A few points to ponder... I know I'll have to put on my flack jacket for this one.
The big bang theory... Where did the bang come from? Who was there to see it? Where did all the material that created the planets etc. come from when the bang happened?
Most of the scientists in the early days of science such as Newton, Copernicus, DiVinci etc. were Christians and relied on the Bible for their ideas and theories. For example the discovery of the ocean currents. Here is a link to a very interesting article on this subject.
As for evolution, there are too many holes in the theory, too many missing links, and way too many suppositions in trying to create an ancient man from a bone fragment, a tooth (from a pig), or seeing a whole bone and declaring it to be the femur from an ancient man then finding out later it was a bone from another mammal.
What about the interesting animals like the Platypus. A mammal that lays eggs, has a duck bill, uses electric pulses to locate food, and has poisionus spines in it's hind legs for protection. Or the Chameleon that has a tongue like no other (as yet discovered) animal on earth. It's tongue is a highly efficient catapult with a suction cup on the end, any other lizard has a tongue that unfolds and has a sticky end that adheres to their prey. The chameleon's eyes are created so they can react and judge distance in order to catch their prey. They HAD to be created as a whole working unit or else the Chameleon would not have survived. Check out this link
As far as the accuracy of the Bible.. if this subject is important to YOU, then why should you let someone (a google hit list) tell you that the bible is not accurate. Do the reading yourself. If you haven't read the Bible, then are you qualified to say that it isn't accurate? If you have read it and done your research then tell us where the inaccuracies are and let's see.
A personal note to RKfan. I can't PM you as I haven't been approved but go to the links I provided above and stay strong in your Faith. Question what you are being told and do the research.