Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 10:24 am
No, but my son Derek has some blunderful talents in that direction.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 10:50 am
One of percussion's finest species is the drum kit...

The drums contribute to create one distinctive sound... but every one knows the cymbals and toms evolved from the bass and snare... Smile

All kinds of instruments may have evolved from the drum...

Audio is a combination of sine waves added or multiplied together to produce sound...

All music is derived from a common ancestor, the sine wave...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:43 am
This is really in two parts and is just me babbling again:

How can we really know the earth is from our solar system?

It could be made largely of materials that were thrust into our solar system from neighboring galaxies...

This could throw off the dating of the earth's carbon surface because of frequent impacts of non native much older materials gradually over time...

Possibly only the core of the earth was made by the sun, or maybe the core of the earth floated into our galaxy and the sun pulled it in with gravity?

It is when I try to really inspect these ideas that they become rather convoluted and I realize I know so very little about nature and physics...

Like, I would think that the planets are moving toward the earth... but I have recently heard that the sun flairs actually can push the planets away... who would have guessed... Smile

How do they send people out into space and have them come back to the same place, if space is supposed to be so warped? I would think they would miss their targets...

All of this really baffles and mystifies me... It can distract me at times from what is really important in life...

All subjects can be brought to the mundane and trivial... but, it is when we reach into the heart of the matter, into the center of the will, the innermost part of the being that we find the true issues of life...

Many questions need to be solved to be understood...

We are not born understanding calculus but it is all around us. So when we cannot derive an answer from a static form of logic then we go to the abstract, because the solution is so vital to our own existence.

When reality cannot be expressed by whole numbers we begin to divide up and measure nothing...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 02:56 pm
Here is an interesting read...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 09:13 pm
RexRed wrote:

How do you think I got locked up in this Romulan correctional facility? I inadvertently brought trapped earth creatures in my ship's dilithium storage units. Earth creatures are particularly hostile to beings on other planets because of their extreme stupidity!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:03 pm
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:

How do you think I got locked up in this Romulan correctional facility? I inadvertently brought trapped earth creatures in my ship's dilithium storage units. Earth creatures are particularly hostile to beings on other planets because of their extreme stupidity!

Are you a good alien or a bad alien? Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:30 pm
I just saw a show on cable that said the core of the earth is a giant iron meteor that hit the earth when the earth was molten and was consumed by the earth. Once the iron was inside the earth it attracted most of the metals from the molten earth to the core and created an electro magnetic sphere. Then other debris hit the earth and formed the crust. The moon was formed from the debris in the atmosphere around the earth caused from the meteor. The moon formed in roughly a month. The reason why the moon has virtually no metals is because they are all inside the earth. This iron attracted so much gold into the core that there is enough gold to cover the entire surface of the earth knee deep.

They also have found bacteria that eats rocks. They said that caves are mostly formed by bacteria that eats rocks and not as much by water as was once thought. Also there was bacteria that can convert oil into gas and other very peculiar types of bacteria. They said they have found bacteria in the deepest holes they have ever dug into the earth's crust. They are not sure how deep bacteria can live in the earths crust... But, they have found it at all of the current depths they are able to study. i.e. mines in Africa and South America, holes drilled in the sea floor and underground caves.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:32 pm
I had to live on rocks for a while. That was on Mongo 3.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:43 pm
RexRed wrote:
...This could throw off the dating of the earth's carbon surface because of frequent impacts of non native much older materials gradually over time....

Someone who doesn't use the scientific method at all, can hardly criticize someone else for using it imperfectly. The basis of your beliefs is not even in the realm of science and reason, much less an accurate implementation of them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 May, 2005 11:44 pm
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:

How do you think I got locked up in this Romulan correctional facility? I inadvertently brought trapped earth creatures in my ship's dilithium storage units. Earth creatures are particularly hostile to beings on other planets because of their extreme stupidity!

Were you caught on our side of the neutral zone?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 06:39 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:

How do you think I got locked up in this Romulan correctional facility? I inadvertently brought trapped earth creatures in my ship's dilithium storage units. Earth creatures are particularly hostile to beings on other planets because of their extreme stupidity!

Were you caught on our side of the neutral zone?
And all because I tried to remain nuetral.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 11:49 am
I just had a thought...

This is both a spiritual and scientific reply over all...

I wonder if the moon could have come from an earth volcano? Or the earth could have started spewing out lava due to an earth impact and then it collected into the moon.

Also there are giant dents in the moon but only on one side... the side that faces the earth... Also Mars came from the earth too...

It is unknown what caused these dents/craters "Mare Tranquillitatis" (the Sea of Tranquility) and the many others on the moon...

I think it is where life once lived... the life carved out the craters... the bacteria produces acids that erode the rocks..

Life lived only on the side that faced the earth, not on the side where it was bombarded by UV rays due to no atmosphere. When the moon gradually moved away from the earth's atmosphere the life died... The moon's weak gravity force attracted these particles to it's surface... When the moon was once closer it dipped into the earth's atmosphere and because the moon does not spin the same area was affected by the earth's atmosphere...

The earth tried to infect the moon with life but the moon could not sustain it because there is not enough metal in the core of the moon to create a magnetic field/atmosphere...

So life needs this electromagnetic field (and many other variables) to survive...

Also I would like to mention that e=mc2 means the energy equals all matter... So all matter is made of energy...

...because I believe in creation and evolution I rub "most" of you all the wrong way... Because I will be typing about the deepest of scientific discoveries and start to quote scriptures...

Well, here I go again...

I like to consider the whole story...

I am not certain but I think this is my 1000th post on A2K. I have consistently perceived the issues in light of both science and God. I do not think it is wise to leave behind one for the other. I have found the same beauty in God that I have found in science... God adorns science as it's crowning gem...

Mt 6:13
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power [dunamis], and the glory, for ever. Amen.

The transliterated Greek word "dunamis" into "power" is where we get the word dynamite.
dynamite is "potential" energy... It will not explode until it is lit with a match.

Acts 8:19
Saying, Give me also this power [exousia], that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.

The Greek transliterated word "exousia" is where we get the english word exercise. Not just latent potential "power" but "exercised" power...

Also another Greek transliterated word of interest is, "energeia"

Col 2:12
Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation [energeia] of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

Comment: God is energy... God is life... Energy is creation... E=mc2

Peace with God... Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 02:03 pm
RexRed wrote:
I wonder if the moon could have come from an earth volcano?

The moon was formed from an impact early in the Earth's history. The moon is composed of material consistent with the upper layers of the Earth's crust, which is just one piece of evidence confirming the formation of the Moon.

RexRed wrote:
Also there are giant dents in the moon but only on one side... the side that faces the earth.

The "dents" are craters, and they are all over the moon, not just on one side.

RexRed wrote:
Also Mars came from the earth too...

No it didn't.

RexRed wrote:
It is unknown what caused these dents/craters "Mare Tranquillitatis" (the Sea of Tranquility) and the many others on the moon...

They are impact craters. We've known this for years.

Before you start coming up with theories (like the ones below), you should at least start with known facts.

RexRed wrote:
I think it is where life once lived... the life carved out the craters... the bacteria produces acids that erode the rocks..

Life lived only on the side that faced the earth, not on the side where it was bombarded by UV rays due to no atmosphere. When the moon gradually moved away from the earth's atmosphere the life died... The moon's weak gravity force attracted these particles to it's surface... When the moon was once closer it dipped into the earth's atmosphere and because the moon does not spin the same area was affected by the earth's atmosphere...

The earth tried to infect the moon with life but the moon could not sustain it because there is not enough metal in the core of the moon to create a magnetic field/atmosphere...

So life needs this electromagnetic field (and many other variables) to survive...

RexRed wrote:
Also I would like to mention that e=mc2 means the energy equals all matter... So all matter is made of energy...

Yeh, we already know this.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 02:20 pm
lol, this thread is funny. No offense or anything.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 03:29 pm
rosborne979 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I wonder if the moon could have come from an earth volcano?

The moon was formed from an impact early in the Earth's history. The moon is composed of material consistent with the upper layers of the Earth's crust, which is just one piece of evidence confirming the formation of the Moon.

RexRed wrote:
Also there are giant dents in the moon but only on one side... the side that faces the earth.

The "dents" are craters, and they are all over the moon, not just on one side.

RexRed wrote:
Also Mars came from the earth too...

No it didn't.

RexRed wrote:
It is unknown what caused these dents/craters "Mare Tranquillitatis" (the Sea of Tranquility) and the many others on the moon...

They are impact craters. We've known this for years.

Before you start coming up with theories (like the ones below), you should at least start with known facts.

RexRed wrote:
I think it is where life once lived... the life carved out the craters... the bacteria produces acids that erode the rocks..

Life lived only on the side that faced the earth, not on the side where it was bombarded by UV rays due to no atmosphere. When the moon gradually moved away from the earth's atmosphere the life died... The moon's weak gravity force attracted these particles to it's surface... When the moon was once closer it dipped into the earth's atmosphere and because the moon does not spin the same area was affected by the earth's atmosphere...

The earth tried to infect the moon with life but the moon could not sustain it because there is not enough metal in the core of the moon to create a magnetic field/atmosphere...

So life needs this electromagnetic field (and many other variables) to survive...

RexRed wrote:
Also I would like to mention that e=mc2 means the energy equals all matter... So all matter is made of energy...

Yeh, we already know this.

Taken from this website:

You will notice you are in complete contradiction... maybe you should brush up on "current" basic earth science before you start knocking it down...

an excerpt:
Mare (plural maria) means "sea," but maria on the moon are plains on the moon. They are called maria because very early astronomers thought that these areas on the moon were great seas. The first moon landing was in the Mare Tranquillitatis (the Sea of Tranquility). Maria are concentrated on the side of the moon that faces the Earth; the far side has very few of these plains. Scientists don't know why this is so.

Wrong on two points... the craters are "concentrated" on the near side facing the earth and scientists don't know why this is so...

I guess "scientists" forgot to ask you rosborne... Smile

I was just remarking this "new" discovery of rock eating bacteria could explain the craters on the moon... and it does not make sense that it is from asteroids that hit in only one place...


You will notice the earth and mars are made of the same mixture of materials... So, mars and the earth could have been one at one time and also I heard this said on a science program that I just watched last night on cable... This was why I repeated it here in this post...

their are certainly asteroid impacts but the bacteria carried on these impacts could have eaten away the rock more...

But they say they have the same genome...

Maybe that is because the earth and mars were once one planet...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 03:55 pm
RexRed wrote:
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:

How do you think I got locked up in this Romulan correctional facility? I inadvertently brought trapped earth creatures in my ship's dilithium storage units. Earth creatures are particularly hostile to beings on other planets because of their extreme stupidity!

Are you a good alien or a bad alien? Smile
I've just accepted a bit part as an organic eggplant in this movie. What do you think? STORE WARS Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 May, 2005 04:58 pm
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:

How do you think I got locked up in this Romulan correctional facility? I inadvertently brought trapped earth creatures in my ship's dilithium storage units. Earth creatures are particularly hostile to beings on other planets because of their extreme stupidity!

Are you a good alien or a bad alien? Smile
I've just accepted a bit part as an organic eggplant in this movie. What do you think? STORE WARS Laughing

That is very funny... thx for the link Smile
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 May, 2005 11:07 am
Ray wrote:
lol, this thread is funny. No offense or anything.

I hope you are not calling my replies "funny"... If so, I would like some specifics... It is hard to offend me but I hold people to their words...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 May, 2005 01:38 pm
RexRed wrote:
Ray wrote:
lol, this thread is funny. No offense or anything.

I hope you are not calling my replies "funny"... If so, I would like some specifics... It is hard to offend me but I hold people to their words...
He obviously must not mean me either. I am known as the no nonsense nabob.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 May, 2005 01:39 pm
Well RR, i find almost every reply you've posted here to be high-larious. Stranger than fiction, you can't make that stuff up . . . then again, maybe you do.
0 Replies

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