A serious conflict of interest, Baldimo. It's not surprising that you can see it or you lie about it.
Quote:Considering the history of North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh, I laugh at your use of the word independence. He was a Communist dictator who had no intentions of holding elections to unite Vietnam and instead invaded his neighbor because he knew his political views would never win a free election, just like "free elections" never take place in socialist/communist countries.
Your ignorance is astounding. Eisenhower knew that some 80 to 90 % of the people of Vietnam would vote for Ho so the US scuttled planned elections. That included the people of the south.
Ho said he would be any political stripe if it meant the independence of his country. All one has to do is look at the evil of the USA in SE Asia to know that independence and freedom are not what the US ever brings to any country.
Cambodia, a million slaughter by the war criminals Nixon and Kissinger and all the other military personnel, US, Australian, ... who helped. Laos, 750,000 slaughtered, Indonesia, over a million, from US planned, funded and run death squads. Korea, over three million US deaths from planned saturation bombing of civilians, the same evil thing McCain did.
Now that's freedom, ain't it, Baldimo??!!!
The same for Latin America from way way back. US dictatorships, or US governors, and the rape and pillage of their lands.