panzade wrote:In all honesty I've always read your (posts) avidly but don't remember A2Kers implying that you were lying and covering up. Did you save some of those posts?
Here are a few of the "best" posts from some on A2K about me,the military,and the war in general.
You tell me what I am supposed to think...
This one from Tartarin,Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 09:25
"I'd like to say that I'm hoping that this US invasion of a sovereign nation will be a god-awful flop and mess."
Then there is this,from someone named henrygreen...
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 12:58
"This Memorial day, let us mourn the countless VICTIMS of our treacherous GIs--the woman and children they have murdered en masse, the lands they have poisoned and destroyed, the untold misery they have sown in a dozen countries around the world.
Let us point an accusing finger at ALL LEVELS of our military and heap abuse on these profaners of life and decency!
Joined: 17 May 2003
Posts: 34
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 13:47 Post: 219246 - "Thanks" to our troops!
Those who have been following the news will recognize "Nasariyah" from Mysteryman's post as the site of some particularly gruesome mass murders of civilians, many of them, children.
We have nothing to "thank" such ruthless butchers for.
He belongs behind bars along with the rest of these American Nazis.
Then there was this,also by "henrygreen"...
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 18:08 Post: 219408 -
de genova was exactly on target.
Our troops should be put before war crimes trials beside the Nazi leaders they blindly followed.
I'm glad mysterman is "proud" of the children blinded and disfigured by the United states--the 400,000 children facing imminent death by malnutrition as a result of his patriotic efforts.
Frankly, a bullet is too good for such a person
Or this one...
"Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 13:06 Post: 220188 -
Frank has advised us to use more moderate language in describing America's crimes against humanity. Please substitute "incident" for "atrocity" or "massacre" (eg "the My Lai incident").
Civilian casualties as you know are to be described as "collateral damage."
Children whose arms have been blown off thanks to Mysteryman and fellow Nazi's patriotic attentions are to be referred to as "expected untidiness" (as our secretary of defense wisely instructs). "
There are more,but I cant read them without getting angry and sad at the same time.
Angry that trash like this is judging me,without having been there and without knowing me,and sad that people actually think this way.
BTW,all of these comments can be found in the "Antiwar protests thread,along with others.
I am back at work,but I am still recovering from my wounds,and to be honest comments like these hurt more then people will ever know.