I find this one difficult the answer is not right there like some of the other questions...
I personally believe we
did evolve from plants... I feel a close kindred with them hehe
But, what is puzzling to me is how we are such a compliment/bookend to plants. The oxygen/Co2 thing and that we all need photosynthesis to live.. Which means we evolved maybe originally from plants but then for a time we evolved beside plants and developed a symbiotic
1.) Biology. A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member.
2.) A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.)
relationship... this enabled further evolution of both species...
We survived the plant kingdom by becoming cannibals...
We survived the animal kingdom by becoming cannibals...
[This is unrelated really, but the origin of the word cannibal is not from Africa as some might suppose... It is from Babylonian Chaldee which means "the priests of Baal"... who were known for eating flesh and blood of humans in rituals.]
I have heard it said that, "Lucy" an early hominoid, had four huge stomachs like a cow to digest vegetables and a small brain. Humans climbed out of the fertile valley in Africa onto the plains and lost their four stomachs and small brains to one stomach and larger brains for hunting and killing skills and digesting only animal protein. The stomach, becoming less of an organ, gave the human body more energy to develop other organs i.e. the brain... It is hard to sometimes imagine that this one single change was what gave us intelligence... but that may be the case. I have my own theory as to why they came out onto the plains... they may have discovered how to make fire...
Acts 11:5-7
5 I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me:
6 Upon the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and saw fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.
7 And I heard a voice saying unto me, Arise, Peter; slay and eat.