9/11 conspiracy or terrorists?

Truth Hurts
Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2014 06:43 am
haha! such boring lives to state that things like this dont happen and then to jump on to the typical conspiracy theory train. We could have said anything, a man with a bazooka hit the building then explosions blahh blahhh. always a way to spin bs. Sept 11th was very real. you fail to study the history prior to the events of the day. It was waiting to happen. If they had wanted to stage this scene they wouldnt have used a SAM. They would have taken a plane and had it crashed in to the buildings, its not so difficult. A SAM moving to Pentagon and striking fired by the US government. VERY funny.
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2014 04:56 am
@Truth Hurts,
Truth Hurts! You're right. The truth really would hurt the scum that was in power in Washington, and pulled off the most obvious "black flag" opt, and got away with it, because the people are fools to accept the "official story", especially now, after so much evidence proofs the American people were lied too. I still can't believe they got away with it!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 May, 2017 02:52 pm
I see very good reason to assume that the September 11th attacks were carried out be operatives of Al Qaeda, and no reason to assume that our government was involved.

Al Qaeda would not have been able to melt/vaporize steel. The US government was able to do so with the nanothermite found at WTC.

Al Qaeda would not have been able to cause WTC7 to free fall. In fact they were nowhere near WTC7 according to the USGOCT.

Just those two sink the government fable. And there are many more.

Aren't these flashbacks fun?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Feb, 2018 02:41 pm
It had to be a Conspiracy . None of these so called terrorists could even fly a small piper cub much less a commercial 767 passenger jet . There was not one engine found at any of the 4 sites and those engines weight about 9,000 lbs. each . There was not even a plane or people found at the crash site in Shanksville , Pennsylvania . The Coroner left after looking around for 20 minutes. He said there were no bodies there . A commercial jet could not make a hole through 3 rings of the Pentagon . Black-Op, all the way !
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2018 09:18 am
Of course the CIA has the ability to violate the laws of physics. They are outside the law after all.

Who is this guy? He sure is typical of all the gullible believers of the USGOCT - they just pass out claptrap but can offer no actual evidence.

There is an excellent reason for them not being able to offer any evidence for the USGOCT because there simply isn't any, not a shred.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Aug, 2018 12:11 pm
People who tell you that you are ill-informed are not expressing hatred. I see very good reason to assume that the September 11th attacks were carried out be operatives of Al Qaeda, and no reason to assume that our government was involved.

You accuse others of being ill informed but you present absolutely nothing for your assumptions. Except that you "see very good reason" that it was Al Qaeda.

Have you got anything besides your assumptions? Are you of the opinion that "assumptions" are what a society, an individual should operate on?

You also see "no reason to assume that our government was involved".

How about the fact that there isn't any evidence that could be presented in a court of law for any hijackers.

How about the fact that US government proprietary nanothermite was found in WTC dust?

How about the fact that the by products, in large volumes, of the same US government proprietary nanothermite were found in WTC dust?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have melted or vaporized WTC structural steel and melted and vaporized WTC structural steel was found at ground zero?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have made WTC7 fall at free fall speed, which is something that ONLY controlled demolitions can do?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have caused WTC 1& 2 to fall at accelerating speeds, which is something that ONLY controlled demolitions can do?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have put in place the things necessary to have done the three controlled demolitions of WTCs 1, 2 & 7?

These are facts, which have more substance than your assumptions. Don't you agree?

So we can see that your initial claim - "People who tell you that you are ill-informed are not expressing hatred" is, in fact a bald faced lie on your part.

That is exactly what you were attempting when you are the one who is desperately ill informed - note the total absence of any evidence on your part.

Have you ever heard Wayne Dyer's quote?

The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about. - Wayne Dyer

Quite apropos to our discussion here, don't you think?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 11:42 am
You still haven't replied to my reply of this nonsense you wrote, Setanta, [notice how you eschew evidence] that shows that anyone who pretends to believe or actually does believe in the US government official story [USGOS/USGOCT] can be dismissed as either woefully ignorant or a total liar, or a combination of both.

Here it is, so you have no excuses.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2018 03:22 pm
They attacked us because we had stationed American troops (i.e., infidels) in Saudi Arabia, the "holy land" of Islam. It ought to be patently evident to anybody who is a complete mope that Mr. Bush needed no excuse to invade Iraq, and the neo-cons of the Project for a New American Century had been calling for that invasion since 1997.

Pure American propagandist drivel, Setanta.

I can only conclude that you are not at all well informed.

Hilarious! Who is the person that is not at all informed - Setanta!!!

There was no attack by any Muslims or Middle Easteners.

Because Muslims can't melt or vaporize WTC structural steel with jet fuel and office furnishings. That is impossible which means that "the official story can be eliminated".

Muslims also cannot suspend Newton's Laws of Motion.



Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics!

Part I
by J. McMichael

I tried to be patriotic.
I tried to believe. I watched those quarter mile high buildings fall through their jaw-dropping catastrophes over and over again. I listened to the announcer and the experts explain what had happened. And I worked at my pitiful lack of faith, pounding my skull with the remote control and staring at the flickering images on the TV screen.

But poor mental peasant that I am, I could not escape the teachings of my forefathers. I fear I am trapped in my time, walled off from further scientific understanding by my inability to abandon the Second Millennium mindset.

But enough of myself. Let us move on to the Science and Technology of the 21st Century. Those of you who cannot believe should learn the official truth by rote and perhaps you will be able to hide your ignorance.


Using jet fuel to melt steel is an amazing discovery, really. It is also amazing that until now, no one had been able to get it to work, and that proves the terrorists were not stupid people. Ironworkers fool with acetylene torches, bottled oxygen, electric arcs from generators, electric furnaces, and other elaborate tricks, but what did these brilliant terrorists use? Jet fuel, costing maybe 80 cents a gallon on the open market.

Let us consider: One plane full of jet fuel hit the north tower at 8:45 a.m., and the fuel fire burned for a while with bright flames and black smoke. We can see pictures of white smoke and flames shooting from the windows.

Then by 9:03 a.m. (which time was marked by the second plane's collision with the south tower), the flame was mostly gone and only black smoke continued to pour from the building. To my simple mind, that would indicate that the first fire had died down, but something was still burning inefficiently, leaving soot (carbon) in the smoke. A fire with sooty smoke is either low temperature or starved for oxygen — or both.
But by 10:29 a.m., the fire in north tower had accomplished the feat that I find so amazing: It melted the steel supports in the building, causing a chain reaction within the structure that brought the building to the ground.

And with less fuel to feed the fire, the south tower collapsed only 47 minutes after the plane collision, again with complete destruction. This is only half the time it took to destroy the north tower.

I try not to think about that. I try not to think about a petroleum fire burning for 104 minutes, just getting hotter and hotter until it reached 1538 degrees Celsius (2800 Fahrenheit) and melted the steel.


I try not to wonder how the fire reached temperatures that only bottled oxygen or forced air can produce.

And I try not to think about all the steel that was in that building — 200,000 tons of it (for WTC statistics see http://www.infoplease.com/spot/wtc1.html or http://www.911review.com/articles/jm/cache/wtc_hist.html).

I try to forget that heating steel is like pouring syrup onto a plate: you can't get it to stack up. The heat just flows out to the colder parts of the steel, cooling off the part you are trying to warm up. If you pour it on hard enough and fast enough, you can get the syrup to stack up a little bit. And with very high heat brought on very fast, you can heat up one part of a steel object, but the heat will quickly spread out and the hot part will cool off soon after you stop.

Am I to believe that the fire burned for 104 minutes in the north tower, gradually heating the 200,000 tons of steel supports like a blacksmith's forge, with the heat flowing throughout the skeleton of the tower? If the collapse was due to heated steel, the experts should be able to tell us how many thousands of tons of steel were heated to melting temperature in 104 minutes and how much fuel would be required to produce that much heat. Can a single Boeing 767 carry that much fuel?

Thankfully, I found this note on the BBC web page
( http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1540000/1540044.stm or http://www.911review.com/articles/jm/cache/BBCNews_wtcfell.html): "Fire reaches 800 [degrees] C — hot enough to melt steel floor supports."

That is one of the things I warned you about: In the 20th Century, steel melted at 1535 degrees Celsius (2795 F) (see http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/fe.html), but in the 21st Century, it melts at 800 degrees C (1472 F).

This might be explained as a reporter's mistake — 800 to 900 C is the temperature for forging wrought iron. As soft as wrought iron is, of course, it would never be used for structural steel in a landmark skyscraper. (Descriptions of cast iron, wrought iron, steel, and relevant temperatures discussed at http://www.metrum.org/measures/castiron.htm or http://911review.com/articles/jm/cache/castiron.htm.)

But then lower down, the BBC page repeats the 800 C number in bold, and the article emphasizes that the information comes from Chris Wise, "Structural Engineer." Would this professional individual permit himself to be misquoted in a global publication?

Eduardo Kausel, an M.I.T. professor of civil and environmental engineering, spoke as follows to a panel of Boston area civil and structural engineers: "I believe that the intense heat softened or melted the structural elements — floor trusses and columns — so that they became like chewing gum, and that was enough to trigger the collapse." Kausel is apparently satisfied that a kerosene fire could melt steel — though he does not venture a specific temperature for the fire ( http://www.911review.com/articles/jm/cache/sciam_whenfell.html).

I feel it coming on again — that horrible cynicism that causes me to doubt the word of the major anchor-persons. Please just think of this essay as a plea for help, and do NOT let it interfere with your own righteous faith. The collapse of America's faith in its leaders must not become another casualty on America's skyline.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2018 04:52 pm
parados wrote:

And you were the guy that claimed no steel was saved, even after being shown pictures of all the steel being hauled to a site for inspection.

If I am remembering correctly the bow of one of our warship used some of the steel from the towers.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2018 04:55 pm
If I am remembering correctly the bow of one of our warship used some of the steel from the towers.

Yup, that's the USA, always with the rank propaganda, Bill.

Did any of the bones, DNA, skin, ... of the 2,996 westerners the US government murdered when it blew up WTCs 1, 2 & 7 on 9/11 get incorporated into that bow?
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2018 09:12 pm
camlok wrote:

If I am remembering correctly the bow of one of our warship used some of the steel from the towers.

Yup, that's the USA, always with the rank propaganda, Bill.

Did any of the bones, DNA, skin, ... of the 2,996 westerners the US government murdered when it blew up WTCs 1, 2 & 7 on 9/11 get incorporated into that bow?

Sorry but if you wish to try to spread false information about the US I would suggest using something I little bit more believable then twin tower conspiracy nonsense.
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2018 10:22 pm
Sorry but if you wish to try to spread false information about the US I would suggest using something I little bit more believable then twin tower conspiracy nonsense.

You and your fellow duped USians are the conspiracy theorists, but you are people who believe when not a one of you can provide one shred of evidence to support the US government official conspiracy theory [USGOCT].

Notice you never gave any evidence. There isn't any for the [USGOCT]

And the scientific evidence against the US government official conspiracy theory [USGOCT] is voluminous. Each piece of evidence, by its lonesome, sinks the USGOCT.

The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about. - Wayne Dyer

Four posts above your last post, the one from which I quote you here, Post: # 6,699,973, has a good list of total impossibilities about the USGOCT.

As I said, "Each piece of evidence, by its lonesome, sinks the USGOCT.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2018 06:53 am
Sorry but if you wish to try to spread false information about the US I would suggest using something I little bit more believable then twin tower conspiracy nonsense.



of course the trouble lies in 'more believable".

So you are easily duped if it is unbelievable, then, eh!?

It is not abouting believable but about truth!

it the truth is unbelievable to you,( remember your e-prime!!) then they 'have' you.

One day you have to get used to the FACT that this whole damned world is build upon lies, upon lies, upon lies..... (in every mainstream outlet, that is the media, government, politics, banking, medicine, food and yes, also science, the system is corrupt from top to bottom!)
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2018 08:21 am
If you noticed, OG, BillRM fled when asked to provide on piece of evidence for the USGOCT. He can't because there isn't any. And there are huge volumes of evidence against the USGOCT, any one of them alone is enough to totally sink the BIG LIE.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 07:24 am
camlok wrote:

If you noticed, OG, BillRM fled when asked to provide on piece of evidence for the USGOCT. He can't because there isn't any. And there are huge volumes of evidence against the USGOCT, any one of them alone is enough to totally sink the BIG LIE.

Give me a break nonsense on top of nonsense for decades get very very old and tiring after a time.

What happen to those towers along with tower 7 and the poor people in them and on the two planes is very clear and can be found in more far more then one engineering report by professional engineers.

There been very few events that had been study in more detail then the 911 buildings coming down due to the impact of two very large jets.


Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 08:52 am
Give me a break nonsense on top of nonsense for decades get very very old and tiring after a time.

That is what the official story is, Bill, nonsense on top of nonsense. There is zero evidence for the USGOCT.

What happen to those towers along with tower 7 and the poor people in them and on the two planes is very clear and can be found in more far more then one engineering report by professional engineers.

There been very few events that had been study in more detail then the 911 buildings coming down due to the impact of two very large jets

Again, totally false. The twin towers were designed to take the impact of a 707
fully loaded with fuel. And they did. And the fires were burning out, most of the fuel was gone in the initial explosions.

There were no studies. There were cover ups by NIST. NIST never did a complete study of the twin towers. All the phony experts who came out after 911 produced nothing but lies.

These "studies" go against Newton's Laws of Motion. NIST lied about many things, baldfaced lies about the existence of molten/vaporized steel and about crucial construction details on the three towers.

The following video lays out many of NIST's lies and shows, by experiment, the essence of science, that the NIST and other "experts" were lying. And the lies are so transparent.

Jonathan Cole 9/11 Experiments Eliminate the Impossible


On top of all that, the following make the USGOCT a complete impossibility.

How about the fact that US government proprietary nanothermite was found in WTC dust?

How did Arab hijackers manage that, Bill?

How about the fact that the by products, in large volumes, of the same US government proprietary nanothermite were found in WTC dust?

How did Arab hijackers manage that, Bill?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have melted or vaporized WTC structural steel and melted and vaporized WTC structural steel was found at ground zero?

How did Arab hijackers manage that, Bill?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have made WTC7 fall at free fall speed, which is something that ONLY controlled demolitions can do?

How did Arab hijackers manage that, Bill?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have caused WTC 1& 2 to fall at accelerating speeds, which is something that ONLY controlled demolitions can do?

How did Arab hijackers manage that, Bill?

How about the fact that hijackers could not have put in place the things necessary to have done the three controlled demolitions of WTCs 1, 2 & 7?
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:47 am
An we did not land on the moon either nonsense is nonsense even when the internet allow nonsense to be spread at warp speed such as vaporized WTC structural steel.


Damn it I was not going to be drag into wasting my time on such nonsense!!!!!
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 09:57 am
well, we didn't land on the moon, that's for sure! Just take a look at the threads about it. Recently the film "First Man" came out! About the moonlanding. Why now and not years before? Because people are waking up and see through the bullshit! So they need a large piece of propaganda to push the people who still believe that crap, get indoctrinated with that shite once again.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 10:09 am
OldGrumpy wrote:

well, we didn't land on the moon, that's for sure! Just take a look at the threads about it. Recently the film "First Man" came out! About the moonlanding. Why now and not years before? Because people are waking up and see through the bullshit! So they need a large piece of propaganda to push the people who still believe that crap, get indoctrinated with that shite once again.

Thanks for confirming my opinion that no amount of logic, facts or common sense are of any use when dealing with people living in an alternate reality an it is a complete waste of time to employ such tools when dealing with them.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2018 10:37 am
when the internet allow nonsense to be spread at warp speed such as vaporized WTC structural steel.

You can see the molten steel, why did you forget to mention "molten", and the vaporized steel that was described by FEMA, at,


John Gross, NIST's 2nd in command, totally denied the existence of molten/vaporized WTC steel even though he had already seen the FEMA study above.

Watch John Gross deny molten/vaporized WTC steel. Watch John Gross squirming in this video which illustrates that he knows he is baldfaced lying.

9/11: NIST engineer John Gross denies WTC molten steel (extended)


Yet here is a picture of the same John Gross touching the end of a previously molten/vaporized steel beam/girder in the "boneyards" where he said he had been but saw no molten/vaporized steel.

To get these pictures required a FOIA request. Why would John baldface lie when he knew he knew of the molten/vaporized WTC steel?


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