Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:14 am
Setanta wrote:
There is nothing in your drivel to convince me of anything other than the confusion of your mind.

What evidence do you have for the existence of "spirit" which anyone else can examine to determine if they agree?

There are 9 manifestations of the spirit listed in the Bible...

They are the external evidence in the senses realm of the internal reality and presence of the holy spirit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:16 am
No, that is not evidence. It is assertion without foundation. That is why all you do is clog this thread with your silly babble--you cannot distinguish mere assertion from evidence; you cannot distinguish "gee, wouldn't it be great" from "this is what we have learned about how things are."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:19 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
You are standing at the base of an escarpment. You look up and see 300 feet of amazing structure. What wonder! Who could have, must have, created such an edifice? Something like that cannot arise from nothing it must have a creator. Then you take a walk around the other side. Its a long long slope upwards. Bit by bit it builds on itself. Over many many years you get to the top and there it is in all its glory!

All is understandable once you understand the time scale. Sadly the 6 day-ers and the 6000 years people just cant. (Actually many of them can, but wont)

Blind faith of any kind is an insult to a person's intelligence.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:22 am
Rex wrote:
Blind faith of any kind is an insult to a person's intelligence.

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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:23 am
RexRed wrote:
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
You are standing at the base of an escarpment. You look up and see 300 feet of amazing structure. What wonder! Who could have, must have, created such an edifice? Something like that cannot arise from nothing it must have a creator. Then you take a walk around the other side. Its a long long slope upwards. Bit by bit it builds on itself. Over many many years you get to the top and there it is in all its glory!

All is understandable once you understand the time scale. Sadly the 6 day-ers and the 6000 years people just cant. (Actually many of them can, but wont)

Blind faith of any kind is an insult to a person's intelligence.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:35 am
Setanta wrote:
No, that is not evidence. It is assertion without foundation. That is why all you do is clog this thread with your silly babble--you cannot distinguish mere assertion from evidence; you cannot distinguish "gee, wouldn't it be great" from "this is what we have learned about how things are."

What is evolution? An assertion without a foundation so what is really your point? Evolution must have materials with which to start with...

Evolution in no way explains where the materials came from in the first place.

So who is clogging up what? You are again standing in the way of a logical discussion out of your blind allegiance to something you have no PROOF of either.

My assertion is better than yours because it builds on science. Yet yours does not permit any spirituality so who has a clogged drain? I do not have to reject evolution because my Bible teaches that. Yet your scientific Bible teaches you to reject life and the spirit for the flesh.

I am not denying evolution. I am providing an explanation for things like "gravity" and even spiritual matters and operations that science may NEVER EVER be able to "know" other than by "divine" revelation.

Ro 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation [judgment] to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:46 am
RexRed wrote:
What is evolution? An assertion without a foundation so what is really your point? Evolution must have materials with which to start with...

You demonstrate the extent to which you have no business in this discussion. Descent with modification by natural selection from common ancestors is the thesis which Charles Darwin advanced on the basis of his morphological observations. Very far from being an assertion without foundation, it was a theory derived from the implications of evidence which had been carefully and diligently collected. That is the quintessence of founding a theory upon the most plausible description of the implications of the available evidence. That Wallace came to exactly the same conclusion based upon different evidence only served to underline the validity of the conclusions drawn from the evidence.

Evolution in no way explains where the materials came from in the first place.

That is absolutely correct--a theory of evolution does not stipulate cosmic origins. That is why so much of your babble is meaningless and bears no relation to the topic of this thread.

So who is clogging up what? You are again standing in the way of a logical discussion out of you blind allegiance to something you have no PROOF of either.

I am not blindly allied to a theory of evolution. If someone comes along with a better explanation for which accounts for all of the data, and which meets all tests of replication and falsification, then i'll be happy to adopt that explanation.

The topic of this thread is "Evolution? How?" You provide nothing of substance on that topic, and therefore i assert that you clog the thread with your babble.

My assertion is better than yours because it builds on science. Yet yours does not permit any spirituality so who has a clogged drain? I do not have to reject evolution because my Bible teaches that. Yet your scientific Bible teaches you to reject life and the spirit for the flesh.

I have no "scientific bible." I accept scientific explanations which are not internally contradictory, and which explain the observable phenomenon. When science delves into areas which i do not understand, such as quantum mechanics, i admit my ignorance, and make no pronouncements on the topic. You, however, have clogged your mind with your Bible, and your assertions (not proofs, merely assertions) that your scripture "proves" anything. It does not, and you have never succeeded in demonstrating that your Bible contains a single "proof" of anything.

I am not denying evolution. I am providing an explanation for things like "gravity" and even spiritual matters and operations that science may NEVER EVER be able to "know" other than by "divine" revelation.

Evolution is not concerned with gravity--although, inferentially, a theory of evolution assumes that there is gravity. This is yet more evidence of your confusion. You don't explain anything. You just make one string of unsubstantiated assertions after the other.

Ro 8:1

"Ro?" You got a new book of the Bible you've been keeping from us, Rex?

There is therefore now no condemnation [judgment] to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Quoting scripture is proof of nothing, other than your credulity.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 11:56 am
Again Set, you only prove that holy spirit must be acquired to comprehend spiritual matters.

You are but one more proof in the laboratory of spiritual life.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 12:03 pm
Out of all the **** i wrote, you pick the bit about t-rex's to reply about, what about the black christians in africa who are dieing by the handful, why has your god forsaken them ? why did he give them aids, famine and war? what about the early "Hands on" murders and massacres done by your God? it is back to the old "Christian mind eraser" jumping into action again isn't it? you read then forget because thats the only answer to the drivel you believe in. Speaking of noah, why was he saved ? So your God almost wipes out the world, including innocent children and babies, is that not a nasty act? surely there where other boats in the world or is that too far fetched for your nieve christian mind.

BDV wrote:
I find it bizarre that so many Christians will go to so much extent to prove something which is quite obviously wrong, there is a God who ages the galaxy to make it look old, while at the same time can't be bothered stopping modern day mass murders and exterminations, the excuse being that we are free willed, yet in the old testament had quite a "hands on" attitude, and without any kind of remorse would willfully kill and murder just to help out a minority of a population (Kinda cheating don't you think).

Then you say t-rex's and other dinosaurs existed at the same time as the old testament, so where did noah put them in the arc ? and how did he feed them, surely these massive creatures would have been hard to keep up on just fish, or did Noah not bother to bring them?

Maybe your God is the one who is evil, he allows so much suffering yet only helps privileged americans, while neglecting his aids/hunger ridden followers in africa or is the stigma of slavery still in the mind of many americans, which deems these fellow human beings worthless? or has things become so bad that God only accepts the whiteman or african americans now?

Many believe the chosen people of Israel left and went to europe and then on the states, so is the reason that the rest of the world must suffer while the west over indulges in materialism and greed?

I do believe that many christians spend their lives in hope of saving souls, giving them the equivalent of a celestial wank when the succeed, but do you never think that it could be possible that you are damning them. Your book is not infallible nor perfect, it was not written by God but by man, and if the age of an item is to be taken into account for authenticity then ignoring every other ancient writing on the planet is just pure negligence.

I doubt I will get an answer to any of the above, I am well versed in the bible so if you want me to quote mass murders/sacrifices/anti-disability sections of the old testament then i will, I just see it pointless as the christian mind eraser will just jump into action, and the blissful ignorance to what is actually written and your praise of a God who seems to lack any sort of self-esteem and confidence will continue.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 12:05 pm
Jeremiah 2:13
For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

Science is a broken cistern that can hold no water...
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Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 12:39 pm
And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. Genesis 6:6-7
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 12:54 pm
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
BDV wrote:

Then you say t-rex's and other dinosaurs existed at the same time as the old testament, so where did noah put them in the arc ? and how did he feed them, surely these massive creatures would have been hard to keep up on just fish, or did Noah not bother to bring them?

hi BDV,

This is an old and rather silly objection, don't you think so?

Have you ever considered (possibly not) that Noah did not have to bring full grown specimens, but could have (and probably would have preferred to) brought along young, small representatives of most of the species?

Even a small brontosaur would be a hulking monster at the end of a year. You need to pull another divine miracle out of your rectum to cover that one . . .

hi Setanta,

At what rate would a brontosaurus have grown during the first year, and how did you establish this figure?

Hope you're having a great day.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:00 pm
real life,

Your posts about dinosaurs on the ark sound like you are telling a children's story.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:04 pm
Pretty damned fast, i'd say. Given that there would have had to have been more than a million species of insect, and more than 50,000 of all other animals, there wouldn't have been much room for growth. Quite apart from the sheer magnitude of the task, you are stuck with every species currently know having been accomodated on your fanciful boat, because you're stipulating for a direct creation of all known forms of life--unless, of course, you're now willing to stipulate that some form of evolution has taken place since then.

By the way, Brontosaurus is no longer the accepted term, as it was found that the head originally attributed to the fossils found was not the right head. They are now called Apatosaurs. Full grown Apatosaurs weighed forty tons. Quite apart from the ludicrous image of Noah going into the nesting grounds of Apatasaurs to turn the juveniles over to establish the gender, one has to consider that to get from an egg (even if quite a large egg) to a forty ton, full-grown adult would have required a very rapid growth rate altogether.

I'm rather disappointed in you, though. The last time this came up, you used a different dodge, and claimed that your boy, god, put the critters into some sort of suspended animation, so that fodder would not have been needed. That sillines is irrelevant, though, as your boat with the given dimensions could not have held all the species, even if juveniles.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:09 pm
wandeljw wrote:
real life,

Your posts about dinosaurs on the ark sound like you are telling a children's story.

hi Wandeljw,

Well, it did seem rather elementary to point out that a full grown TRex is not specified (nor a full grown animal of any kind) in the account of the flood.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:12 pm
Nevertheless, any critter you put on board is going to have to be old enough to be viable--to be able to live to reproductive age. You still have the problem of more than a million species of insect alone--nevermind the tens of thousands of other species. Frankly, the entire concept is absurd beyond belief. To assure that there be a male and a female of each species, the jueveniles would have to be old enough that Noah and Company could distinguish male from female.

I am hilariously amused, though, that you continue to attempt to make it sound as though you have a plausible thesis, and that the obvious and modest objections advanced against it are what is unreasonable.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:17 pm
Setanta wrote:
Nevertheless, any critter you put on board is going to have to be old enough to be viable ... .

And all those insect et. al. which just live one day or even shorter.

But bees (and ants etc), that would have been one female and some hundred males Laughing
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tin sword arthur
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:19 pm
I pointed this out on another thread; I'll drop it in here, too.

Genesis 7
2Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

3Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.

See, it wasn't just two of each animal, it was two of each unclean, and seven pair of clean and birds.
That boat gets more crowded all the time.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:29 pm
Setanta wrote:
Pretty damned fast, i'd say. Given that there would have had to have been more than a million species of insect, and more than 50,000 of all other animals, there wouldn't have been much room for growth. Quite apart from the sheer magnitude of the task, you are stuck with every species currently know having been accomodated on your fanciful boat, because you're stipulating for a direct creation of all known forms of life--unless, of course, you're now willing to stipulate that some form of evolution has taken place since then.

By the way, Brontosaurus is no longer the accepted term, as it was found that the head originally attributed to the fossils found was not the right head. They are now called Apatosaurs. Full grown Apatosaurs weighed forty tons. Quite apart from the ludicrous image of Noah going into the nesting grounds of Apatasaurs to turn the juveniles over to establish the gender, one has to consider that to get from an egg (even if quite a large egg) to a forty ton, full-grown adult would have required a very rapid growth rate altogether.

I'm rather disappointed in you, though. The last time this came up, you used a different dodge, and claimed that your boy, god, put the critters into some sort of suspended animation, so that fodder would not have been needed. That sillines is irrelevant, though, as your boat with the given dimensions could not have held all the species, even if juveniles.

hi Setanta,

Instead of guessing 'pretty fast', maybe we could consider that unlike mammals which grow to full size in a specified period of time and then do not continue to increase in size, many other species continue to grow throughout their lifespan. So a rapid growth curve from 0 to 40 tons is not necessarily the case.

Maybe someone who has specialized knowledge of these big critters can enlighten us further.

Also, there was no need for Noah to search the nesting area of any animal, because the animals came to him.

I don't remember postulating any 'suspended animation', although I may have mentioned that some others have suggested ordinary hibernation (just as many animals do today) may have taken place during the time the animals were onboard. This would , of course, have eased the burden of feeding, cleaning , etc
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jun, 2006 01:29 pm
So we now have a boat the size of an island, I suppose he brought enough food for them all also, plus if he only took eggs, how would he know which was male, and which female, I know maybe he had a DNA sample of each and cloned all the animals in the world.
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