Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2005 06:23 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Einherjar wrote:
RexRed wrote:
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Hands up: who thinks RexRed is actually writing a book called "Non-sequitur as Modern Art" ?

This post has been a book.

A book of being.

Nobody is very much interested in answers of this sort.

So the answers are riddles in caves of darkness?

The answers are self-indulgent, uninformative, and misguided. No wonder you don't believe in science. You're barely capable of linear thought.
This is a lot of quotes. Think we can get a record or something? What the heck is a book of being?

Book of being... there is history... and there is "His" story...

No record yet thunder, I've seen three lined quotes that were higher than they were wide.
How about now?

Must be close.....
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2005 09:24 am
Eorl wrote:
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Einherjar wrote:
RexRed wrote:
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Hands up: who thinks RexRed is actually writing a book called "Non-sequitur as Modern Art" ?

This post has been a book.

A book of being.

Nobody is very much interested in answers of this sort.

So the answers are riddles in caves of darkness?

The answers are self-indulgent, uninformative, and misguided. No wonder you don't believe in science. You're barely capable of linear thought.
This is a lot of quotes. Think we can get a record or something? What the heck is a book of being?

Book of being... there is history... and there is "His" story...

No record yet thunder, I've seen three lined quotes that were higher than they were wide.
How about now?

Must be close.....
No kidding...I hope that this doesn't count as spam.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2005 10:52 am
ben_dover wrote:
WOW!!! rexred is way out there he needs some help

Way out there?

How so, or do you not not have a single point. Name one thing that I have said in my last post that is "out there"...

and we will discuss it...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2005 11:19 am

"Way out there" comments only mean that readers are having trouble understanding what you are trying to do.

In my opinion, you are trying to achieve a synthesis of religion and science. Most people would consider it impossible to achieve such a synthesis.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2005 01:45 pm
The problem is you're trying to put several related topics that should have their own thread spontaneously onto the table in one thread.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Apr, 2005 07:57 pm
wandeljw wrote:

"Way out there" comments only mean that readers are having trouble understanding what you are trying to do.

In my opinion, you are trying to achieve a synthesis of religion and science. Most people would consider it impossible to achieve such a synthesis.

Thanks for understanding... It seems that a synthesis of religion and science is the only way I personally can understand, yet the same understanding to others is foreign... people see things only one sided and cannot see "through" the picture to the meaning behind it... like, to peer into thin air and see a treasure in nothing... certainly the air can be a mirage but it can also be an oasis... Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 11:20 am
I have chosen this post because it is in the subject of religion and deals with evolution... If it was in the science category with a religious title I may have responded to it too... Also, I admit that if I started my own post on the subject that it may not have the same people and honestly maybe no one would respond. I am not admittedly very popular because I mix science with religion. At first I simply baffle people then I inflame them because I disrupt the comfortable world or reality they adhere to...

Like this thought that came to mind...

The tree of knowledge of good and evil (science) not only contains both evil and the knowledge of good, it also has a peculiar anomaly... It has a snake that pervades it's branches and can convince those who eat of the fruit contrarily toward the worship of life and self over God...

That light can be twisted and used as darkness and that darkness can sometimes be paradise in the face of some knowledge...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 01:20 pm
My mixing science with religion is no different than

say for instance these articles...



I am sure Bill Gates was laughed at by the scientists at first... But I guess a scientist would not know the first thing about codes, encryption and secure transactions... Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 04:55 pm
Your above articles arent anything like your posts rex. Theabove is an example of the marriage of the theoretical and applied. Both are sciences, they both operate on a basis of sound evidence, not mythology. To draw the comparison isnt fair to the scientists who are working on the AIDS app.Theyve taken the tedious work in determining retro patterns in virus DNA and applied the once exclusive tool of marketing statistics , data mining. Data mi9ning is also being used at USGS to come up with a universal stratigraphic key based upon specific and minute differences and similarities in regional stratigraphic structures. Without really fast number crunching, data mining would be impossibly slow
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 10:54 pm
farmerman wrote:
Your above articles arent anything like your posts rex. Theabove is an example of the marriage of the theoretical and applied. Both are sciences, they both operate on a basis of sound evidence, not mythology. To draw the comparison isnt fair to the scientists who are working on the AIDS app.Theyve taken the tedious work in determining retro patterns in virus DNA and applied the once exclusive tool of marketing statistics , data mining. Data mi9ning is also being used at USGS to come up with a universal stratigraphic key based upon specific and minute differences and similarities in regional stratigraphic structures. Without really fast number crunching, data mining would be impossibly slow

I have to agree with you FM for the most part. But there is that part of me that has some reserve. This is why I brought up the article because I had a motive.

I will also say that data mining is most likely being used or needed in many disciplines and this requires powerful computers. Disciplines like, atomic predictions, biological, viral, human, economic, militaristic strategies, I must also add spiritual, and of course computational expediency i.e. buffers caches and multi-threading logic...

My reservation is triggered with this thought:
Why not use data mining to figure out the possibilities of God's own fickle "mutations"... Smile The God algorithm... the one that can figure every possibility in any situation and arrive at the "best" one. To harmonize with another vastly unknown "being" and learn to know/predict it's ways... This is what all "researchers" are searching for.. the ability to "walk with the spirit" through realtime "revelation".

An example:
I may need to "not" walk down a certain alley way on a certain day when every other day it is just fine to do so. To preserve my safety "the spirt/God" tells me to break my habit pattern and not go such and such a way that day but down a different alley way...

This is something a law cannot teach... all life needs a dynamic floating pointer approach. An array of probabilities, possibilities and circumstances that mimic patterns of "foreknowledge" and wisdom.

About science and the fears of what science can do:
There is both rational and irrational fear. But it is hard to draw the line when nature has lovingly held the reins and preserved humans for millions of years and to think that scientists could develop a flu virus that could go in and change someone's DNA is more in the rational fears category... and nuclear science is in the same deck of cards.

Will they will not stop till we are being cooked by a constant stream of radiation that accelerates radical mutation and de-evolution on the whole planet? The same fate of Marie Curie... They are also searching for fusion that in itself has the power of a sun... Can our earth withstand that kind of localized reaction prolonged over time? I realize I am being like a chicken little and, I am generally for science... but, I am much more for life... I am not really sure if science will improve life over the next one hundred years or destroy it. Pushing ahead with science may only make us more dependant on it, enlarge population and accelerate the use of vital life prolonging nonrenewable resources of the earth..

Science is unfortunately walking a tight rope and playing God with humans and the earth this may be vital to our survival too... Any discussion about the ethical problems in religion and science must address this possibility that knowledge of this tree of science/God can bring both good and evil and what steps will we take to insure that we are guided as a race toward that outcome that will preserve our manifest destiny.

God's interface to humans is scientific... it can be measured, analyzed with great scrutiny, observed with the eyes, it can be tested and tried, weighed on a scale, charged with energy, operated, transformed.
God is pure math and the seed of all geometry, God has capacitors, resistors and inductors that work to form the grid that powers the human spirit and psyche. In understanding God humans should spare no known scientific process of scrutiny (including "data mining")...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 12:33 am

For purposes of clarity, if you don't mind, if you did not refer to the God of the Bible as "mythology"... I can handle that from Frank Aspia (no insult intended) but I do expect better from you... the jury is still out on this one...

Also, It would not be fitting if I referred to the theories of Einstein or Darwin as "mythology"... If I did so, it would only appear to be a malicious statement at best.

Most, if not all mythology has "truth", or it never would have survived thousands of years. It should not be used as a key word to imply that one's ideas or beliefs are incorrect or a "pure" fabrication... There are other words that express the intent you were looking for better. (like fantasy) I can show you valuable "truth" even in the most fanciful of myths... Myths are catalysts for truth... How do we know that these myths were not created by the precursors of today's scientists to curb social problems, record disaster, teach subjective reason, culture and civilization? Were the ancients so ignorant that we cannot give them heed and hear them out?

Something off to the side:
Considering there are mathematical equations that have "two" answers... I find all of life to be a bit "mythological"...

This is way off the subject... And only slightly related to what you have said But I have wanted to express this point... How precious is life?
God is the only thing that separates humans from animals...
Here is an example of social temperance...

I heard it once that Mc Donald's kills a million cows an hour...
So they can serve a billion people an hour a hamburger...

Here is a myth...

Romans 8:36
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Why is it right to kill sheep "all the day long" but humans are "more" than conquerors? How can you be "more" than a conqueror? How does this fit into evolution... Are humans today worth all of this animal sacrifice?

I think there is wisdom beyond years in this "Bible"... It addresses issues we are thousands of years later still debating. Maybe science is soon to answer some of them... But until it does this book is the only light we have in a dark path toward discovery and survival.

FM this post was really not directed at you just the mythology thing...

Again I just like to ramble on and see if anyone can catch me in an egregious error. hehe

I am really just saying, when one looks at mythology metaphysically and semi historically it suddenly makes sense...

Hercules holding up the world, oracles and fate? Sounds like modern science to me...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:44 am
I guess I have had a motive here... I have hoped it not be along the lines of preaching or proselytizing... I have just had another view that seems to negate me all together from this "debate". It is hard to have a serious debate when for a brief moment everyone seems to agree... I do believe in evolution so you cannot really accuse me of preaching but I also believe in creation so I believe God is energy...

This reply is addressed to all people in this post who either oppose evolution or creation (as written in the Bible). If you do not oppose either then this reply should only re-affirm what you already believe in.

The scientist says all things came from the dust (atoms/DNA)... The dust of the big bang... they say the universe is in decay...

The Bible says we are formed from the dust and to the dust we shall return...

They both are based on the same exact principle...

The Bible is not a limited set of principles because the Bible encompasses science...

True Christians do not walk around with blind folds on. They are not, only relegated to prayer sessions and confession. They can peer through microscopes/telescopes and gaze into space, love and wonder about how things interact. Christians even have curiosity...

The reason I bring all of this up is because I feel that the moment if I were to leave this post. Not that I want to... Then the two evolution/creation would be set up juxtaposed to each other again.

Don't you all realize that you are both right? This means accepting the bulk of each others point of view... and finding where the two halves have their problems... Yet the scientist is too busy making calculations and the Christian is too busy saying prayers to step back and see the whole picture... Step back, take off the blindfolds! It is an elephants tail! hehe (now go wash your hands) Just kidding...

Gravity seems to be the force that has pulled this whole universe into this cohesive bond of both evolution "and" creation. Is gravity God? Gravity is everywhere in the universe. The universe is one big computer with gravity flowing through it's circuits... God Slowly building atom upon atom till massive structures lay at the heart of the universe and galaxys with billions of suns that are like dust in the wind. Well you get the picture I guess... hehe

Religion encompasses science...

Peace with God...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 03:15 am

If I may, I think that trying to tie science and religion together is just pure insanity, which is why you are getting very funny looks from both sides of the fence.

Analogy anyone? It's a bit like saying that.....

Snow White needs to be understood in the context of the Wall Street stock market. After all, the price of apples is directly affected by market forces, and efficient poison production depends and low pharmaceutical stocks. With all seven dwarves ho ho-ing off to work unemployment figures are at an all time low, meaning wages for handsome princes will have to rise if it's going to possible to cover the cost of rates on medieval castles.

You are saying similar things and expecting to be taken seriously.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 05:49 am
God is pure math and the seed of all geometry, God has capacitors, resistors and inductors that work to form the grid that powers the human spirit and psyche. In understanding God humans should spare no known scientific process of scrutiny (including "data mining")...

If you are certain of this, you should go about trying to collect evidence to support it.My problem is when , by extension, many religious beliefs are transferred to the realm of "truth", when only one person out of many may stipulate to what it is thats been offered up. I call it mythology since there is already an established story line and , again, by extension, lots of underpinning that is only accepted by the initiates.
For your information rex, I happen to agree with Franks religious views, so your not so subtle put down didnt go unnoticed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 05:53 am
Eorl wrote:

If I may, I think that trying to tie science and religion together is just pure insanity, which is why you are getting very funny looks from both sides of the fence.

Analogy anyone? It's a bit like saying that.....

Snow White needs to be understood in the context of the Wall Street stock market. After all, the price of apples is directly affected by market forces, and efficient poison production depends and low pharmaceutical stocks. With all seven dwarves ho ho-ing off to work unemployment figures are at an all time low, meaning wages for handsome princes will have to rise if it's going to possible to cover the cost of rates on medieval castles.

You are saying similar things and expecting to be taken seriously.

I think your analogy is accurate, Eorl. But will Rex agree that the story of Snow White is analogous to the Biblical story of Creation?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 06:02 am
hmm good point Rosbourne. Perhaps something like the story of Robin Hood would have been less one-sided.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 08:54 am
Another perspective on this: Aristotle attempted to replace Greek mythology with theories based on observation, induction, and critical discussion. Is this when science began to be incompatible with religion?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 10:01 am
Eorl wrote:

If I may, I think that trying to tie science and religion together is just pure insanity, which is why you are getting very funny looks from both sides of the fence.

Analogy anyone? It's a bit like saying that.....

Snow White needs to be understood in the context of the Wall Street stock market. After all, the price of apples is directly affected by market forces, and efficient poison production depends and low pharmaceutical stocks. With all seven dwarves ho ho-ing off to work unemployment figures are at an all time low, meaning wages for handsome princes will have to rise if it's going to possible to cover the cost of rates on medieval castles.

You are saying similar things and expecting to be taken seriously.

So did Snow White put the big bang there? I also don't remember anything in the Snow White story that claims that Snow White formed us from the dust from the ground... I see... the more you compare the Bible with fairy stories the less your conscience feels the guilt of denying your creator...

So I bet you like the physics fairytale better, that we created ourselves... I will keep my creation story. I do not see any martyrs in Snow White or the temples of Solomon or David... and the deliverance of God through the unseen presence of the holy spirit... These are things that both science and Snow White sorely lack...

Snow White describes aptly the power of true love and how it wins over evil... this is biblical. This is instruction in righteousness and does parallel the Bible... Also are you saying there is nothing you can learn from Snow White? Walt Disney was a Christian...

"A prayer, it seems to me, implies a promise as well as a request; at the highest level, prayer not only is supplication for strength and guidance, but also becomes an affirmation of life and thus a reverent praise of God." -Walt Disney

You may not realize this but the Acts of the Apostles are still being written today...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 10:28 am
farmerman wrote:
God is pure math and the seed of all geometry, God has capacitors, resistors and inductors that work to form the grid that powers the human spirit and psyche. In understanding God humans should spare no known scientific process of scrutiny (including "data mining")...

If you are certain of this, you should go about trying to collect evidence to support it. My problem is when , by extension, many religious beliefs are transferred to the realm of "truth", when only one person out of many may stipulate to what it is thats been offered up. I call it mythology since there is already an established story line and , again, by extension, lots of underpinning that is only accepted by the initiates.
For your information rex, I happen to agree with Franks religious views, so your not so subtle put down didnt go unnoticed.

I thought I made it clear that it was not a put down, I also respect Frank's opinion... though I do not personally agree... I agree with your position till you cut God (of the Bible) from the equation... Have you nothing but to put a blank space in the place of God? You can talk of string theories but who is strumming those strings?

I can believe in evolution because I see the results of it... I can also believe in creation because I see the results of it too... These results tell me matter "is" created... I agree with you when you say that Christians take faith too far... But so do scientists trying to prove their theories over another... Many, but not all, Scientists do have left wing "bias" as Christians have right wing bias... Scientists seem to "know" there is no soul or spirit so they can inject bunnies with chemicals that make them glow in the dark and they can go to sleep at night without considering the horror that they have caused another living creature... Their clinical world is far from perfect... It grossly underestimates the living condition...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 11:04 am
wandeljw wrote:
Another perspective on this: Aristotle attempted to replace Greek mythology with theories based on observation, induction, and critical discussion. Is this when science began to be incompatible with religion?

That is a good point... As a spiritual person you seem to know your science very well...

I would say that the Greeks were a spiritually and scientifically rich society. They had the influence of religion and science merged into a picture of how things began and continue to function. A rich environment of learning from most perspectives. Understanding of logic was the result of spiritual concepts. Idealism, realism and parallelism (hehe my own term)... The Greeks believed in the human spirit, but, they also believed that the world began out of an accident... not divine intention and will. Was the big bang an accident?
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