vol_fan06 wrote:. I have one question. how did the sun form? what (who) formed it? If you say gases formed it? How did those gases get there? How did the earth form? How did what form it get created? How did the first thing in the universe that started this whole thing get created?
I haven't read all 19 odd pages but this one requires some attention but will keep it short
Before the Disc Theory, there was the Laplacian Theory (LPT) on the formation of the solar system. The LPT was overthrown due to unknown mechanisms that it "used" in providing planetary formation, so the world adopted DT, which is fine. Until now. Before the Voyager 2 flybys (so for approximately 10 years to date), a professor mathematician at monash university (Prentice) was predicting the composition of the moons on our outer planets (all of them) past the asteroid belt. these predictions included also the number of moons that the probe Voyager 2 will find. Prentice did not use DT (for whatever reasons), rather he invoked LPT, but modified it and called it MLPT (modern lapacian theory). through this theory, he hypothesized 5 more moons around jupiter and a select few on saturn, uranus etc. now counting moons is fine, but he also predicted the composition of the moons - that of Io, Ganymede, and others around Saturn. They came out to be 3-14% error margins (which is fantastic in the eyes of the astrophysicists - esp. considering DT predicts that these moons don't even exist let alone their compositions.)
Here's the interesting bit. After V2 flybys and Prentice's predictions were seen to be accurate, he put in numerous papers to Nature, SCIAM, New Sci etc. But they were ALL rejected. Why? Because MLPT requires* a young universe. The mechanism is one known as Supersonic Turbulance, a plasma-like "fluid" that "held" the solar system together while the sun was forming, and that the Solar System was created in a matter of minutes/hours (compared to millions of years) - and due to high pressure and enourmous heat energy in a vacuum the whole "system" would cool down very very quickly.
So here is the question - if we really ARE so scientifically objective, why don't the wider community adopt MLPT, and discard DT? - Considering this current paradigm (DT) can't even explain the formation of planets let alone the moons that orbit this planet (Earth) and the other moons around the other planets? It can't be because MLPT supports creationism and dejects evolution, can it??
I'll leave that open, and let the facts/history speak for themselves.