max, can be useful. I like to read their product reviews (which I sometimes disagree with), and their financial articles are often informative. Just be aware they will offer you more than ample opportunity to "Save Money Now! ". How much you save is up to you
One of the strongest of my objections to The faith Based Initiative is the exemption of Faith Based Entities from regulation by civil authority. I see no Constitutional basis to hold any entity, religious or otherwise, exempt from the laws of the nation.
Of course, I'm not altogether comfortable with blanketly exempting religious organizations from tax liability either. The physical realproperty and buildings of the church, the collection plate, the bakesale or raffle, the revenue from the rental of meeting facilities, even an industry or service operated to provide jobs to the disadvantaged, the winery or bakeshop of a monastery, are all cool. Don't tax that. A chain of motels, or a car dealership are other matters entirely. If they are purely commercial enterprises, they should be subject to all the requirements of civil commerce.
If Religion wants to operate in The Public Sector, it should be required to comply with Public Laws and Regulations as may exist and apply, without special provision or exemption. Equal Treatment Under The Law means what it says.
Well, not really, I know. But it should, damnit.