candidone1 wrote:Quote:Students have a right to expect a learning environment
in which they will have access to a broad range of serious
scholarly opinion pertaining to the subjects they study. In the
humanities, the social sciences, and the arts, the fostering of
a plurality of serious scholarly methodologies and perspectives
should be a significant institutional purpose.
...I don't normally attribute "broad range of opinion" or "plurality of perspectives" to the right...given the general opinions the right has on gays, ethnic/visible minorities, religion, politics, women's roles, and moral issues.
Are you claiming that right are the only ones who generalize?
The left does it equally as doubt.
We just generalize about different things.
Baldimo wrote:
Are you claiming that right are the only ones who generalize?
What I am claiming is that the right is not recognized for accepting or encouraging a broad range of beliefs.
candidone1 wrote:Baldimo wrote:
Are you claiming that right are the only ones who generalize?
What I am claiming is that the right is not recognized for accepting or encouraging a broad range of beliefs.
The left is more accepting of a wide range of beliefs? You have got to be out of your mind.
When was the last time you say the left accept a belief that didn't start from left of center? I have listened to the radio enough to know that when you get some creep from PETA on the radio they are anything but accepting of others beliefs. They want all creation of meat products to halt and they protest places like Burger King and McDonalds by blocking the doorways and chaining themselves to counters and then spreading paint or ketchup all over the place to simulate blood.
Does this sound like acceptance of others views or trying to force your views on others?
Baldimo wrote:candidone1 wrote:Baldimo wrote:
Are you claiming that right are the only ones who generalize?
What I am claiming is that the right is not recognized for accepting or encouraging a broad range of beliefs.
The left is more accepting of a wide range of beliefs? You have got to be out of your mind.
When was the last time you say the left accept a belief that didn't start from left of center? I have listened to the radio enough to know that when you get some creep from PETA on the radio they are anything but accepting of others beliefs. They want all creation of meat products to halt and they protest places like Burger King and McDonalds by blocking the doorways and chaining themselves to counters and then spreading paint or ketchup all over the place to simulate blood.
Does this sound like acceptance of others views or trying to force your views on others?
You came at me with PETA?
You're serious?
Shall I rebut with some far right whack-job organization as being representative of the right?
I can tell the difference between the average conservative and the average right wing nut-job.
You just happened to pull up a left wing lunatic cause that only diminished you argument's credibility.
You were talking about a wide range of beliefs, and I brought up a leftist group that doesn't. Shall I mention ANSWER or even
Baldimo wrote:... they protest places... by blocking the doorways and chaining themselves to counters and then spreading paint or ketchup all over the place to simulate blood.
Does this sound like acceptance of others views or trying to force your views on others?
oh. i thought you were talking about randall terry and
his merry pranksters.
Baldimo wrote:You were talking about a wide range of beliefs, and I brought up a leftist group that doesn't. Shall I mention ANSWER or even
yeah, ANSWER is a detriment to the movement. but what's wrong with MOVEON ?
DontTreadOnMe wrote:Baldimo wrote:You were talking about a wide range of beliefs, and I brought up a leftist group that doesn't. Shall I mention ANSWER or even
yeah, ANSWER is a detriment to the movement. but what's wrong with MOVEON ?
They are just a shrill for the Dems as any of the groups you mentioned for the GOP. Don't forget the subgroups and all the 527's that have spawned.
Why am I not suprised to see any response to my post on Churchill.
I am amazed that anyone on the left can claim that the majority of Universities, especially the most important ones in terms of influence can be labeled as anything else than far left except for the science curriculums.
Dinesh D'Sousa reports in his essay, "The Visigoths in Tweed" that one Becky Thompson, a sociology and women's studies professor, in a teaching manual distributed by the American Sociological Association wrote: "I begin my course with the basic feminist principle that in a racist, classist, and sexist society we have all swallowed oppressive ways of being, whether intentionally or not. Specifically, this means that it is not open to debate whether a white student is racist or a male student is sexist. He/she simply is."
George F. Will writes in his essay:"Literary Politics"--"The left's agenda does liberate, in this perverse way: It emancipates literature from the burden of aesthetic standards. All such standards are defined as merely sublimated assertions of power by society's dominant group."
Even a cursory examination of the Ivy League's social science curriculum will reveal a set of learning experiences tilted far to the left by professors who have defined themselves as strong liberals.
The left wing, who likes to view itself as the tolerant group, has been forced to view some of its adherents stealing or destroying copies of newspapers published by "right wing groups" on campus because those ideas were not "correct".
chiczaira wrote: "I begin my course with the basic feminist principle that in a racist, classist, and sexist society we have all swallowed oppressive ways of being, whether intentionally or not. Specifically, this means that it is not open to debate whether a white student is racist or a male student is sexist. He/she simply is."
As a white male I am amazed that you don't see the truth in this statement.
Baldimo wrote:You were talking about a wide range of beliefs, and I brought up a leftist group that doesn't. Shall I mention ANSWER or even
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and a plethora of right wing 527's.....
This is fun.
Your turn.
chiczaira wrote:I am amazed that anyone on the left can claim that the majority of Universities, especially the most important ones in terms of influence can be labeled as anything else than far left except for the science curriculums.
I'm amazed that people believe that there is a concerted effort by the universities to brainwash students.
Generally, folks with higher education tend to be more liberal.
Think about that for a minute....
I think there should be a liberal bias in universities. Otherwise everyone who went to college would come out as a mindless republican dumbshit like our president.
I know we're living in the faith-based idiot world right now, but we still do want SOME smart people in this country, don't we?
Panzade says that "We have alll swallowed oppressive ways of being,m whether intentionally or not" is a statement which he is surprised I do not see the truth of.
I wonder if the professor who made the statement has also swallowed oppressive ways of being( she said ALL) thus making her statement Oppressive. I, for one, was tired of going into classes and being labeled a sexist or a racist when I observed that Tolerance was the key word except for those who did not accept the basic beliefs of the left. One of my roommates, a brilliant scholar, who later became a Supreme Court Clerk, is a fundamentalist. He has. of course, had difficulty in finding jobs that match his brilliance.
When the left say Diversity is needed, they mean, of course, more people like "us". They don't really believe in true "diversity".
Here is our Dennis Baxley, caped hero fighting for the forces of right and good...
Quote:It's not every politician who keeps the Bible and an Experiencing God devotional book on his desk in the State Capitol. But Dennis K. Baxley is not just a politician. He is a man on a mission.
Elected to the Florida House of Representatives last year to represent District 24, this 48-year-old father of five from Belleview, Florida, feels it's God's plan for him to be in Tallahassee. When Baxley came to the Capital last year, he left behind his elderly parents, his children, six businesses, 65 employees and a godly, supportive spouse named Ginette.
"I'm here for Him," Baxley said, explaining his commitment to honor the Lord. "What I do must glorify and please Him. I see this job as a calling and believe my opportunity to serve here was providentially arranged."