Ohhhhkayyyy, then ... that was not exactly what I had in mind
for the record, blatham's recounting of The Great Debate Guideline Debate is ... uhhhh ... blatham's recounting. I will admit, however, that there is SOME truth o it, but I sbmitthat it is more commentary or opinion than reporting or analysis
Anyhow, and hopefully we can then stop arguing and get back to the war ...
Links and brief quotes are PREFERRED. Naturally, cut-and-paste is sometimes the only way to bring an article to a broad audience ... short-lived links, subscription sites, and that sort of thing. Use it if necessary, don't if it isn't. I cut-and-paste myself ... we all do.
But folks with dialup connections in particular can get slowed down by lengthy clips or large graphics. There's no "Ban" or anything, but consideration of others is requested when considering the use of such. Often, a lengthy article is posted in its entirety when a briefer quote could have been excerpted and posted with appropriate attribution, and a link if one is available. Frequently, the flavor of an article can be gathered frim the first or last few lines of the article ... sometimes the context is important, so a brief quote might not serve. Cut-and-paste when, and how, it makes sense, is all I'm saying. That's just good netiquet.
OK, then?
Good. Now get back out there .... there's a war on, damnit!
timber, who decided to leave the typos.