Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:45 pm
Did you mean genius?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:52 pm
Wondered who was gonna snap up that bit of bait - figured you for the top of that list Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:53 pm
I'll stumble myself . . . it's just a matter of tiem . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 02:55 pm
Hey, whutthuheck - if ya ain't havin' fun, yer doin' it wrong Mr. Green :cool:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 03:39 pm
My comments are in red.

Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
RexRed wrote:
How do I know they are right? Because I can come into many debates and not have an internal issue because I am right.

The logic here is not sound. You are right because you do not have an internal issue? What about the Nazis? They too did not have any internal issues, though they were clearly wrong.

You speak to any racist, homophobe or bigot of any creed or colour. They will insist they are right, because they can come to the debate with no internal issues. Are they?

If you do not have an internal issue, proves nothing except that you have not or choose not to see any internal issues. Right or wrong doesn't factor in to it.

Wolf, you are arguing with me about an issue you do not fully understand... Isn't that an internal issue? Also, on both sides of the fence creation and evolution each side understands each other's points but they are both missing the theory that unifies them. This is because they cannot see they are basically saying the same thing. The theory is uniform. It has less to do with conscience, nazis and more to do with unfettered wisdom, like, "should I cut the baby in half"?. Should we cut the classroom in half?

When I base my assumptions on foundational scripture I always end up on top.

On top of what? On top meaning I win.

Sometimes you can lose and still win and win and still lose, either way I win...

When you base your assumptions on foundational scripture, you always end up with assumptions based on foundational scripture. But have you tried to find out whether the foundational scripture itself, particularly the bits you use to prop up your pseudo-scientific beliefs, is actually true?

Every conscious thought is a test to try the scriptures and prove their meaning. The thoughts are weighed between the balances of soul and spirit.

Are you sure it doesn't prop up your beliefs just because you twist it to mean something it didn't initially mean?

The purpose is not to twist anything but untwist them and make the path straight. AFTER learning to have a "working" understanding of body, soul and spirit the Bible will finally make sense. That is unraveling not twisting and contorting it further. In this simple unraveling many passages come to light once shrouded in confusion.

Standing on solid ground.

Standing on solid ground does not make you right.

How about starting with just standing on sound research?

Now if people could reason me into a corner then I would concede but the indication that people have to resort to cheap shots and insult my intelligence only shows they cannot touch the doctrine. If they could I would be the first to admit it.

However, there is a problem. What if you refuse to believe you are in a corner? You have done so many times, not because you weren't in a corner, but because you genuinely did not see it.

We state that your view is unsupportable. Unsupportable but not dis-proven Science cannot support it.

Science cannot support something it cannot disprove? Science supports light yet it doesn't know it it is a particle or a wave. Science selectively supports what it wants to support, what benefits the corporation.

You then weasel your way out of that corner by invoking things that have not been proved to exist, things that may not exist and then state that science cannot prove it because it cannot measure everything.

It is true. Science cannot measure everything.

If I make something up and instantly define it in such a way that science cannot measure it, then I have made something that is out of the realms of science. I can claim it is true and can never be proved wrong. That is disingenuous.

Invoking something that cannot be proved wrong because it is defined as something that cannot be falsifiable is a disingenuous argument.

I can make up all sorts of imaginary arguments to prop up any idea I come up with. You cannot argue against it, because there is no way to do so.

Yes, you can argue that you did not make up the idea of spirits and souls. That does not change the fact that they are potentially made up and are disingenuous.

It is not disingenuous if it is true.

I do not understand the basic theoretical materials because I did not use observation of the physical world to learn this. I learned this from the Bible which claims this knowledge was given by "revelation" and not derived from the five senses.

So this information CANNOT be derived from scientific observation of "the universe". It was God who revealed what science could not KNOW.

So, basically, you are saying you are right, because you read it in a book that said it was correct?

I am right (spiritually) only because God is right and if I study the book I will find the holy (vs unholy) wisdom of God..

Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code says the Priory of Sion existed and was founded in the Middle Ages. The book says it's true. Is it?

Dan has made no claim to be God yet...

You may argue that this is comparing apples to oranges, but how is it? Both are texts, written by fallible human beings.

(one claims to be holy and inspired by God not man)

Both claim to be correct. It is impossible to prove that any God was behind either text.

The proof is in the practice. The Da Vinci Code offers a corrupted "physical" bloodline... the Bible offers a holy "spiritual" NEW birth.

Comparing the two is not apples and oranges. It is comparing two texts that both claim to be correct. It is like comparing a Cox apple to a Braeburn.

Hint, "one is truth and one is error..."

The Bible is true because it says it is? It says its revelations do not come from the five senses, because it says so? Well, how can you prove the Bible is telling the truth?

By commitment, then believing it, then walking out on it's promises and seeing if they are "genuine". Will the spirit quicken your soul and bring you favor with God's abundance? That is up for your life to measure.

Because of my reaction? My reaction cannot prove anything about the Bible. It merely proves that I have a certain (spiritual) disposition towards it, not that the Bible itself is correct.

Your reaction can prove failure or deliverance...

You see, science itself is not limited to the five senses either.

You cannot touch an electron Electrons are in your finger, you cannot see an electron or taste Electrons are used by your eye and taste facilities too it or hear it or smell it Ditto. Yet science has proved beyond a doubt that such a thing exists. But is an electron life or alive?

Many scientist's have opposing doubts about the nature of the electron and how/why and what form it exists. Are we looking at "life/soul" with the electron or many primitive levels down?Yet the spiritual level is even higher than that of life.

Yes, it is physical. But what in this world is not physical?

Even thoughts are physical. They are electrical impulses, chemicals and electrons travelling down neurones in the brain. Even vague concepts are in a way physical, because they are held in the mind or written down on pages.

Thoughts are related to the physical but are thoughts life? This does deserve some thought. My intentions are genuine.

Your argument is a disingenuous one.

Again it is only disingenuous if it is false and cannot produce any "profit"... The fact that my supposition does unify the "argument" then not only is my argument genuine (true) but it is PROFITABLE for sound philosophical/spiritual understanding.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 03:43 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
RexRed wrote:

You are just mad because you can't prove me wrong.

By insulting God and me and you are only showing how shallow and demented your own soul is.

Science can NOT make "life" Dr. Frankenstein.

2Ti 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Wolf is right on the mark, Rex.

You are a mixed up individual...who simply refuses to see anything that does not comport well with your guesses about the nature of REALITY.

Wolf is blowing your arguments out of the water.

The fact that you will not acknowledge that he is doing so....does not change the fact that it is happening.

Wolf is blowing bubbles with his neck... Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 03:57 pm
Few things are as fascinating as the psychopathology euphemistically termed "religious faith" ... and fewer still are more dangerous.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 04:00 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Few things are as fascinating as the psychopathology euphemistically termed "religious faith" ... and fewer still are more dangerous.

Rex and I go way, way back...Abuzz and all that.

He's a decent guy...of that I am convinced. But...

Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 04:08 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Rex and I go way, way back...Abuzz and all that.

Oh, I know allabout the backstory ... I wuz there too, if you'll recall.

He's a decent guy...of that I am convinced.

I agree ... I actually sorta like bumping into his posts here, really.


Twisted Evil

Yup, know whatchya mean. Still, could be worse; remember DominicJohn's style and substance? :wink:

Edit to add: Hell, Frank, for that matter, no need to go all the way back there - remember Maliagar?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 04:48 pm
Beware of summoning demons of the past. :wink: Smile
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 04:52 pm
RexRed wrote:
Wolf, you are arguing with me about an issue you do not fully understand... Isn't that an internal issue?

No, not the way I see it. To me, an internal issue would be if I were to have conflicting viewpoints that make me doubt my original viewpoint.

And besides, even if we go by your definition of an internal issue, how would that make my view invalid? You argue against science, yet you do not fully understand it. Does that mean your arguments are invalid?

If so, begone. You do not fully understand evolution, so your arguments are not valid. Rolling Eyes

On top meaning I win.

Sometimes you can lose and still win and win and still lose, either way I win...

An assertion without proof.

The purpose is not to twist anything but untwist them and make the path straight. AFTER learning to have a "working" understanding of body, soul and spirit the Bible will finally make sense. That is unraveling not twisting and contorting it further. In this simple unraveling many passages come to light once shrouded in confusion.

However, in your quest, you will inevitably twist the message somehow. To prove this, I want you to choose a passage from the Bible that shores up your belief.

How about starting with just standing on sound research?

In that case, you lose, because you have not done any sound research or proved to us that you have done so.

Unsupportable but not dis-proven

Flying Spaghetti Monster, anyone?

Science cannot support something it cannot disprove? Science supports light yet it doesn't know it it is a particle or a wave.

Wrong. It does know what light is. It is both particle and wave.

Science selectively supports what it wants to support, what benefits the corporation.

That's like saying religion selectively supports what it wants to support, what benefits the rich. (The Communist assertion). It's absolutely wrong.

It is not disingenuous if it is true.

Wrong. It is still disingenuous, regardless of whether it is true or not. Truth has nothing to do with being disingenuousness.

I am right (spiritually) only because God is right and if I study the book I will find the holy (vs unholy) wisdom of God...

That wasn't in red. For a moment there, I was wondering why on Earth I would say that. Never mind.

Anyway, you are exhibiting logic disconnect there. God being right, does not make you right. God being right does not make the Bible right and that in turn does not make you right.

What makes you think the Bible is God's wisdom? Because it says so?

Dan has made no claim to be God yet...

No. Say he had, though. Then what difference would there be between his book and the Bible? They would then both claim to be the same thing. They would both claim to be the word of God and the wisdom of God.

(one claims to be holy and inspired by God not man)

So? Any human being can do that. I now proclaim this post of mine to be inspired by God. Only my words speak the truth.

The proof is in the practice. The Da Vinci Code offers a corrupted "physical" bloodline... the Bible offers a holy "spiritual" NEW birth.

Meaningless. I offer a new holy "spiritual" NEW birth. Commit suicide and be amazed as I resurrect you into a new angelic body.

Comparing the two is not apples and oranges. It is comparing two texts that both claim to be correct. It is like comparing a Cox apple to a Braeburn.

Hint, "one is truth and one is error..."

Yet you have failed consistently to prove that the one you believe to be true, is true.

By commitment, then believing it, then walking out on it's promises and seeing if they are "genuine". Will the spirit quicken your soul and bring you favor with God's abundance? That is up for your life to measure.

I proclaim that everyone must breathe oxygen. That is true. So therefore my words must be God's words of wisdom.

Your reaction can prove failure or deliverance...

My reaction proves only my reaction. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Electrons are in your finger

Not the same as touching an electron, is it? Or feeling it? You cannot sense an electron through touch.

Electrons are used by your eye and taste facilities too

Yes, but you don't see them or taste them. Using them is another matter altogether.


You're being disingenuous again and twisting words and meanings too.

But is an electron life or alive?

An irrelevant question.

Many scientist's have opposing doubts about the nature of the electron and how/why and what form it exists. Are we looking at "life/soul" with the electron or many primitive levels down?Yet the spiritual level is even higher than that of life.

That proves nothing, except that the scientists have opposing views. Furthermore, what are these opposing views you speak of?

Thoughts are related to the physical but are thoughts life? This does deserve some thought. My intentions are genuine.

Irrelevant again. What does it matter if it's alive or not? It's still physical. Your speculation is off-topic at best.

Again it is only disingenuous if it is false and cannot produce any "profit"... The fact that my supposition does unify the "argument" then not only is my argument genuine (true) but it is PROFITABLE for sound philosophical/spiritual understanding.

Disingenuousness has nothing to do with truth or falsity. Look it up in a dictionary sometime. It doesn't matter. You're still being disingenuous.

Now everybody will think I'm crazy to go into so much detail arguing against you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 04:57 pm
ahhh Dominic John, now there was a classic piece of work, not only would he drool, hed bite and kick and threaten.

Rex, how about at least witing until someone else responds before you type a whole nother post. It gets tiresome reading 3 adjacent posts by you nd trying to figure out whats the whole point.

As far as being mad about proving you wrong, theres nothing of substance in your posts, they are mostly cumulatively contradictory and you demonstrate clearly that you have no idea of what you speak when it comes to science. I have a program that can generate Biblical verses but Ive always found that a sham way to debate, Sort of like printing a words definition from the OED and using that as a leadoff. Yourestuff is trite and fairly , no very dim when it comes to what you refere to as "science"

eg "life is a rock"
"Rocks reproduce"

I can only argue when there is some grain of sense in the obverse..

Mankind invented its God and then placed all kinds of expectations on him. How can you even start arguing with that premise? I may be showing how shallow my soul is but its not mine thats demented.

When the hell do we discuss evolution?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:33 pm
You mean you have the patience to read these multiple posts when the first two lines give away that it's going to be nonsense? He's deluded himself into believe he is a "straight shooter" like the President but even Dubya couldn't be more prosaically witless.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:43 pm
Wolf wrote-

However, in your quest, you will inevitably twist the message somehow. To prove this, I want you to choose a passage from the Bible that shores up your belief.

I hope you don't try that on me Wolf. I might get banned.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:48 pm
fm wrote-

When the hell do we discuss evolution?

When you have explained how sexual selection works with males in tight jeans and females with tatooes on their shoulders.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:52 pm
I know that the bi-valves flap their wings when the ocean temperature hits the jackpot but what about the tight jeans and the tattoos which are of great interest to Dover adolescents.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:55 pm
Wolf wrote-

An assertion without proof.

It's the weather round here Wolf. It's pointles complaining about the weather.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 05:59 pm
Care to try for a fifth post in a row? You seemed as impressed by the candor of your own writing as RR. You might call you guys serial posters. There were two things a sociopath could do -- become a serial killer or an agent. Now the word serial has a whole new meaning, except that the blade is so dull it wouldn't penetrate soft butter.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 06:02 pm
Somebody wrote-

Many scientist's have opposing doubts about the nature of the electron and how/why and what form it exists.

Electrons are like women. If you know where they are you don't know what they are doing and if you know what they are doing you don't know where they are.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jun, 2006 06:44 pm
Apparently, spendi's heard of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, though, no less apparently, he has little understanding of what it is, of how and why it is useful.
0 Replies

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