Florida to end "leftist totalitarianism" by "dictator profs"

Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 01:17 pm
mysteryman wrote:
I have tried to tell people what went on when I was there.
The common response is..."well yeah,but that is only where you were,what about the rest"?

or,"yea,but you are an unwitting pawn and dont really know"

ahh, i don't buy into that, especially the second response. the military doesn't make policy, they carry it out. if there's unwitting pawns around here, it's more like the folks that buy what their respective leaders say without thinking. that's all i ever ask of folks. weigh what you hear against what you observe and make up your own mind. in cases like the iraq war (and most others), the people stateside only "observe" what is presented, not necessarily what is.

mysteryman wrote:
It seems that most people that are against the war dont want to hear anything about the good that is being done,the bravery of our soldiers,or anything else that doesnt jibe with their own skewed view.

i'd have to say the same about the some of the pro-war folks, reversed. many really don't want to even consider that the war may have gone off half cocked or whatever. the part that bothers me most about that is, it's really too easy to sit on the sidelines and yell "go get 'em boys!" from the comfort of the recliner.

but there's a saying i really like;

"there's three sides to every story. your side, my side and the truth".

and that's what's important. that's where you guys come in.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 02:40 pm
B, that is a terribly sad and prescient article in the Times. The connection with the destruction of statues by the Taliban is not overwrought, but very true.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 02:43 pm
I understand that.But,I can show you posts on A2K from people,giving me that exact response.
That since I was a soldier,that means that I am going to lie and cover up the bad that is happening in Iraq now.
Or,that I volunteered just so I could go kill people (never mind that I was a navy corpsman and my job was to save lives).

There are many people on A2K and SB that dont want to hear anything that doesnt fit their mindset.

I call it the "my mind is made up and I dont want to be confused by the facts" Syndrome.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 02:51 pm
In all honesty I've always read your (posts) avidly but don't remember A2Kers implying that you were lying and covering up. Did you save some of those posts?
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 03:29 pm
panzade wrote:
In all honesty I've always read your (posts) avidly but don't remember A2Kers implying that you were lying and covering up. Did you save some of those posts?

Here are a few of the "best" posts from some on A2K about me,the military,and the war in general.
You tell me what I am supposed to think...
This one from Tartarin,Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 09:25
"I'd like to say that I'm hoping that this US invasion of a sovereign nation will be a god-awful flop and mess."

Then there is this,from someone named henrygreen...
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 12:58

"This Memorial day, let us mourn the countless VICTIMS of our treacherous GIs--the woman and children they have murdered en masse, the lands they have poisoned and destroyed, the untold misery they have sown in a dozen countries around the world.

Let us point an accusing finger at ALL LEVELS of our military and heap abuse on these profaners of life and decency!


Joined: 17 May 2003
Posts: 34

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 13:47 Post: 219246 - "Thanks" to our troops!

Those who have been following the news will recognize "Nasariyah" from Mysteryman's post as the site of some particularly gruesome mass murders of civilians, many of them, children.


We have nothing to "thank" such ruthless butchers for.

He belongs behind bars along with the rest of these American Nazis.

Then there was this,also by "henrygreen"...

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 18:08 Post: 219408 -

de genova was exactly on target.

Our troops should be put before war crimes trials beside the Nazi leaders they blindly followed.

I'm glad mysterman is "proud" of the children blinded and disfigured by the United states--the 400,000 children facing imminent death by malnutrition as a result of his patriotic efforts.

Frankly, a bullet is too good for such a person

Or this one...

"Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 13:06 Post: 220188 -


Frank has advised us to use more moderate language in describing America's crimes against humanity. Please substitute "incident" for "atrocity" or "massacre" (eg "the My Lai incident").

Civilian casualties as you know are to be described as "collateral damage."

Children whose arms have been blown off thanks to Mysteryman and fellow Nazi's patriotic attentions are to be referred to as "expected untidiness" (as our secretary of defense wisely instructs). "

There are more,but I cant read them without getting angry and sad at the same time.

Angry that trash like this is judging me,without having been there and without knowing me,and sad that people actually think this way.
BTW,all of these comments can be found in the "Antiwar protests thread,along with others.

I am back at work,but I am still recovering from my wounds,and to be honest comments like these hurt more then people will ever know.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 03:33 pm
It's sad that every soldier gets tarred with the same brush, Mysteryman; the individual stories of hope and success from the front lines of Iraq are about the only good thing to come from this damn war.

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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 06:52 pm
mysteryman wrote:
panzade wrote:
In all honesty I've always read your (posts) avidly but don't remember A2Kers implying that you were lying and covering up. Did you save some of those posts?

Here are a few of the "best" posts from some on A2K about me,the military,and the war in general.
You tell me what I am supposed to think...
Angry that trash like this is judging me,without having been there and without knowing me,and sad that people actually think this way.
BTW,all of these comments can be found in the "Antiwar protests thread,along with others.

I am back at work,but I am still recovering from my wounds,and to be honest comments like these hurt more then people will ever know.

dude, sorry ya had to take that crap on. please believe me that there are really very few that think that way. and i, for one, avoid them. they're a real detriment to what i believe in.

so look, i set up a thread for you (and any other iraq vets that wish) to tell your side of things and i will do my best to keep the thread litter free.

right'cheer Real Stories From Iraq
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 10:20 pm
What a great bill this is.

The professors will have to ask the students what grades they deserve, since each student will know that his answers could be the correct ones.
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 10:35 pm
I'm glad i didn't recognize those names. I got nauseous just reading that crap
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Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2005 11:53 pm
blather writes
Please give full details. Which courses taken, how many, any and all instances of down-marking or whatever that you claim.

Is it customary here to post your entire transcript?
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 02:13 am
mysteryman wrote:
I understand that.But,I can show you posts on A2K from people,giving me that exact response.
That since I was a soldier,that means that I am going to lie and cover up the bad that is happening in Iraq now.
Or,that I volunteered just so I could go kill people (never mind that I was a navy corpsman and my job was to save lives).

There are many people on A2K and SB that dont want to hear anything that doesnt fit their mindset.

I call it the "my mind is made up and I dont want to be confused by the facts" Syndrome.[/quote

And isn't that exactly what is being discussed here? There are closed minds from people on the Left and the Right but from reading the comments supporting this legislation in Florida one would assume that ony liberal professors and students are possessed of such a thing.
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Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2005 02:21 am
goodfielder wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
I understand that.But,I can show you posts on A2K from people,giving me that exact response.
That since I was a soldier,that means that I am going to lie and cover up the bad that is happening in Iraq now.
Or,that I volunteered just so I could go kill people (never mind that I was a navy corpsman and my job was to save lives).

There are many people on A2K and SB that dont want to hear anything that doesnt fit their mindset.

I call it the "my mind is made up and I dont want to be confused by the facts" Syndrome.[/quote

And isn't that exactly what is being discussed here? There are closed minds from people on the Left and the Right but from reading the comments supporting this legislation in Florida one would assume that ony liberal professors and students are possessed of such a thing.[/quote]

that's why i redirected the iraq conversation to it's own thread.

and your comment has real merit. i think that there's plenty of guilt to go around on the subject.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 12:42 am
I am very much afraid that the man from Canada, Mr. Blatham, does not know a great deal about Universities in the USA and thier unabashed liberalism which punishes and hoots down the expression of any conservative values.

Mr.Blatham seems to feel that one must list his own experiences in order to make a case that Liberalism is running rampant and is most intolerant of any other approach in the US Universities, so he says, in effect,--"Yeah, what did you experience"?

Very well- I will recount my experiences and the experiences of my children along with the contentions of very respected observers and professors.

l. I attended De Paul University, The University of Illinois and the University of Chicago. BA, MA and all but Dissertation.

2. MY son went to Harvard and Yale.

3. My daughter to Northwestern.

All of us can report that you actually are punished and excoriated by professors and other students if you manifest any conservative leanings.

My experiences at the University of Chicago taught me that African-Americans do not committ crimes, or if they do, that fact is not to be mentioned in a Sociology or History class.

My son, who was eager to replicate his experiences as a columnist for his high school magazine, found that the LARGE MAJORITY of student publications on campus were very far left. The publication he ended up writing for had most of its copies stolen when it dared to include an article which was essentially Anti-Abortion.

My daughter found that there was to be no commentary of any kind which did not encourage the expression of the homosexual agenda in all of its manifestations on campus. Her comment that the homosexual life style was one best kept in the closet was met with extreme disdain by her sociology professor. She never commented again in that class.

Mr.Blatham is apparently unaware of the horrors committed in the name of Liberalism on College campuses in the USA.

Has Mr.Blatham ever heard of "ageism"? or "lookism"? These were strictures disseminated by the left wing administation at the University of Wisconsin. It was not PC to comment on a person's age or looks in any way. 1984 had arrived at Wisconsin under the leadership of Donna Shalala.

Mr. Blatham is obviously unaware that the left wing liberals in our Universities in the USA teach all kinds of twaddle which is designed for the purposes of Political Correctness but, in reality, is nothing but the perversion of History.

Professor Lefkowitz, an expert in ancient civilizations, reports that the spurious and frantic attempts to prove that Socrates and Cleopatra were black were part of the writings used in many classes in American Universities. Artistotle was said to have stolen books( and therefore the material for his philosophy) from the Library at Alexandria which was, however built only after Aristotle's death.

Mr. Blatham is obviously unaware that Liberalism in our Universities expressed as Political Correctness has eroded any real measure of merit as expressed in grades. Grade inflation is obviously on the rise. The noted professor, Harvey Mansfield, at Harvard, has suggested that grade inflation has come about largely because of the need for liberal professors to pass minorities who were not really ready for a difficult curriculum. According to Mansfield, this resulted in a great many students being given A grades when they would have gotten B or even C grades in the past--room had to be made for those who could not be failed.

Mr.Blatham is evidently unaware that the curriculum has been been taken over by liberals. At Stanford( one of our "great" Universities), a new course focusing on the works of blacks, Hispanics, feminists, and homosexuals REQUIRED to be taken by all entering freshmen.

Mr. Blatham apparently does not know that the University of Michigan created a policy which adopted as punishable:

"Any behavior, verbal or physical, that stigmatizes an individual on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, handicap, or Vietnam-era veteran status"

This idiocy and violation of the First Amendment was struck down in Federal Court. The US District Judge Avern Cohn declared that "The Supreme Court has consistently held that states punishing speech or conduct on the grounds that they are unseemly or offensive are unconstitutionally overbroad.

It would appear that Mr. Blatham knows little about the liberalism in American Universities which does not allow the expression of conservative ideas to any great extent.

There are, I can assure you, many more egregrious examples of the liberal political correctness run amok.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 01:49 am
Just as an aside, I always thought that "liberal" meant "opoen-minded". I don't want to be pedantic but these examples - which are more than disturbing - are examples of closed-minded behaviour and dare I say it, extremist and repressive at that. That isn't "liberalism" that is totalitarianism behind the ivy walls.

But replacing one form of close-mindedness with another isn't the answer.

The answer is to ensure that universities are places where faculty and student alike are able to think freely and express themselves freely and not feel as if their thought or speech has to be controlled or conformist. That requires that faculty are held responsible for their behaviour as teachers. Their job is to educate and not indoctrinate and indoctrination to whatever slant should, for mine, be punishable by dismissal and disgrace. But students too have an obligation to make valid arguments based on evidence and not to piss and moan if their fallacies are exposed in open discussion.

Sod that it sounds so noble - best I can do right now though.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 02:14 am
Hmmm fair enough, but in a science class room the professor should feel free to teach science without having to add "unless you don't agree" to the end of every sentence he speaks.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 02:29 am
Fair point. I suppose that's what I get for thinking solely in terms of the softer of the sciences and liberal arts.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 12:48 pm
Well, goodfielder, in today's news we encounter another example of liberalprofessors who say in effect,my way or the highway.

"A five member panel critizedc Joseph Massad, a professor of modern Arab politics and intellectual history, for implying that a student who defended Israel's conduct toward Palestinians should leave his class.This happened at Columbia University's Middle Eastern Studies Program.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. In today's US Universities, you are not allowed to espouse conservative ideas but must regurgitate the left wing pieties of the radical professors. You must remember, goodfielder, that many of today's professors came from the left wing movementsof the sixties and seventies.

I gave only a few examples previously on this thread. There are many many more that illustrate the intolerance of the left leaning professors in our Universities for any ideas from the right.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 01:18 pm

I think you're off the mark on asking folks for personal (anecdotal) experiences.

We've been over the "evidence" of a left-wing effort to stifle conservative speech in the "freedom of everything but thought" thread, but the evidence just isn't there. Nor is there evidence that a liberal bias on college campuses has decreased the quality of the education that they provide.
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Reply Fri 1 Apr, 2005 01:22 pm
chiczaira wrote:
"A five member panel critizedc Joseph Massad, a professor of modern Arab politics and intellectual history, for implying that a student who defended Israel's conduct toward Palestinians should leave his class.This happened at Columbia University's Middle Eastern Studies Program.

Seems like the Unis are doing a good job policing the profs. Why do we need legislation?
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 05:31 am
Brandy wrote:
blather writes
Please give full details. Which courses taken, how many, any and all instances of down-marking or whatever that you claim.

Is it customary here to post your entire transcript?

No. But broad and generalized claims are almost always silly, and any claim forwarded without evidence to back it up is pretty much worthless in a discussion. There is no reason for any of us to accept your claims (in your original post) anymore than you would have reason to accept a claim such as *everyone knows jews are greedy* or *the moon is made of fine canadian cheddar* or *the republican party if rife with incest*.
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