Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 03:20 pm
The tactic of "real life" and his ilk is predicated upon a contention that if there is anything which science cannot adequately explain, they have trumped science somehow, and are entitled to allege the intervention of their collective imaginary friend. Given the low threshhold of knowledge necessary to read the bible, the number of things which the bible-thumpers do not understand, and are therefore willing to allege constitute lacunae in scientific knowledge is enormous.

Even were science unable to explain a phenomenon, that does not constitute evidence that "real life's" imaginary friend poofed it all into existence.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 06:52 pm

Something I forgot to mention.

Most people, even scientists, do not appreciate the difficulty of placing a satellite in a nearly circular orbit. For an artificial satellite to achieve such an orbit, several "burns" are required at just the right time, in just the right direction, and with just the right thrust. Most planets and many moons have nearly circular orbits. How could this have happened?

Notice your quote says scientist PLACING a satellite in orbit. Gravity drags makes a satellite in an elliptical orbit go into a circular orbit. To do this requires billions of years. Scientist would have no trouble putting a satellite into an elliptical orbit but they would have to wait several billion years for gravity drag to put it in a circular orbit. What you presented me was not evidence of a short life phenomena but a long life phenomena.

Thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 06:59 pm
Put another way, a perfectly circular orbit is the natural default. Other orbits require explanations.
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real life
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 08:40 pm
xingu wrote:
Real life

The answer is simple; the moon has not been receding from the earth at a constant rate since its formation. The rate is accelerating and is receding faster not than in the past.

Creationist make the assumption, as usual without evidence, that the rate was constant. Then the article you alluded to overwhelms you with a lot of mathematical BS in order to impress you and try to make it look scientific. But like most creationists they ignore the science that's out there and create their own to try to make it fit the Bible.

Even your article says, mistakenly, the moon had to be in its starting position 1.2 billion years ago. That shoots hell out of the Bible and its mythology of the earth being "thousands" of years old.

Deceleration of Earth by Tidal Friction [DB 1507 (39); OAB 60] It is claimed that tidal interactions between the Earth and the Moon are causing the Moon to move away from the Earth, and the Earth to rotate more slowly. This much is true, and in fact paleontological studies of ancient corals and stromatolites has confirmed that the Earth did rotate faster in the past, resulting in more than 365 days in a year. It is also true that such a faster rotation would have caused a much greater equatorial bulge in the past than currently exists. The fallacy is the assumption that such a bulge would have remained for us to observe today. The Earth's mantle, made up of rock subjected to high temperatures and pressures, acts like a fluid over long time periods -- it does not hold its shape over billions of years. The current equatorial bulge is very close to what you would expect to be produced by the current rotation rate, although it is slightly larger because the Earth has not completely relaxed from previous times when it rotated faster.

A related question concerns the rate at which the Moon is receding from the Earth. If you simply extrapolate the Moon's orbit backwards in time, assuming that the rate at which it is currently receding has not changed, you find that the Moon would have been close enough for the Earth's gravity to pull it apart only 2 billion years ago. However, K.S. Hansen described a very plausible answer to this question (Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, v.20, no.3, pp.457-480 (1982)). He pointed out that the current Earth-Moon configuration contains a resonance which increases the efficiency of the tidal interactions that are causing the Moon to recede, and that therefore the Moon is currently receding faster than usual. In his computer models, by carefully keeping track of the changing tidal parameters as the Moon spirals away from the Earth, Hansen determined that the Moon would have been at an acceptable distance from the Earth 4.5 billion years ago (for a more detailed discussion, including more recent research based on Hansen's breakthrough, see Thompson (1999),

real life wrote:
Most people, even scientists, do not appreciate the difficulty of placing a satellite in a nearly circular orbit. For an artificial satellite to achieve such an orbit, several "burns" are required at just the right time, in just the right direction, and with just the right thrust. Most planets and many moons have nearly circular orbits. How could this have happened?

Your answer;



Since this answer is known why didn't your creationist website give it to you.

I can give you an answer for that. They feed you lies and misinformation. They play on your ignorance of science. They don't want you to know the truth. Keeping you dumb is to their advantage. It makes you a believer.

Great site you posted.

Some of my favorites were:

This page is a little different than the other pages on this web site in that it addresses observations within the solar system, instead of in the distant universe. But these are observations for which there has never been an explanation. This page presents what I believe are some novel concepts about some of the puzzling mysteries of our solar system. Read this page with an open mind and a light spirit, and maybe it will give you a warm and fuzzy about some of the deepest puzzles of solar system astronomy.

Translation: This theory of mine is novel and doesn't prove anything but you'll feel better about believing it after I explain it to you.

There is a possibility that the gravitational attraction of the sun might have been much higher in the past than we now observe it to be. If this were so, then the gravity drag effect could have been much higher in the past, causing the planets to move into nearly circular orbits much faster than with the gravitational forces present today. We might even speculate that the earth had super-gravity at one time, to explain the orbit of the moon, but then that's carrying speculation as far as I care to go.

I'm just guessing , but I'm really creative and if I get going I could tell you some whoppers.

We do know that the moon has not always been receding from Earth. Tracing backward in time at the present rate of recession would place the Moon quite close to the Earth a billion years ago. Such a proximity would have created enormous ocean tides which would have swept over the Earth's surface, causing massive erosion and other very noticeable effects.

Translation: We know it didn't happen because it couldn't have happened.

So now that we've solved all the mysteries of the solar system using gravity drag, it would be great to report that the moon is slowly approaching the Earth, as would be expected from gravity drag. Unfortunately, this is not so. Laser experiments to measure the Earth/Moon distance, using laser reflectors left on the moon by several Apollo landings, indicate that the moon is receding from Earth about 3.86 cm/year. Rather than throw out all the elegant explanations for gravity drag's effects in the solar system (the only explanations every put forth!), we will just have to speculate that other forces may also be at work with the Moon, such as changes in the Earth's orbit due to gravity drag, interrelationships between the Sun, Earth and Moon's gravity fields, the gradual slowing of the earth's revolution, and maybe even the Shapiro effect.

Translation: My theory doesn't explain the facts, but there must be something somewhere that will support my theory. I just don't know what it is.



The difference between you and me is that I read the site and said, 'hmmm interesting ideas here but definitely no cigar'

You read the site and crowed 'Problem solved! Mission accomplished!'

You're quite a believer yourself and IMO far too modest about it. My weak faith is shabby compared to your great faith.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:04 pm
real wrote:
I'm just guessing , but I'm really creative and if I get going I could tell you some whoppers.

We don't know what's stopping you, but FYI, over 95 percent of what you post are "whoppers."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:29 pm
Eorl wrote:
What's a hydrogen atom? What makes you think such thing would exist?

Are you implying that science is only a product of atheists?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:36 pm
No, I'm implying that you accept the theories of science without question right up to the point where it seems to conflict with your preconceived notions of magic-based reality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:58 pm
Science is simply an arbitrary scale that we lay over the observable realm to measure things... Science in itself is not able to reason or think.. Science must be programed to think and most of sciences ability to calculate are still borrowed from the physical created world... Science is just a collection of simple observations.

Science measures time, volume, color, sound, speed, entropy, mass, and so on...

Again, this measurement is arbitrary. Science did not create anything nor does it have a soul.

Science is only a reference to quantize what is already here.

Anyone can measure things. It does not take a rudimentary belief in God to compare your foot to a log of wood..

But, can science measure God?

Science only recognizes what it can measure... True invention takes "vision"...

How has faith impacted humanity over millions of years? Science could start with measuring that...

If humans evolved a "God spot" in the brain when did this happen and why? Was this God spot created in the garden of Eden?

Why did the most religious people survive over those without the "God spot" to the extent that those unable to sense God have nearly died out completely... Considering most all people on the earth today believe in God.

We are left with only a small fraction of the human race who cannot "dream"...

So not believing was not a dominant trait for the ancients.

So the science spot would be where we measure things in our mind.

But when we "invent" we see a "vision" into what has never been designed and made before. This vision is part of the God spot also, because the knowledge comes from God...

It is God who teaches our spirit which teaches our mind...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 10:42 pm
<sigh> So much bullshit, so little time.

You make so many unsupported claims it's ridiculous. Let's just deal with one.

Science is not a arbitrary scale.

Science is a method, a logical tool that allows us to determine fact from fiction.

What you have is fiction until you demonstrate otherwise.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 11:24 pm
Rex, Science does not think.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 12:33 am
real life wrote:
Chumly wrote:
Hey Real Life what is the motivation implicit in your postings?
I enjoy discussing the subject.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 05:34 am
Golly Real, I disappointed to see that you didn't like my second source. I noticed you had no complaints about my first source so I guess that convinced you that our planet is billions of years old.

You can't seem to make up your own mind as to its age so perhaps you should stick to science until you can find something better. If you do find something better please tell us what it is. We would all be interested in knowing your evidence for you age of the earth, whether it be thousands of years old, as you stated, or somewhat less then 1.2 billion years old, as you provided in one of your sources. If you ever make up your mind let us know and then give us your evidence, as you demand evidence from us.

Young-earth "proof" #5: The Moon is receding a few inches each year. Less than a million years ago the Moon would have been so close that the tides would have drowned everyone twice a day. Less than 2 or 3 million years ago the Moon would have been inside the Roche limit* and, thus, destroyed.
(Dr. Hilpman vs. Dr. Hovind, June 15, 1992; the Royal Hall of the University of Missouri)
Once again, Dr. Hovind's figures just boggle the mind! Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that the Moon is receding at 6 inches per year. If we go back a million years, then the Moon was 6 million inches closer to the earth. That comes to about 95 miles! Since the Moon is about 240,000 miles away, that doesn't amount to diddlysquat! Indeed, the Moon has a slightly elliptical orbit that varies more than 95 miles all by itself.
A more accurate estimate, based on the present rate of lunar recession, puts the Moon within the Roche limit around 1 or 2 billion years ago. That is the argument most creationists use. (Since Dr. Hovind's notes match the figures he quoted in his debate with Dr. Hilpman, they are fair game and not a simple slip of the pen.)
The tides, chiefly caused by the Moon's gravitational attraction and the orbiting of Earth and Moon about a common point, act as a brake to slow down the earth's rotation. The nearer tidal bulge, which carries the greater effect, runs slightly out of alignment of the Moon overhead; the gravitational interaction between it and the Moon serves to speed up the Moon in its orbit even as it slows down the earth's rotation. As it speeds up, the Moon moves to a higher orbit.
The effectiveness of this tidal brake on the earth's rotation strongly depends on the configuration of the oceans. Thus, we should inquire as to whether the current arrangement is an average value or not.
The present rate of tidal dissipation is anomalously high because the tidal force is close to a resonance in the response function of the oceans; a more realistic calculation shows that dissipation must have been much smaller in the past and that 4.5 billion years ago the moon was well outside the Roche limit, at a distance of at least thirtyeight earth radii (Hansen 1982; see also Finch 1982).
(Brush, 1983, p.78)
Thus, our moon was probably never closer than 151,000 miles. A modern astronomy text (Chaisson and McMillan, 1993, p.173) gives an estimate of 250,000 kilometers (155,000 miles), which agrees very closely with Brush's figure. Thus, the "problem" disappears!
It may surprise you to learn that Charles Darwin's second son, George Darwin, regarded by many as the father of geophysics, studied the Moon's tidal effects in great detail. He came up with the idea that the Moon broke away from the earth due to rapid rotation (the fission theory), and estimated that at least 56 million years would be required for the Moon to have reached its present distance. George Darwin regarded his view of the Moon's origin as nothing more than a good guess, and he considered his time estimate to be nothing more than a lower limit. In the nineteenth century such a calculation of the earth's age was a reasonable scientific exercise. Today, in the light of what we now know, it's an exercise in futility. Too bad "scientific" creationists don't keep up with these little details. For more insight into the problem, see Dalrymple (1991, pp. 48-52).
* The Roche limit is a distance of 2.44 times a planet's radius, as measured from the center of the planet. Within that distance an orbiting body, if chiefly held together by gravity, will be pulled apart.

Infidels is a real good website Real. You'll find a lot more honesty there then in your Christian creationists sites.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:04 am
Evolution vs Intelligent Design
I don't agree on Infidels being a good source. Just wasn't good for me.

I don't know how old the world is and not sure it matters. I have trouble with both Evolution and Creation theories. I wrote my own ideas which seem to be more logical. At least to me.

Edit (Moderator): Link removed.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:16 am
Actually that last link had an incorrect definition of ID.

This one gives a much better description of the varying issues:

The Other ID Theories
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:26 am
Eorl wrote:
Put another way, a perfectly circular orbit is the natural default. Other orbits require explanations.

Then perhaps you could explain why some of the planets which do have nearly circular orbits are postulated (in an effort to explain some of their unique features) to have experienced massive, planetary sized collisions with other objects (I've posted links to these collision theories previously, if you want to look at some of them), but STILL have nearly circular orbits.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:28 am
I thought it was elliptical orbits that were the default.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:32 am
Rex wrote:
Science in itself is not able to reason or think

Science n.
a. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of
b. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
c. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
2. Methodological activity, discipline, or study: I've got packing a suitcase down to a science.
3. An activity that appears to require study and method: the science of purchasing.
4. Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.

It's scientist that think. That's because they're humans and have brains.

Rex wrote:
But, can science measure God?

Science cannot measure God. Therefore God is left to human imagination. That's why there are so many of them, even in the Christian religion. Without any measurement from science humans may create any God they choose and claim its authority. The God you have created in your mind Rex can no more be disputed by science than someone else's God that claims your God is false.

Rex wrote:
True invention takes "vision"...

So what have you invented Rex? Oh ya, I forgot. You invented your God.

Rex wrote:
If humans evolved a "God spot" in the brain when did this happen and why? Was this God spot created in the garden of Eden?

According to some who invented a God different from your own;
Allah might have put a God-spot in the brain because it is His sovereign choice to be in relationship to humankind in order that we could develop it further if we want to understand more about Him.

Since we can't answer that question do as primitive ignorant people do; say God did it. Saying God did it is a true sign of ignorance.

Rex wrote:
Why did the most religious people survive over those without the "God spot" to the extent that those unable to sense God have nearly died out completely... Considering most all people on the earth today believe in God.

How do you know there were those without a "God spot"? Where's your evidence? Oh, by the way, in case you didn't know it there are a lot of people on this planet that don't believe in a God or religion, especially the one you created.

Rex wrote:
We are left with only a small fraction of the human race who cannot "dream"...

Atheist and agnostics can dream as well as any religious person. Did you know some scientist are atheist? Would you say Thomas Edison was a dreamer? He didn't believe in the soul or religion.

Rex wrote:
So the science spot would be where we measure things in our mind.

There is no such thing as a science spot. Your making this up and hence showing your dishonesty. I thought you holier then thou Christians were suppose to be honest. It's dishonest people like you that shattered my faith in Christianity. Any lie to defend the dogma.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:35 am
xingu wrote:
Golly Real, I disappointed to see that you didn't like my second source.

I am disappointed that you are not going to defend your conclusion of 'Problem solved! Mission accomplished!' based on your enthusiasm for a website which admits that the arguments presented are speculation and that they do not explain the evidence.

But I respect your faith, so I'll let it go for now.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:38 am
So RL, you focus on the one site, but ignore the others that I, Xingu and others have posted? You ignore the research papers that we've posted? You ignore the more respectable website that xingu posted?

Xingu's right about your dishonesty.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:39 am
I thought it was elliptical orbits that were the default.

When talking about something technical I think it's best to have an expert, say an astronomer, in this discussion. I'm not an astronomer nor is Real so neither of us is qualified to discuss this subject. Real gets his information from Creationist website and they are, by defult, dishonest and misleading.
0 Replies

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