blatham wrote:Snide might feel gratifying to you, but it's not very valuable in discussion. The folks here are making claims, saying "I think.... for these reasons...". Your present strategy is to toss insults, to label the speakers as 'elitist' or some such. It is petty, and lacks forthrightness.
You ought to show the equal courage and make some claims yourself.
Of course you are right. I should step up and call everyone who disagrees with me an imbecile, so I can maintain the standards these others have set.
blatham wrote:Perhaps you feel the level of religious worship in the White House is just fine. Perhaps you'd even like to see more of it. Perhaps you don't believe church and state ought really to be separate at all. Perhaps you'd rather all presidents were Christian or believers. Whatever it is you do think, we don't know, because you aren't being brave enough to come out and say it.
Bernie, Bernie, Bernie...
I have stated my opinion and feeling repeatedly and under heavy fire from the anti-religious crowd here. You need only read what is there in this discussion to know exactly what I think. Am I really required to regurgitate it every other week in order to avoid being called a coward? That you may not have read it does not mean I have not shared it.
blatham wrote:Perhaps you are anxious some of us will take your claims or ideas to task. Of course, we will. But if you feel your ideas have merit and are actually defensible, then what damage might be done?
Yeah, that's it. I'm terrified of the intellect arrayed against me.
Take your time and read what I have written in this discussion. Then if you have a specific question--something that you think I haven't explained well enough for your tastes, please do ask. But don't sit there and pretend that I lack the courage of my convictions, because that, my friend, is petty--and we all know how you disdain pettiness.