelings of others, but at least show them the respect their considerations of the thread deserve ! Denial of this mannerism is purely an act of subnormality and should be swept under the carpet.
It appears to me Old Chap that you may well be under the illusion that Zimmerman is directing his poetry to your persona ! Consequently any reliable psychiatrist (and there are a few) reading this thread would have cause for concern at your condition, It may well come under the heading of schizophrenia, but I would stand being corrected on my diagnosis, I am no expert in that department. Actually I recall a pleasant discussion at The Ritz (some months back) over dinner with Prof. W J D Noraba good friend of high social and erudite standing who was writing a paper on the thesis of self importance. I found his views extremely beneficial to my understanding of the human race. It would appear that I am spending valuable hours rebuking yourself along with your counterparts following your various tantrums. Only last night I dreamt of Cyracuz and your goodself assailing my home in your smocks, pitch forks in hand, I was forced to release the hounds. Shall we return to The Zimmerman project as gentlemen ? I bid you well and anticipate a favourable response.
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 02:25 pm
Lol. This is getting interesting. Did you not understand my question Mathos? It is quite simple.
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 02:37 pm
Cyracuz wrote:
Lol. This is getting interesting. Did you not understand my question Mathos? It is quite simple.

Cyracuz, Dear Boy, refresh my memory ! I am all ears.
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 02:42 pm
Mathos, you strike me as the sort of fellow who would rather open a book to learn about the flower growing just outside his window. Just what is it you hope to glean from other men's experiences? You'd save yourself a lot of time and trouble if you simply opened the window instead.
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 03:02 pm
Cyracuz wrote:
Mathos, you strike me as the sort of fellow who would rather open a book to learn about the flower growing just outside his window. Just what is it you hope to glean from other men's experiences? You'd save yourself a lot of time and trouble if you simply opened the window instead.

Cyracuz, I dare say without equivocation or indeed mental reservation of any kind, my experiences in life would astound you. I am not here to vaunt, however, for your benefit I will point out a few characteristics of The Baron.

I have virtually travelled the world. I have lived with The Hmong, Padong & Karen of The Golden Triangle, Burma (Myanamar) Laos, Thailand and Yunnan territories. Having joined The Karen on hunting trips lasting several days, I can appreciate hardships the likes of which most men could not envisage. I have bamboo rafted The Ping and Mekong. Lived on a rice barge in south Vietnam. I have eaten rat, locusts, water beetles and various grubs. I have rode a Triumph Bonneville from Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand, to Bangkok, its capital (in under five hours) along roads you might not consider servicable. I spent three weeks in The Pinto Muay Thai Boxing camp on Ko-Samui enduring daily training and seeking out these alarming skills for my own pleasure heat and humidity accordingly.

I have driven a motorcycle at speeds in excess of 180 mph.

I once built a trike from a VW rear end and engine with a Yamaha front control assembly and drove it on a regular basis for several months.

Class 3 British Sub Aqua Club diver.

Schoolboy ABA boxing champion.

I coach boxing on a regular basis to the younger generation.

I consider myself to be reasonably well read. I enjoy the finer things in life. Dear Cyracuz, I doubt you could maintain my level of experiences and the above are a mere sample.
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 05:56 am

What's it all in aid of.What's the point?

I think it was Nietzsche who said that the trouble with man is that he can't sit quietly in his room.They said he was mad but they would wouldn't they.You were on about giving the maidens a run on the grounds that us men were engaged in the destruction of the planet.If we all had a go at what you have had a go at I fear talk of destruction of the planet would be passe as it would be long gone.And if we all did have a go at that what would you then do to prove your superiority.You are obviously not interested in being like the rest of us.
And I thought you wanted to return to the Dylan project.You said you did.And here you are with a catalouge of your daily doings which makes me feel exhausted just reading through it.So you want a theme park big enough to fit your head into.What's new about that?You should have been a Grand Prix driver.You coulda bin on the telly.

I'll return to the thread for you-

"Little boy lost,he takes himself so seriously."
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 07:06 am

I hope you won't mind my pointing out to you that this is a philosophy and debate thread.

Further to that,there are people who come on these threads who are veterans of Korea,Vietnam,The Falklands,various mid-East difficulties and many other conflicts some of which you might never have even heard.There are also people who's task it is to care for some of the survivors and there are also relatives and friends of those vets and the ones who failed to make it home.
Your literary home video of what is little more than a range of bourgeois holiday japes might impress a girl's choir having a Sunday soft drinks party on the vicarage lawn but,I am very much afraid to say,will not have anywhere near the same effect on those I mentioned above who might,just might,forbear pointing this out to you more forcefully that I have now that I have done so in the English fashion.
If they do hold their frustration in check it will be this post which will have helped them to do so.We will have to hope so.
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 08:35 am
Hehe... we could turn this into a match of who's the wilder dareddevil, but that's beside the point. I've never eaten a rat, but I've had some pretty fulfilling experiences, and I've seen Bob Dylan live many enough times to know that the experience cannot be conveyed in a post on Zimmerman. But I seem to recall that this was what you considered "good stuff". Hence my question.

BTW, if you traveled the world with the attitude you are traveling A2K I'm surprised you made it home in one piece. :wink:
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 09:00 am
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 12:51 pm
Dear Spendius, how you rant akin to a maiden with menopausal problems ! Once again your temper and lack of self control are expressing their weaknesses yet your knowledge of Zimmerman (if there be any further in your diminutive cranium ) is not being expressed as I hoped it might. In fact the last few days here and on other threads in the general forum concept have as much to do with the various subjects as Marks and Spencers, Laurel and Hardy or Freeman Hardy and Willis. The constituents of a system related force (psychodynamics) are apparently re-acting with your mental and extreme emotional processes ! This in turn is leading to total paranoia in your particular delusions and quite chronic psychosis. This inference Dear Boy, I feel justified in mentioning is causing you totally un-warranted fear and distrust of others in what you regard as abnormal situations simply because The Ball is not following your intended path. A malefactor being a common example of this syndrome with regards to the forces of law and order.

I have noticed, (not doubting for one moment there are others viewing your lack of common sense as well as control along with your fits of jealousy) with strong concern your volt-faced attitude to several earlier statements you have issued as I scan back through your postings over the months. The esoteric values of the privileged few are of course chuckling at your childish and irrational outbursts and diversities.

Talking of Zimmerman though, earlier to-day my wine merchant called as his appointment suggested, he was scanning through the records I still hold of the 'Late Jackson'. He was quite impressed, requesting that I might play a nasal rendering or two. He thoroughly enjoyed (as I did myself) Positively 4th Street and stated that in his book it was one of Zimmermans classics! He asked if I would mind taping a copy of the song for him, which I did on The B & O, thereby ensuring a quality rendering. It was good tact on my behalf, he gave me an additional freeby, a six bottle case of Povilly Fume, a splendid fruity wine with a slight gun flint aroma, from The Chateau de Tracy a splendid producer. The Chateau de Tracy being my favourite creator of fine wines. It is set in a beautiful sloping parkland and the present owners are proud to trace the Tracy history back to 1396. So you see Spendicus, Zimmerman is beneficial in many ways. Do you wish to add more ? In conclusion of this passage I may well let Zimmerman react as I see fit :-

Now I know you're dissatisfied
With your position and your place
Don't you understand
Its not my problem
I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is
To see you !

Capital Zimmerman, absolutely capital !
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 03:47 am
Laughing Laughing

First class entertainment this is
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 05:04 am

That's the main thing done and dusted then.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 05:11 am
Mathos wrote:
Dear Spendius, how you rant akin to a maiden with menopausal problems

I can't stop laughing. I've never seen a piece of written text where someone has said anything of so little interest with such eloquence.

We'd better watch ourselves Spendius. Mathos does display that he has some brains. We'd be in real trouble if he ever used them Smile
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 05:28 am

Had you looked back on my posts you would have seen a recent one on your very own thread which attempted to start a discussion of Dylan's basic philosophy.
Instead of this providing you with an opportunity to send us your thoughts on that subject you ran away like a skittering banshee into a competition about who has the biggest dong,the largest sphericals and the most hairs on them.I merely tried to warn you that a paddle up the Mekong under the supervision of a tour guide is paltry fair compared to what some of the threaders on here have been through.
Had I written Positively 4th Street,which is basically versifying,I would have binned it.I hate the song nearly as much as I do My Way.Self pity and self justification are not suitable in artistic circles.Anybody who likes the song has a big chip on his or her shoulder.It has no redeeming features that I can see apart from the possibility that it might allow the disgruntled to feel a little better about themselves or to provide them with ways of expressing their disgruntlement which they haven't the wit to think up for themselves.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 06:50 am
Nice one spendius.This thread is moving away from "do you like Bob or not" towards a philosophical debate of his lyrics. Much more interesting, for the peanut gallery.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 08:51 am
Hearing the slang use of "drag" in that song always bothered me, too. It dates the whole thing in an unattractive way, imo. Definitely NOT one of his best.

Panzade... Add an "o"! Your question immediatel reminded me of The Fugs and a really stupid song they had: http://www.lyrical.nl/song/32602

Very Happy
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 10:18 am
Without peeking...I'm guessing "Do You Wear Your Jock A Lot" which had us in stitches as teens. Or was it boobs?

Oh, and Jackson Browne was a member of a late incarnation.

But I digress
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 02:46 pm
spendius wrote:

Had you looked back on my posts you would have seen a recent one on your very own thread which attempted to start a discussion of Dylan's basic philosophy.
Instead of this providing you with an opportunity to send us your thoughts on that subject you ran away like a skittering banshee into a competition about who has the biggest dong,the largest sphericals and the most hairs on them.I merely tried to warn you that a paddle up the Mekong under the supervision of a tour guide is paltry fair compared to what some of the threaders on here have been through.
Had I written Positively 4th Street,which is basically versifying,I would have binned it.I hate the song nearly as much as I do My Way.Self pity and self justification are not suitable in artistic circles.Anybody who likes the song has a big chip on his or her shoulder.It has no redeeming features that I can see apart from the possibility that it might allow the disgruntled to feel a little better about themselves or to provide them with ways of expressing their disgruntlement which they haven't the wit to think up for themselves.

Spendius Old Chap, having decided to ignore the second paragraph of your post I can say the first and third are much improved, & show good signs of a return to normality, I am well pleased. I congratulate your change in no uncertain terms. 'T'is indeed a pleasant improvement I see this day!' You know Dear Boy, I had been thinking of you earlier to-day and thought perhaps you may be a 'Tyke' Yes I concluded, the reason for his temperament, (perhaps I am correct, no doubt you will let me know!)

'Yorkshire born
Yorkshire bred
Strong in th'arm
Weak in Th'ead.

Now I am pleased with your comments on Zimmerman's Positively 4th St. however, you did not write it and consequently your remarks are purely hypothetical. We do need to adhere to the programme with conviction and common sense. I think it apt we consider this evenings venue a firm and steady hand shake Old Chap, hypothetically you may consider I had bought you a gill, now that should be worth your favourable considerations!

For tomorrow Spendius
Your comments on Zimmerman's 'Like a Rolling Stone'

Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 03:38 am

Rolling Stone has been analysed into dust by every Tom,Dick and Harry with self-serving teleologies uppermost.It is a creature of its time and space.Dylan has said that it is "just a riff".The full song is a rarity in performance and the album one is of another musical era famous for Al Cooper's contribution which was more or less fortuitous.
The value in it,and there must be value,for me is in the first four lines of the third verse.Well understood those lines can save people from making fools of themselves which leads me to think that they are hardly understood at all.

I thought it might be of some small value to posters on your thread if I offered up items which may be of interest.

In a 1981 interview Dylan said-
"I don't know if I'd call myself a poet or not.I would like to but I'm not really qualified.I don't know what,you know,Robert Frost or Keats or TS Eliott would really think of my stuff."

Allen Ginsberg reported in 1980 talking to Dylan at a do in New Mexico in honour of DH Lawrence.

AG-God is forgiveness.
D-Yes,but he also comes to judge.

This is Ronnie Hawkins in 1980 in Toronto-
"He had this black chick following him everywhere carrying a Bible and praising the Lord every two seconds.Dylan told me that he had sold 12 million records since he became a Christian.I told him to become a Moslem and he might sell 60 million."

Is the style of that any good.There's a mountain of it in my records.If I fancied organising it I'd do a book.
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