@vol fan06,
"but evolution outside of that seems ridiculous. a monkey turning into a man. why does it not happen now then? "
It does... all the time. For example, the chorus frog known as the Spring Peeper was being watched for a very long time, genetically studied, and its evolution carefully charted. About 10 years ago, a very specific critical genetic change occurred. Spring Peeper used to be Hyla crucifer, but it is now Pseudoacris cruicifer.
Evolution is a very simple process but it takes a very long time to happen. Genetic traits that are undesirable have less chance of passing them on. For instance, let's say you were born with a genetically inherited disease that causes everyone affected with it to die before the age of 10. You will not be able to have children because of this, and therefore you won't be able to pass on that defective gene to another generation. The result is that the defect genetically selects itself for extinction. Its important to note that natural selection is just that; natural. Its not active, its passive. If we suddenly enter an ice age, people who are genetically set up for fat storage and body hair might survive better than skinny hairless people. Its not that WE change ourselves based on the environment, its that the environment just reduces the chances of a non-surviving trait being passed on. Its not tough to grasp, it just requires a little thought.
Take a walk around an old farm house. Just 100 years ago, humans were MUCH shorter. Try to take a nap under your great grandmother's quilt and try to fit under the 5' blanket. Now, extrapolate that over a very long period of time. If we were 1' shorter just 100 years ago, what might have happened since the beginning of time? A bipedal hominid (not a monkey) becoming a man? Absolutely possible. Why do you think that evolution couldn't do that? Where does it say in the bible that god created man to look like you do today? Think about the things that have happened in your short life; I'm sure you've noticed things like a spring with a notable increase in frogs, or bugs, or a certain flower. That is natural selection at work. Something about the environment changed; rainfall, temperature, humidity, a late freeze, an early thaw... something. It caused a situation in which certain organisms were favored and others squelched. If that continues over a long period, the change of the species is inevitable.
There are two forms of natural selection. One is purely natural. This can be observed in places like the Galapagos islands. Scientists have gone to great lengths to not disturb the isolation of the islands and have observed speciation at its most pure level. The other kind is imposed. For instance, mother nature couldn't have anticipated air travel, so if a tourist brings home a clipping of Kudzu from Africa and plants it in their back yard (this is an actual documented situation) and it takes over and basically eradicates three species of tree, two species of shrub, and endangers countless insect species, that is abonormally accelerating the process.
Think of it this way... if natural selection didn't exist, the earth would be dead. If adaptation from natural selection DIDN'T occur, everything would die as the environment changed. Instead, it simply selects certain traits that thrive and weeds out traits that aren't favorable.
It doesn't violate your precious bible. God created man in his own image. The bible also says that it is impossible for us to see the face of god. So how do we know what god created? What if god looks like an ameoba?
I personally believe in god, but I personally know that the bible requires faith to believe. But, I refuse to swallow a bunch of contradictions and hooey when the simple, truthful answer is in front of me.
Your question that I quoted above I will answer with another question: If all of those radical miracles happened in the bible, like a worldwide flood, a burning bush, parting of the red sea, feeding the masses with a few loaves and fish... why does it not happen now?
Your grasp of logic has been subverted by faith. If you want to truly know the answers to these questions you have to look at it objectively and ask questions like, "for a minute, let me look at this as if the bible were incorrect." That doesn't require conspiring with the devil, it just calls upon you to use your logical mind instead of fearfully clinging to your crutch.
I think I know what your next question will be... "if man came from monkeys, then why do we still have monkeys?" If that is truly a question you can't answer with your own logic, then you are exactly what the christian church wants. Congrats on finding your home.