Wolf ODonnell
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 07:36 am
I don't know about Chumly, but my motivation is to correct any errors and misconceptions that you, RL, personally make.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 07:48 am
Real life

Now would you please answer my second question; how old do you think the earth is?

What is the source for your answer?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:17 am
real, Just click on the following link; I hope it shows you something about fossils and the age of this planet. Sue is the "real" thing.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:24 am
CI, do you think that "Sue" was worth the 8.5 million$ .
I think that all T-Rex's in museums have a major flaw, they dont have any shoulder girdles or even the rudiments of clavicles. I saw Sue when it was under the care and protection of the Federal Govt, before the big auction
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:37 am
fm, I'm not sure Sue is worth 8.5 million, but she is the most complete T-Rex we have. When we think about the age of Sue, how much value can we really put on her?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 09:56 am
Sue, by being owned by the FM, is off limits to many scientists who dont have affiliations with specific institutions. Its kind of a cruel access game. ACtually the Peabody T-Rex is just as complete and was assembled in two different ages one with the tail dragger interpretation and the recent "hot blooded " dinosaur reconstruction.

Did you see the two lions that were raiding the railroad camps in South Africa during the laet 19th century?

Just for catching up, who all was at the get together?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 11:00 am
Chicago a2k Gathering attendees included osso, realjohnboy, Walter, Thomas, mac11, joefromchicago, J_B, yitwail and Mrs yitwail, sublime, Eva, wandeljw, and yours truly. Wink

You shudda come; we enjoyed good weather, good food, good sites, good music, and great people.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 11:24 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
I don't know about Chumly, but my motivation is to correct any errors and misconceptions that you, RL, personally make.

I'm very flattered. How kind of you to make me your personal mission. Smile
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 11:29 am
xingu wrote:
Real life

Now would you please answer my second question; how old do you think the earth is?

What is the source for your answer?

I think I've answered this one for you before. (Maybe it was someone else, this has been a long thread.)

The answer is that no one, including me, knows how old the Earth is.

However, I generally see it as being in the thousands, not the millions or billions of years old.

If the Earth and the solar system were as old as evolutionists tend to postulate there are significant problems with that, we have discussed some of them before such as the 'young sun' problem.

I would be interested in your answer to my post on rapid burial being the norm for most fossils. Do you agree with this? I'm guessing you probably don't and would like to hear your explanation for it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 12:20 pm
Rapid burial yes but I think it takes a lot of time to turn it into rock. It has to be buried under high pressure and emerge again from erosion of overlaying strata. That's why I laugh at the Noah's Flood story creationist toss out. They say the limestone atop Mt. Everest is proof of the flood covering the entire planet. That limestone, with fossils, was produced during the Flood. Yet no creationist who fancies himself a scientist has ever been able to produce limestone in a 4-6 month period. You can't make rock in that short of time. Perhaps fm can shed some light on this.

Another problem you have with your creationism and young earth is the lack of fossil mix. No humans with dinosaurs, for example. If the earth was populated with all the animals of the world at the same time it should show in the fossil record. It doesn't.

Lastly, your clueless as to when the earth was formed. You throw out and arbitrary date of thousands of years but have no idea what that thousands of years is based on, except something about a young sun. The sun is not young.

You trash evolution because you claim there are gaps in its knowledge. It can't prove this or that. But you state you don't know the age of the earth and hold your ignorance about its creation above all accumulated knowledge of many different fields of science that place the age of the earth in the billions of years. You say science is wrong but you don't know why you think your right.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 01:20 pm
vol_fan06 wrote:
I seem to find a lot more truth from the Bible and not what a bunch of scientists tell me. come on seriously how believable is all the "scientific" stuff they say is right. a monkey turning in to a man? A big bang and the world was formed? How did the stuff that collided get formed?

Anyone who places blind faith in the bible...is a few bricks short of a full load. And don't give me the old standby "If God wanted it to be, it would be. God can do anything." argument for how Noah fit animals he never even knew existed onto an ark too small for even one percent of the worlds species. Or for the Adam and Eve story either. Was there rampant incest to expand the population from those two individuals? A few generations of such incest would have produce totally mentally deficient beings.
The bible is a collection of parables...made up stories...used to enforce beliefs and control the population. The greatest sins against mankind have been committed by allegedly religious people..organized religion.
The only faith you need is the desire in your heart to do good in the world and live an honorable life. That does not include shoving your religious beliefs down the throat of every poor bugger who happens your way. Worship as you wish, but leave those not interested out of the equation.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 01:25 pm
Welcome, Mister666--what a name thing you have there.

In the more than 1000 pages of this thead, we've examined most of those topics, and guess what? The bible-thumpers show up to bring them up again. I enjoyed your remarks about Noah, though, i must say. I like to imagine the old fart (in excess of a hundred years old) running around burying fossils in the sediment.

How many sauropds do you suppose one can fit on a vessel that size?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 01:28 pm
Setanta wrote:
Welcome, Mister666--what a name thing you have there.

In the more than 1000 pages of this thead, we've examined most of those topics, and guess what? The bible-thumpers show up to bring them up again. I enjoyed your remarks about Noah, though, i must say. I like to imagine the old fart (in excess of a hundred years old) running around burying fossils in the sediment.

How many sauropds do you suppose one can fit on a vessel that size?

bible thumpers should receive a good thumping with a very large bible. Might knock some sense into them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 01:33 pm
mister666 wrote:
bible thumpers should receive a good thumping with a very large bible. Might knock some sense into them.

Doubtful ... biblethumping appears to be largely a terminal condition; most aflictees die with it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 01:41 pm
timberlandko wrote:
mister666 wrote:
bible thumpers should receive a good thumping with a very large bible. Might knock some sense into them.

Doubtful ... biblethumping appears to be largely a terminal condition; most aflictees die with it.

I believe it was Marx who said it best..."Religion is the opiate of the masses." .... Thankfully I am not addicted. I am, howevere, logical. The bible defies all logic. Science does not. All of those bible thumpers who do not believe in science should cease using anything that came from science. That would send them back to a cave somewhere.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 01:45 pm
WELCOME to A2K, mister666. Pleasure to have you aboard.

They didn't have tools to find all the insects inhabiting the earth, nor the time to collect them to put them on the ark. They completely miss out on the logic of most stories in the bible. I call it "calcification of the brain;" they lose all common sense and logic in order to believe what they believe. What is the most dumbfounding thing is the simple fact that so many so-called intelligent people fall into the trap.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 01:48 pm
It's not so much that bible-thumpers should stop using scientific findings in medicine, communication, and transportation, but their continued challenge against science being factual; that it's only a "theory." DUH!
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 02:15 pm
xingu wrote:
Rapid burial yes but I think it takes a lot of time to turn it into rock. It has to be buried under high pressure and emerge again from erosion of overlaying strata. That's why I laugh at the Noah's Flood story creationist toss out. They say the limestone atop Mt. Everest is proof of the flood covering the entire planet. That limestone, with fossils, was produced during the Flood. Yet no creationist who fancies himself a scientist has ever been able to produce limestone in a 4-6 month period. You can't make rock in that short of time. Perhaps fm can shed some light on this.

Another problem you have with your creationism and young earth is the lack of fossil mix. No humans with dinosaurs, for example. If the earth was populated with all the animals of the world at the same time it should show in the fossil record. It doesn't.

Lastly, your clueless as to when the earth was formed. You throw out and arbitrary date of thousands of years but have no idea what that thousands of years is based on, except something about a young sun. The sun is not young.

You trash evolution because you claim there are gaps in its knowledge. It can't prove this or that. But you state you don't know the age of the earth and hold your ignorance about its creation above all accumulated knowledge of many different fields of science that place the age of the earth in the billions of years. You say science is wrong but you don't know why you think your right.

Regarding the age of the Earth, here's an interesting argument from a site that I haven't seen before. I'd be interested in your take on it.

from http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/TechnicalNotes2.html

How Long Would It Take the Moon to Recede from Earth to Its Present Position?
Evolutionists believe (1) the Earth and Moon are 4.5 billion years old, and (2) with enough time bacteria will change into people. We have all heard some evolutionists say, "Given enough time, anything can happen." This simplistic attitude overlooks two things. First, most conceivable events will not happen, because they would violate well-established laws of science.1 Second, if 4.5 billion years have elapsed, many things should have occurred that obviously have not. Rather than "time being the hero of the plot," as one prominent evolutionist stated,2 immense amounts of time cause problems for evolution, as you will now see.

Most dating techniques, including the majority that indicate young ages, make the three basic assumptions given on page 31. The following dating technique has few, if any, major assumptions. It relies basically on only the law of gravity and one undisputed and frequently repeated measurement. We will look at the forces causing the Moon to spiral farther and farther away from Earth. Then we will see that this spiraling action could not have been happening for the length of time evolutionists say the Earth and Moon have been around.

It will be shown that if the Moon began orbiting very near the Earth, it would move to its present position in only 1.2 billion years. Stated another way, if we could run the clock backwards, in 1.2 billion years the Moon would be so close to Earth that ocean tides would sweep over all mountains. Astronomers who are aware of this problem call it "the lunar crisis."3 Notice that this conclusion does not say that the Earth-Moon system is 1.2 billion years old; it only says that the Earth-Moon system must be less than 1.2 billion years old. Had the Moon begun orbiting Earth slightly inside the Moon's present orbit, its age would be much less. Obviously, something is wrong with either the law of gravity or evolutionists' belief that the Earth-Moon system is 4.5 billion years old.......
for complete argument go to link

Another interesting question he asks as a sidebar is
Most people, even scientists, do not appreciate the difficulty of placing a satellite in a nearly circular orbit. For an artificial satellite to achieve such an orbit, several "burns" are required at just the right time, in just the right direction, and with just the right thrust. Most planets and many moons have nearly circular orbits. How could this have happened?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 02:33 pm
Who wrote this garbage?

Quote: First, most conceivable events will not happen, because they would violate well-established laws of science.

And what might that be? You know, the "well-established laws of science."

Quote: 1 Second, if 4.5 billion years have elapsed, many things should have occurred that obviously have not.

What exactly failed to occur?

Quote: Rather than "time being the hero of the plot," as one prominent evolutionist stated,2 immense amounts of time cause problems for evolution, as you will now see. yadda yadda yadda.... then

It will be shown that if the Moon began orbiting very near the Earth, it would move to its present position in only 1.2 billion years. Stated another way, if we could run the clock backwards, in 1.2 billion years the Moon would be so close to Earth that ocean tides would sweep over all mountains. Astronomers who are aware of this problem call it "the lunar crisis."3 Notice that this conclusion does not say that the Earth-Moon system is 1.2 billion years old; it only says that the Earth-Moon system must be less than 1.2 billion years old. Had the Moon begun orbiting Earth slightly inside the Moon's present orbit, its age would be much less. Obviously, something is wrong with either the law of gravity or evolutionists' belief that the Earth-Moon system is 4.5 billion years old.......

This guy is making assumptions never assumed by science; that the moon was so close to earth that ocean tides would sweep over all mountains.

Please show us where science ever made such claims?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 May, 2006 02:58 pm
Real life

The answer is simple; the moon has not been receding from the earth at a constant rate since its formation. The rate is accelerating and is receding faster not than in the past.

Creationist make the assumption, as usual without evidence, that the rate was constant. Then the article you alluded to overwhelms you with a lot of mathematical BS in order to impress you and try to make it look scientific. But like most creationists they ignore the science that's out there and create their own to try to make it fit the Bible.

Even your article says, mistakenly, the moon had to be in its starting position 1.2 billion years ago. That shoots hell out of the Bible and its mythology of the earth being "thousands" of years old.

Deceleration of Earth by Tidal Friction [DB 1507 (39); OAB 60] It is claimed that tidal interactions between the Earth and the Moon are causing the Moon to move away from the Earth, and the Earth to rotate more slowly. This much is true, and in fact paleontological studies of ancient corals and stromatolites has confirmed that the Earth did rotate faster in the past, resulting in more than 365 days in a year. It is also true that such a faster rotation would have caused a much greater equatorial bulge in the past than currently exists. The fallacy is the assumption that such a bulge would have remained for us to observe today. The Earth's mantle, made up of rock subjected to high temperatures and pressures, acts like a fluid over long time periods -- it does not hold its shape over billions of years. The current equatorial bulge is very close to what you would expect to be produced by the current rotation rate, although it is slightly larger because the Earth has not completely relaxed from previous times when it rotated faster.

A related question concerns the rate at which the Moon is receding from the Earth. If you simply extrapolate the Moon's orbit backwards in time, assuming that the rate at which it is currently receding has not changed, you find that the Moon would have been close enough for the Earth's gravity to pull it apart only 2 billion years ago. However, K.S. Hansen described a very plausible answer to this question (Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, v.20, no.3, pp.457-480 (1982)). He pointed out that the current Earth-Moon configuration contains a resonance which increases the efficiency of the tidal interactions that are causing the Moon to recede, and that therefore the Moon is currently receding faster than usual. In his computer models, by carefully keeping track of the changing tidal parameters as the Moon spirals away from the Earth, Hansen determined that the Moon would have been at an acceptable distance from the Earth 4.5 billion years ago (for a more detailed discussion, including more recent research based on Hansen's breakthrough, see Thompson (1999),

real life wrote:
Most people, even scientists, do not appreciate the difficulty of placing a satellite in a nearly circular orbit. For an artificial satellite to achieve such an orbit, several "burns" are required at just the right time, in just the right direction, and with just the right thrust. Most planets and many moons have nearly circular orbits. How could this have happened?

Your answer;



Since this answer is known why didn't your creationist website give it to you.

I can give you an answer for that. They feed you lies and misinformation. They play on your ignorance of science. They don't want you to know the truth. Keeping you dumb is to their advantage. It makes you a believer.
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