ebrown_p wrote:There are probably a fair number of things that Pheonix and I agree on. There may be times that she, with a rational argument, can give me a new perspective on something. If I label her, I exclude the chance for any productive discourse.
To those of us who think independently these labels just get in the way.
I see now why we (you and I) went astray in your "labels" thread. As I wrote there, I do use these labels when it seems appropriate to discuss groups of people or to label an individual in the context of the current issue, but that
does not mean I can't find agreement with that person elsewhere. (I would call PDiddie a liberal, but that doesn't stop me from acknowledging when I think he's right about something.)
But I respect your point of view on this and your goal of not labeling people has some merit. I don't think I tend to do it often as is, but I'm going to think about it more.
And I commend you on "getting" the difference between attacking someone's policies or actions and attacking his or her faith. Too many people who clearly have a visceral hatred for Bush are not only willing to attack his beliefs but defend themselves for doing so. In most cases it appears to me that they are unwilling to take a hard look at their actions. It is far easier for some people to defend the indefensible than to admit their error.