cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:04 am
real, If you would put as much effort into learning something about science, you would get somewhere. All your questions are nonsense. Continue to live in your ignorance if it makes you happy.
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:04 am
uh no and no thats why science and biology are awsome its gives you the oppertunity to see for your self.
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real life
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:07 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
real, If you would put as much effort into learning something about science, you would get somewhere. All your questions are nonsense. Continue to live in your ignorance if it makes you happy.

It would appear that you are unable to answer the question then.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:10 am
Nonsensical questions are beyond my comprehension and ability to answer.
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:11 am
real life your just choosing to close your eyes when someone shows you the proof that your wrong just like every other christian. what if GOD with all of his might that you say he has made it possible for certain species of monkeys to evolve better to their enviroment? now both sided should be happy evolution and god has anybody bothered to stop and think about that????
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real life
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:14 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Nonsensical questions are beyond my comprehension and ability to answer.

It is a pretty easy question. I was asking you to explain the contradiction in your two statements.

If that is beyond your ability, it's ok. I won't press the matter any further.

Perhaps I shouldn't have expected consistency.
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:14 am
What if Adam and eve were cave people and evolution isn't proof of dick except evolution?
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:17 am
If your looking for consistency look in the bible cuz its the only place that consistantly contradicts itself.
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real life
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:17 am
You have the makings of a great circular argument there, Amigo. Evolution is proof of

Go with it, riches and fame may await you.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:26 am
real wrote:
What if Darwin had never published his work? Would any and all study of biology therefore be a 'waste of time'?

And he has the gall to talk about circular argument. FYI, Darwin DID publish his work; that's a given most people understand. Do YOU think all study of biology is a "waste of time," since you do not believe in evolution?
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:28 am
Real Life do you have a penis?
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:32 am
so it started off evolution theory and how, then it goes to what ifs? what if darwin didnt publish his findings come on now that question is like a fighter getting hit and shaking his head sayin hes not hurt your just danicing around the subject now cuz youve been rocked and your not ready to move forward
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 12:37 am
i mean seriously thats like a child asking "WHY?" after every answer
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real life
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 06:34 am
LeftCoastBum wrote:
so it started off evolution theory and how, then it goes to what ifs? what if darwin didnt publish his findings come on now that question is like a fighter getting hit and shaking his head sayin hes not hurt your just danicing around the subject now cuz youve been rocked and your not ready to move forward

Not at all, LCB.

CI asserted that biology without evolution was a waste of time.

I simply reminded him that biology was studied for a long time pre-Darwin and asked if those folks had wasted their time.

Also hypothetically if we were still living in an era without Darwinian assumptions, would studying biology be a waste of time?

Very simple questions allowing him to defend his assertion.

Of course his assertion will fall under it's own weight.

Biology without Darwinian assumptions is just as valid as without.
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 06:51 am
rl, read the recent article about E O Wilson re: the mutul progress made among genetics and systematics. If Darwin didnt write his theory, we would have been forced to create a similar theory because biology would have been in this Linnean rut. Mendels work was pretty much ignored until the early 20th century when Bateson gave the new science of GENETICS its name and rank.
Whether you care to admit or not, the advnces in biology have pretty much been around developmental evolution and now, with the re-alignment of systematics and molecular bio, the actual lines of entire species are being discovered anew.

Its amazing how Creationists can try to deny this.

Im getting a sneaking feeling that, no matter what data and evidence is presented to rl, h es hardwired to deny it all. Too bad, maybe there was a budding scientist in there somewhere.
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 09:25 am
rl, what has changed since Darwin's time is our vastly increased level of understanding - changed for all of us, that is, except for ID-iots, who persist in clinging to a medeival worldview. While the train of modern science has has left the station, the ID-iot camp has been left behind, and now call for the train to back up ... ain't gonna happen. Since the train ain't gonna back up, the ID-iot's choices are simple, though they do not recognize them; catch up or give up.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 11:04 am
The last train already left for the IDiots, and they will forever remain in the past. Clinging to a two thousand year old outdated book that has been discredited with errors, omissions, and contradictions seems to win the day with IDiots. There's nothing more science will show them, although they reap the benefits almost daily.
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 01:32 pm
They blow smoke and adjust their mirrors but they're no David Copperfield, although they would like to lead us to believe they can walk through walls (or on water). They are alienated from science as it's too "impersonal" and not emotional enough for them. If they really want to see the emotion part, they should see some scientists once they put the equation together and discover the real truth. Truth, to them, is something made up by wandering scribes (secretaries, that is) schlepping around the desserts of the Mid-East over 2,000 years ago. I think all they discovered as far as science were drugs and that's what they were on when they wrote the stories of the Old Testament.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 01:38 pm
And don't forget the wine. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 06:15 pm
Wine on top of the other drugs? They would have come up with something even more outrageous -- like the Earth was created from a box of Pillsbury cake mix.
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