Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:41 am
Funny how Real wants everyone to answer his questions but he doesn't like to answer questions posed to him.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 07:54 am
Yep. Definitely elliptical.


Orbits were first analyzed mathematically by Johannes Kepler who formulated his results in his three laws of planetary motion. First, he found that the orbits of the planets in our solar system are elliptical, not circular (or epicyclic), as had previously been believed, and that the sun is not located at the center of the orbits, but rather at one focus.


It would seem that our Solar System isn't as perfect as some would have you believe...
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 08:00 am
Some of you may remember the discussion about polar bears (300 pages ago) and whether so-called 'intermediate' species between polars and other bears could simply be the results of interbreeding rather than an evolutionary intermediate.

Some members trashed the idea vociferously, so I thought it might be interesting to revisit the topic with the addition of this.

Interesting also that the biologist quoted states that they've known for a long time that this was possible.

Isn't it also possible, even likely in some cases, that other creatures termed 'evolutionary intermediates' might be simply the results of interbreeding between similar species?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 08:05 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
So RL, you focus on the one site, but ignore the others that I, Xingu and others have posted? You ignore the research papers that we've posted? You ignore the more respectable website that xingu posted?

Xingu's right about your dishonesty.

No, my focus is not on the one site. In fact I commend the site owner for his honesty in admitting that he engages in lots of speculation and that his theory does not satisfactorily fit the facts.

It was xingu's interpretation of the site as 'solving' the problem that I found funny.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 08:28 am
It was xingu's interpretation of the site as 'solving' the problem that I found funny.

Actually that was Xingu's fault for being in to much of a hurry. With to many things going on I would not be surprised if I do make some mistakes and very possibly will make more in the future.

But whatever mistakes I or anyone makes does not take away from the truth of evolution and the lies of creationist trying to defend an obsolete religious dogma.

The bottom line is creationist cannot present any honest science that gives credibility to their religious dogma. The only recourse open to them is to try to shoot holes in evolution and hope ignorant people will believe them. That's why ignorance is such an asset to creationist.


0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 09:21 am
xingu wrote:
It was xingu's interpretation of the site as 'solving' the problem that I found funny.

Actually that was Xingu's fault for being in to much of a hurry. With to many things going on I would not be surprised if I do make some mistakes and very possibly will make more in the future.

I can well understand and I appreciate you having a good sense of humor. You can stand up to a good ribbing, and I think that's a fine quality to have.

xingu wrote:
But whatever mistakes I or anyone makes does not take away from the truth of evolution and the lies of creationist trying to defend an obsolete religious dogma.

You know, I am constantly amazed by the over the top rhetoric on this. Even if you are convinced that creationists are misguided, airheads, stubborn or just plain stupid -- let me ask you:

Do you really think creationists claim to believe in something they really know is not true, and really don't believe in?

The constant accusation of "lies, lies, lies" seems to me to be so much crying wolf.

I give most evolutionists credit for really believing what they say. I don't agree with them, but I don't think they are telling me something they really don't believe.

I think they are mistaken and operate from faulty assumptions, sometimes employ circular reasoning, or try to make circumstantial evidence say more than it really says.

Many of them are quite brilliant people, and many others aren't at all.

But I'd be hard pressed to find one, even in this forum, who I could say with certainty that they are intentionally trying to deceive by promoting something they know to be false.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 10:20 am
real life wrote:
Do you really think creationists claim to believe in something they really know is not true, and really don't believe in?

You don't have to not believe in something in order to lie about it. Misinformation, perhaps would be a better word to describe what Creationists do in order to shore up their beliefs?

I think they are mistaken and operate from faulty assumptions, sometimes employ circular reasoning, or try to make circumstantial evidence say more than it really says.

Name one example.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:02 am
Do you really think creationists claim to believe in something they really know is not true, and really don't believe in?

Creationist believe in what they do because they fear hell. Their religious dogma says the Bible is God's inerrant word. Hellfire and damnation awaits those who question God's word. I not going to say this is what 100% of creationists believe but I suspect a vast majority do. Why else would they reject the science that they run to in order to save their lives when they're sick. Why else do they reject a science that gives them space exploration, computers and chemicals that make everyday life easier to live and provide an abundance of food. They reject that science for one reason only, the Bible.

They will listen to any lie, misstatement or false accusation that is made to sound believable if it will defend their religious dogma. They don't want to know what is true if it will send their souls to hell.

The constant accusation of "lies, lies, lies" seems to me to be so much crying wolf.

I find these lies, misinformation, quotes taken out of context in order to mislead in virtually all creationist sites. Misinformation and quotes taken out of context in order to mislead is a lack of honesty. They are lies. They are endemic to creationist.

I give most evolutionists credit for really believing what they say. I don't agree with them, but I don't think they are telling me something they really don't believe.

Creationist want to believe what they believe because they were taught that Genesis is God's word and you must accept it or God will send you to hell. This I have been told by believers. That's why I asked you that question; what do you think you will get from God for believing in creationism that evolutionist will not get. Most all conservative Christians that believe in the inerrant word of God will believe they will be saved, based on their belief, and evolutionist will burn in hell.

If you believed that would you want to believe in evolution? Would you take the chance; gamble on your soul? Isn't so much easier to believe in creationism and be certain of being saved then to take the chance of going to hell. After all what have you gained by believing in evolution? Nothing but some knowledge. But what have you got to lose? Perhaps your soul. Why take the chance?

I think they are mistaken and operate from faulty assumptions, sometimes employ circular reasoning, or try to make circumstantial evidence say more than it really says.

All their reasoning stems from what they find. They try to come up with an honest picture based on existing evidence. The picture changes as more information becomes available. Knowledge, based on existing information, not a Bible story. That's the difference between science and non-science creationism. There is honesty in science because you can't build knowledge on lies. You can defend religious dogma on lies.

That is not to say there were a few scientist in the past and I'm sure some in the future who will deliberately fake experiments in order to make a name for themselves. But they are easily exposed because lies can't survive in science. Science depends on truth and honesty. You can't launch a rocket on lies. You can't find a cure for a disease on lies. And in paleontology you can't fake finds or come up with offbeat ideas without someone challenging you. Scientist are always challenging scientist because the entire system is geared towards one goal; to seek knowledge; to understand.

Creationism's only goal is to defend a religious dogma; to defend the Bible; to tear down and discredit anything that questions the inerrant word of God. Nothing else matters.

So there's the main difference between the two. One is selfishly concerned about saving their soul from a wrathful God and the other is selflessly seeking knowledge to help mankind.

That's what happens when you believe in evil Gods Real. Your always trying to find out what appeases them and giving them what you think they want in order to save yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:03 am
rl wrote:

You know, I am constantly amazed by the over the top rhetoric on this. Even if you are convinced that creationists are misguided, airheads, stubborn or just plain stupid -- let me ask you:

Do you really think creationists claim to believe in something they really know is not true, and really don't believe in?

No, not at all ... Creationists/ID-iots by and large sincerely, though ignorantly, uncritically, unquestioningly believe the comforting mythology they're fed. Most of them really don't know any better, and few if any even have any inclination to learn ... "It was good enough for Paul and Silas, its good enough for me". Fear, ignorance, and superstition easilly trump reason, knowledge, and understanding, in that they require no initiative, no effort, call for no independent thought, challenge no cherished comforts, traditions, or legends.

The constant accusation of "lies, lies, lies" seems to me to be so much crying wolf.

That the delusional may believe, however fervently, in an untruth in no way imarts any truth to the deluded belief; a lie is a lie, whether sincerely believed or not.

I give most evolutionists credit for really believing what they say. I don't agree with them, but I don't think they are telling me something they really don't believe.

Science is not a matter of faith, belief, and uncritical acceptance, it is a matter of understanding, knowledge, and analysis driven by objective, critical thought ... a distinction not just lost on but unachievable by the proponents of Creationism/ID-iocy. In their sorely limited, unidirectional, archaic worldview, that which is inconsistent with the Abrahamic mythopaeia presents a challenge to the faith of those steeped in the fables, parables, allegories, legends, and dogma contained therein. Creationists/ID-iots are faced with an irresolvable dillema; either their scriptures are the literal, immutable, eternal word of their godhead, imparting unchallengeable truth and authority to the explicit and implicit traditions and beliefs central to the mythopaeia, or they are not, and if they are not the mythopaeia on which the believers are foundationally dependent collapses. Those committed to the Creationist/ID-iot proposition not only will not but cannot discern, let alone acknowledge, endorse, and embrace the differences between between faith and understanding, belief and knowledge, acceptance and objective, critical analysis; fear, ignorance and superstition preclude them from doing so.

I think they are mistaken and operate from faulty assumptions, sometimes employ circular reasoning, or try to make circumstantial evidence say more than it really says.

The mistaken, faulty assumptions and the circular reasoning are soley the province of - and foundational to - the Creationist/ID-iot proposition. Actual understanding of the available evidence, of the scientific method and of the definition, purpose and function of scientific theory demonstrate conclusively and unambiguously the absurdity of the Creationist/ID-iot proposition - a proposition entirely dependent upon rejection of evidence, science, and logic.

Many of them are quite brilliant people, and many others aren't at all.

An observation of broad truth; that can be said of almost any demographic. On the other hand, I'm aware of no academic integrity, intellectual honesty, forensic rigor, scientic discovery, or brilliance of any sort stemming from the Creationist/ID-iot camp.

But I'd be hard pressed to find one, even in this forum, who I could say with certainty that they are intentionally trying to deceive by promoting something they know to be false.

I'll largely agree with that observation; some know, understand, endorse, and champion science, knowledge and discovery, others merely believe, accept, embrace, and proselytize fear, ignorance, and superstion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:07 am
real life wrote:
Do you really think creationists claim to believe in something they really know is not true, and really don't believe in?

There are those who scoff at the school boy, calling him frivolous and shallow. Yet it was the school boy who said, Faith is believing what you know ain't so.

-- Samuel Clemens, from Following the Equator
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:21 am
timber wrote-

Fear, ignorance, and superstition easilly trump reason, knowledge, and understanding, in that they require no initiative, no effort, call for no independent thought, challenge no cherished comforts, traditions, or legends.

Would you like someone to exercise his/her initiative with great effort and applying independent thought to challenging cherished comforts,traditions or legends in the field,much explored by numerous people who shall remain nameless,of the physiology of excitable cells in the human domain.
You seem blissfully unaware timber that this area of science even exists and would be quite fascinating in late grade,mixed biology lessons.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:31 am

Christianity is about forgiveness of sin. I am a Christian because I am forgiven, not because I believe in creation.

There are lots of Christians who believe in evolution. That's their right. They aren't less of a Christian because of it. They may be wrong on the issue, but they are still Christians. God isn't going to stop answering their prayers or stop loving them.

I cannot 'appease' God , even if I were 'right' on every issue, I still couldn't earn my way to heaven by knowing all the right answers. I'm not afraid God will hate me if I'm wrong.

The chances of me getting to heaven and hearing God say "You know, you were the only one right on everything" are pretty small, so I am not really counting on being 'right' on everything to ingratiate me with God.

Christians are Christians because of the grace, mercy and forgiveness of God, not because they know all the right answers or have earned it in any way.

Whether I'm right about creation or not isn't going to make God love me more or love me less.

I have no need to 'lie' about creation, because there is no benefit to me either way. I see creation as being the stronger of the two positions. You disagree but I don't think you're intentionally deceiving me about what you think.

Creation is an interesting side issue, but if I'm wrong I am still a Christian.

There are lots of issues --- political, social and yes, even Biblical issues, over which Christians disagree. You don't have to be 'right' on all the issues to still be a Christian.

But I really think that the constant accusations of deception are completely out of place and simply a distraction from discussing the topic. Disagree all you want. But unless you have proof positive that someone is intentionally saying what they don't actually think and believe -- then they are not lying. Call them bull headed, lazy, airheads, ostriches, or just stupid if you think that's appropriate (it's probably not, and probably not productive to the discussion) , but lying they are not.

Kind of a long post. I try to stay away from those because I don't think most people read it all.

'Nuff said about this on my part. You can add your 2 cents and we'll get back to topic eventually.
0 Replies
jin kazama
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:43 am
real life wrote:

Christianity is about forgiveness of sin. I am a Christian because I am forgiven, not because I believe in creation.

There are lots of Christians who believe in evolution. That's their right. They aren't less of a Christian because of it. They may be wrong on the issue, but they are still Christians. God isn't going to stop answering their prayers or stop loving them.

How do you know that god doesn't care if you believe in creationism or evolution? As for god answering prayers, thats completely ludicrous. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:43 am
real wrote:
God isn't going to stop answering their prayers or stop loving them.
It has been shown by many research that prayer does not work.[COLOR]

I cannot 'appease' God , even if I were 'right' on every issue, I still couldn't earn my way to heaven by knowing all the right answers. I'm not afraid God will hate me if I'm wrong.
Something that doesn't exist can't hate or love anything.[COLOR]

The chances of me getting to heaven and hearing God say "You know, you were the only one right on everything" are pretty small, so I am not really counting on being 'right' on everything to ingratiate me with God.
Nobody on this planet gets everything "right."[COLOR]

Whether I'm right about creation or not isn't going to make God love me more or love me less.
See my answer above about non-existence.[COLOR]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:44 am
real life wrote:
Christianity is about forgiveness of sin.
And where is the sin of a new born?
0 Replies
jin kazama
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:45 am
xingu wrote:
Funny how Real wants everyone to answer his questions but he doesn't like to answer questions posed to him.

Ya I've noticed that as well....I guess you can't answer questions you don't have an answer to Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:48 am
Chumly wrote:
real life wrote:
Christianity is about forgiveness of sin.
And where is the sin of a new born?

That's too good a straight line and I'm not touching it -- it has something to do with stretching things out of shape.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:50 am
jin_kazama wrote:
xingu wrote:
Funny how Real wants everyone to answer his questions but he doesn't like to answer questions posed to him.

Ya I've noticed that as well....I guess you can't answer questions you don't have an answer to Twisted Evil

I guess God forgives the tongue-tied.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:51 am
Yeah, why did god penalize all those babies with the world flood? How in the world do christians rationalize this as a "loving" god?
0 Replies
jin kazama
Reply Thu 11 May, 2006 11:54 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Yeah, why did god penalize all those babies with the world flood? How in the world do christians rationalize this as a "loving" god?

They can't do it logically... thats for sure, and if they want to label "god" as a creator, they would also have to label it as a destroyer because of the fairy tale about hte flood
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