Florida to end "leftist totalitarianism" by "dictator profs"

Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 02:26 am
Well, DrewDad, since you think we are in the same club, why don't we have a couple of drinks together. I'll buy the first round!

Thorton Wilder was a mediocre playwright and positively ridiculous as a philosopher. You, on the other hand, Drew Dad, appear to be unable to distinguish between opinion and knowledge. As I hope you are aware, there are few things which fall under the aegis of true knowledge. Most things are opinions based on fact. I would suggest that instead of cribbing from third rate playwrights like Wilder, you attempt to actually rebut some of the things I have said. That would be far more honest on your part. Alas, I find few that are so brave and willing to engage in real debate.

I posted my opinions. Instead of meaningless commentary, try to take some of my opinions apart. Show, with evidence, of course, that the opinions are mistaken. Can you do it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 03:52 am
Is there a difference between opinion, knowledge and evidence?
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 06:45 am
Thomas wrote:
blatham wrote:
I'm afraid, thomas, that your personal suppositions and optimisms regarding humans in community here do not compel me.

"Where two people agree, one of them is superfluous." (Winston Churchill) How nice that neither of us is superfluous. Let's just revisit this thread in 10 years and see who was right.

Agreed, but four years ought to suffice.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 06:47 am
What, I don't get to be "Mr. DrewDad?"

That's very funny indeed.
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 01:29 pm
chiczaira wrote:
I posted my opinions. Instead of meaningless commentary, try to take some of my opinions apart. Show, with evidence, of course, that the opinions are mistaken. Can you do it?

I've posted my opinions and experiences numerous times throughout this and the "Diversity of Everything but Thought" thread. Feel free to read the background on this entire discussion.

As for the evidence that has been presented for a pervasive persecution of conservative thought on college campuses:

"In the space of one hundred and seventy-six years the Mississippi has shortened itself two hundred and forty-two miles. Therefore in the Old Silurian Period the Mississippi River was upward of one million three hundred thousand miles long ... seven hundred and forty-two years from now the Mississippi will be only a mile and three-quarters long. ... There is something fascinating about science, one gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact." - Mark Twain
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 02:39 pm
chiczaira wrote:

I write damn good papers. So upon receiving a less than passing grade and 'naive and incomplete" written on the cover page, I went to the professor for an explanation.

Based on your attempts to engage others in debate here chic, I can see precisely why the professor stated such. Your arguments are not well thought out. You use personal experience as if it was applicable to the entire world. You bluster and resort to ad hominem attacks when questioned or refuted.

My experiences at the University of Chicago taught me that African-Americans do not committ crimes, or if they do, that fact is not to be mentioned in a Sociology or History class.

Poor argument. It assumes that your experience includes all sociology and history classes.

Mr. Blatham is obviously unaware that the left wing liberals in our Universities in the USA teach all kinds of twaddle which is designed for the purposes of Political Correctness but, in reality, is nothing but the perversion of History.

No facts in evidence. Merely opinion. Thinly veiled ad hominem in accusing you opponent of being unaware of a fact that you provide no evidence for.

This idiocy and violation of the First Amendment was struck down in Federal Court. The US District Judge Avern Cohn declared that "The Supreme Court has consistently held that states punishing speech or conduct on the grounds that they are unseemly or offensive are unconstitutionally overbroad.

Incomplete in its argument and conclusions. Failed to state that the ruling was from 1989 and the policy was only instituted in 1988 in response to threats of lawsuits for allowing fliers to be distributed on campus some of which "declared "open season" on blacks."

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

No evidence to support this conclusion.

I know the Pope claims to speak "ex Cathedra" I was unaware that Mr. Blathman did so also.
ad hominem

First of all, I mentioned that MY experiences at the University of Chicago were such that I did not hear that African-Americans did not committ crimes OR IF THEY DID, that fact was not to be mentioned in a HIstory or Sociology Class.

Repeat of earlier attempt to apply your limited experience to all classes. No mention of how many classed you actually took compared to how many there are.

Mr. Blatham does not, evidently, watch Television or go to the Movies
ad hominem

I will, of course, accept Mr. Blatham's claim about D"Sousa, if Mr. Blatham can document it.

Requires standard of opponent that the originator fails to meet by continually using "personal experience" as his basis.

Of course, if one relies on anecdotal evidence, as Mr. Blatham suggests some do, then that evidence could be called an experience one has read about. I suggest that the above are not experiences one has read about but are facts.

Strawman argument, misrepresents Blatham's position. A verifiable printed source is quite different from personal experience.

The list is getting rather long but I think I have presented several examples to support my conclusion that a paper that contains the same problems exhibited here should have been marked as "naive and incomplete."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 03:32 pm
"A hit, a very palpable hit." - Osric. Hamlet Act V. Scene II.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 12:32 am
I am very much afraid, Parados, that you start off by putting both of your feet firmly in your mouth. I did not write--"i write damn good papers". You began with an egregious mistake and went downhill rapidly.

You are obviously unused to discretionary phraseology. I indicated that MY experiences at the University of Chicago taught me that African-Americans did not commit crimes. I did not and obviously could not take all of the History and/Or Sociology classes on Campus.

When a Jew was brutalized by a Nazi in Berlin in 1937, he drew the conclusion that Nazis were dangerous and to be avoided. When I took four classes at the University of Chicago and found that African-Americans were not really criminals but people who were practically forced to turn to crime because we, the rest of the country, had crushed them under our heels for three centuries, I decided that there was a massive propaganda machine at work since the rest of the inner city was suffering from a vicious gang war which left many African-Americans dead.

When you complain that there are no facts in evidence, it is clear that you are ignoring whole sections of my previous post.

Very well, here are some facts that show that the "left wing teaches all kinds of twaddle which is for the purposes of political correctness"

No facts in evidence says Parados-

Fact-At Stanford one of the non Western works assigned is "I< Rigoberta Menchu--an Indian woman in Guatamala"

Does Parados know what a fraud this is? If not, I can tell him.

Fact-One of the most widely used textbooks in so called multicultural courses is "Multi-Cultural Literacy" published by the Greywolf Press in St.Paul Minnesota. If you open the book hoping to find "The Tale of Genji or the Upanishads or Islamic Commentaries or Borges or Naipaul, you will be disappointed. Instead, there are thirteen essays of protest--"Who is your Mother?" and "The Red Roots of White Feminism"

That is what I mean by twaddle

There's more.

Fact- At the University of Pennsylvania> Houston Baker, one of the most prominent black academics in the country, denounced reading and writing as oppressive technologies.

Fact-Alison Jaggar, who teaches women's studies at the University ofColorado denounces the traditional nuclear family as the "Cornerstone of women's oppression" and anticipates scientific advances allowing men to carry fetuses in their bodies so that the child bearing responsibilities can be shared between the sexes. Hopefully, the leche league, which promotes breast feeding will stand firmly against this.

Fact-at Duke-Eve Sedgwick pursues her agenda against heterosexuality with papers like "Jane Austin and the Masturbating Girl" and "How to Bring Your Kids Up Gay"

Now, parados, there are some FACTS for you showing the "twaddle"taught by the left in our Universities. If that is not enough, I have a great deal more.

The statement that the commentary I made about the Michigan Case was incomplete in its "argument and conclusion" is absurd.

l. Michigan developed a policy that punished specific behavior, verbal or physical, there was a suit filed against the policy.

2. The ACLU filed a suit on behalf of an instructor in Federal Court


'Incomplete in its arguments and conclusions only to those who know nothing about the rule of law!!!!!!!

Parados may be aware that after some ugly slurs at blacks by whites, more than a "hundred programs of consciousness raising and sensitivity training for whites were developed. Parados may not be aware that Blacks held the programs to be racist. White hostility continued. The next step for the University of Michigan was to develop a code of racial etiquette. Not wanting to be left out, feminist and homosexual groups weighed in to add "sexist" language to the code of prohibitions.


I am very much afraid that the claims of "adhominem" will not stand scrutiny when compared with the insulting personal attacks made by Blatham--"My considered conclusion is that your sources of information are so narrow and that your personal dedication to careful scholarship is so minimal that further discussion with you isn't likely to be worth while"

That is not Ad Hominem??? I have a rule. I will not ad hominem you if you do not ad hominem me.

Parados's comment about personal experience vis a vis personal experience states that a "verifiable printed source" is different from personal experience and indeed it is since I printed from a verifiable printed source- the book by Dr. Mary Lefkowitz--Not Out of Africa.

Then, Parados, you show the complete collapse of your argument by stating that my"Paper should have been marked as "Naive and incomplete"

I think, Sir, that you are the one who is "naive and incomplete." I never mentioned any paper I wrote. You are confusing me with someone else on this thread. I would suggest that if your reasoning skills are as sharpt as your research, you really should take a refresher course.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 12:38 am
Osric-Hamlet- A hit. a very palpable hit.

Hamlet-act II, scene II

"I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is Southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 12:46 am
Now, that Parados has embarrassed himself, would you, Drew Dad, like to try or are you going to retreat like Blatham who, of course, does not indulge in scholarship that is so minimal that further discussion is not likely to be worth while. ( really a forced retreat).

If you do, please read carefully and do not attribute someone else's comments to me as Parados did. I was really amazed at the difference between his regal pronunciamentos about ad hominem and his total inability to quote me accurately.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 04:18 am
I thought this was interesting"


The New PC: Crybaby Conservatives

The Yale student did not like what he heard. Sociologists derided religion and economists damned corporations. One professor pre-emptively rejected the suggestion that "workers on public relief be denied the franchise." "I propose, simply, to expose," wrote the young author in a booklong denunciation, one of "the most extraordinary incongruities of our time. Under the "protective label 'academic freedom,'" the institution that derives its "moral and financial support from Christian individualists then addresses itself to the task of persuading the sons of these supporters to be atheistic socialists."

That's the first paragraph. I won't put it all here.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 05:32 am
Interesting article. Thanks, goodfielder!
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 06:42 am
To tweak Chic a little further with his own logic. A personal experience, a printed fact and a logical conclusion.

My uncle is a conservative and had a stroke which damaged his brain causing dementia.

Ronald Reagan is a conservative and it was widely reported in news reports that he had alzheimers which is a form of dementia.

Chic is a conservative.. ergo.. Chic is afflicted with dementia.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 07:09 am
Invasion ........................
parados wrote:
Chic is a conservative.. ergo.. Chic is afflicted with dementia.


Based on your attempts to engage others in debate here chic, I can see precisely why the professor stated such. Your arguments are not well thought out. You use personal experience as if it was applicable to the entire world. You bluster and resort to ad hominem attacks when questioned or refuted.

Ah, I see that this forum has been invaded by chiczaira aka Parthian aka massagatto, aka arthur aka dozens of other names, most which have been kicked out of other forums.

That's his SOS (standard operating procedure).... make an assorment of off the wall statements, sometimes short, sometimes (mostly) long running rants, declare them to be the ultimate, well researched, well thought out facts and anyone who responds to him is, of course, as dumb as a door knob!

This guy is in a deeper fantasy world than king george!

Parados gets it: "Chic is a conservative.. ergo.. Chic is afflicted with dementia." !
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 07:17 am
chiczaira wrote:
...I indicated that MY experiences at the University of Chicago taught me that African-Americans did not commit crimes....

...When I took four classes at the University of Chicago and found that African-Americans were not really criminals but people who were practically forced to turn to crime ...

You contradict yourself within the space of one paragraph.

You also seem to feel that finding one error in a post destroys the content of the entire thing; this turns out not to be the case. Parados' points still stand, and all you are proving with your long-winded diatribes is your own bitterness.

As for your facts, I have chosen not to re-post my quote from Mark Twain.

I enjoy debating many folks on this board, but I find your snide and contemptuous tone unpleasant; I shall not engage you in debate. To paraphrase a famous quote, "I've had an enjoyable conversation. This wasn't it."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 07:41 am
I am very much afraid, Parados, that you start off by putting both of your feet firmly in your mouth. I did not write--"i write damn good papers". You began with an egregious mistake and went downhill rapidly.

You mean I can't start with a statement that isn't true and then present a lot of unrelated facts and use them to reach my conclusion? Thanks for clarifying that logic doesn't allow that. Perhaps you should now apply that standard to yourself. ;-) In case you still need help - this is called a "gotcha."

You are obviously unused to discretionary phraseology. I indicated that MY experiences at the University of Chicago taught me that African-Americans did not commit crimes.... When I took four classes at the University of Chicago and found that African-Americans were not really criminals but people who were practically forced to turn to crime because we, the rest of the country, had crushed them under our heels for three centuries,

I don't know where you learned "phraseology" but in my world someone that turns to crime would actually commit a crime. I think the problem is not with your classes but with your understanding of the difference between cause of crime and whether it occurred or not. It is hardly a new or radical opinion that crime is caused by economic conditions. The only thing radical is your idea that crime doesn't exist if you don't like the reason for it.

No facts in evidence says Parados-

Go back and read your entire post. Let me explain how an iceberg works. The tip of the iceberg is visible the rest is not seen. The facts you presented PRIOR would be the tip. There is no evidence of the rest of the iceberg. The rest of your statement is "twaddle" to use a phrase you seem to like
This is only the tip of the iceberg. In today's US Universities, you are not allowed to espouse conservative ideas but must regurgitate the left wing pieties of the radical professors. You must remember, goodfielder, that many of today's professors came from the left wing movementsof the sixties and seventies.

Your limited citation is hardly able to be applied to the thousands of US Universities yet you seem to want to do just that. Your implication in your crime in sociology class uses the same failed logic. You imply that your 4 classes is the same as ALL the classes. (We'll ignore your recent contradiction of what was actually taught.)
Does Parados know what a fraud this is? If not, I can tell him.

Presenting "facts" now doesn't change the fact of my statement that you didn't have them in evidence at the time I made the statement.

The statement that the commentary I made about the Michigan Case was incomplete in its "argument and conclusion" is absurd. ...3. THE COURT STRUCK DOWN THE ENTIRE MICHIGAN POLICY AS UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
I stated "Incomplete in its argument and conclusions."
It is a FACT that the court struck down the Michigan policy. I didn't dispute your facts only pointed out you left out some and reached a faulty conclusion based on your limiting the facts. Go find YOUR conclusion if you want to argue about it. I didn't see any reason to include 3 pages of your meandering to make my point on this one.

I am very much afraid that the claims of "adhominem" will not stand scrutiny when compared with the insulting personal attacks made by Blatham--"
So you admit that your statements were ad hominem but you make excuses because "He did it first." Nice.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 07:57 am
This bill won't increase the number of lawyers in the country. It will simply move some of them from less productive activities into an area in which their services are actually needed.
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Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 08:48 am
Gunga writes:
This bill won't increase the number of lawyers in the country. It will simply move some of them from less productive activities into an area in which their services are actually needed.

Do you mean the necessary service of defending Tom Delay in his legal troubles?

Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 09:19 am

That's a brilliant piece you've chipped into the discussion. Thanks very kindly.

Jacoby notes in the first few paragraphs the seminal work 'Anti-Intellectualism in American Life" by Hofstadter. About once a month here I yell out to folks to find a copy of this book and read it. There is little else about which provides such a helpful background to understanding certain aspects of American history/culture, particularly in this time when many of the same tendencies as we saw in the McCarthy era (when the book was written) are in resurgence.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Apr, 2005 10:29 am
goodfielder wrote:
I thought this was interesting"


The New PC: Crybaby Conservatives

The Yale student did not like what he heard. Sociologists derided religion and economists damned corporations. One professor pre-emptively rejected the suggestion that "workers on public relief be denied the franchise." "I propose, simply, to expose," wrote the young author in a booklong denunciation, one of "the most extraordinary incongruities of our time. Under the "protective label 'academic freedom,'" the institution that derives its "moral and financial support from Christian individualists then addresses itself to the task of persuading the sons of these supporters to be atheistic socialists."

That's the first paragraph. I won't put it all here.

Perhaps the student should throw a pie at his professor ... you know ... to display an acceptable nonviolent form of protest at the professor's words.
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