Quote: The big bang theory... Where did the bang come from? Who was there to see it? Where did all the material that created the planets etc. come from when the bang happened?
Umm ok God made it. Are you happy? I don't remember the big bang theory saying "no god exists."
Quote: Most of the scientists in the early days of science such as Newton, Copernicus, DiVinci etc. were Christians and relied on the Bible for their ideas and theories.
Yup. But just as a ponderment, what's your point.
Quote:if this subject is important to YOU, then why should you let someone (a google hit list) tell you that the bible is not accurate.
I'm sure Google (which he used Yahoo btw) didn't convince him. He merely was using it to find a suitable link. That's what we use search engines for. I shudder at the thought of someone simply basing an idea off how many hits are on Google lol.
Quote:Do the reading yourself. If you haven't read the Bible, then are you qualified to say that it isn't accurate? If you have read it and done your research then tell us where the inaccuracies are and let's see.
I've actualyl read msot of the bible throughout my religious phase. The one cool part was the book of Revelations. If you want contradictions here's a site about a person who supported the bible and got shot down repeatedly.
and here
and a very complete one
I clicked your link and the chameleon and noticed something:
Quote:About 90 species have been identified,1 and 59 of them live in Madagascar.2 However, there are only two genera,1 which probably means that there were originally only one or two created kinds, which now have many varieties.3
It says there were 2 created kinds of chameleons and from them came the other 90 or so
Does not this imply MACRO-evolution (evolution at or above the species level) which is fervently DENIED by creationists?
I'm probably "interpreting" this wrong so please clear this up for me.
Beyond that I think the link is saying chameleons couldn't evolve. Maybe science can't currently explain it but that's why we have science no? To explain the unexplained. I did find this though:
Quote: and way too many suppositions in trying to create an ancient man from a bone fragment, a tooth (from a pig), or seeing a whole bone and declaring it to be the femur from an ancient man then finding out later it was a bone from another mammal.
Yeah I'd like to kick the idiots who made those mistakes. Did you ever see the glee creationists got when they seemingly thought they found a specimen of a dinosaur hunting a hominid? Well, it was hoax. Both sides have the "jump-to-conclusions" people.
Quote:Question what you are being told and do the research.
Heres a man with his wits. I expect you to question everything I write and refute as I have tried to do with you.