Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 09:22 am
FM asked, you deduced this how...

Well the same way you deduce things, by deduction.

If you would like to know "what" I deducted this from well the short answer would be, a well trodden train of logic...

What is that logic in particular. Well I will tell you it is from observation also. Reading the Bible is observation too FM. But if by example I were to say I saw a person healed miraculously by faith would YOU believe it?

You seem to discriminate truth which makes your results often seem erroneous...

Truth is like an ear of corn and we gather the right kernels of truth from all understanding and do not remain pigeon holed in some strict unchanging limited system.

I see science as a limited restrictive system and I think the actual system is much broader than the confines of what is observable scientifically.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 10:32 am
Well, that post made no sense at all, so forget it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 11:03 am
RexRed wrote:
Timber, one can look to the flaws and the errors or we can look to the imperceptibility of the continuum that has remained "on" and powered up for eternity.

Nonsense. Space and time, as we know them, have relevance only in context of that which has proceeded from the emergence of the singularity. Our frame of reference is wholly constrained by the Big Bang and that which proceeded from it. "Eternity" and "Infinity" are purely human constructs, abstracts convenient for calculations and ponderings, but without real meaning. Before, apart from, beyond, or other than The Big Bang and the universe which resulted therefrom are simply meaningless within our frame of reference. We have at least at present no means of knowing anything other than that within our frame of reference, the frame of reference that came into being with the emergence of the singularity.

We can compare building the universe with a hammer and nails but is that really apt at conveying the depth of how absolutely wondrous our universe is?

More nonsense. Simply because we've yet much to learn about the universe, its workings, its origins, and its destiny is no reason to ascribe magic to any component thereof. A Creator God concept is no answer, it is an avoidance of the question, a shield against fear of the unknown.

You belittle the human species and you do not even know what we will evolve into..

You present both a straw man and a red herring. In what way do I belittle the human species? And what does the possible further evolution of the human species have to do with anything here at discussion?

You act as if some slime in a puddle of mud on some distant planet is going to rival the human being...

There is no reason to conclude that is beyond the realm of possibility, and every reason to assume there would be a very high probability of such a situation, given that the physics and chemistry we know appear to be universal constants. Whether or not we are alone in the universe, it is absurd to conclude, based on the available evidence, that we must be, or even that we might be; frankly, the converse is the only logical assumption. Given the properties of the electromagnetic spectrum, the vast distances between stars within their galaxies, the even more hugely vast distances between the galaxies themselves, and humankind's ever-so-recent emergence, it is little wonder we have discovered no co-inhabitants of the universe; the Old World, for instance, was ignorant of The New World untill little more than half a millenia ago, a few hundred years compared to humankind's 100,000-Year +/- history, and the existence of galaxies themselves was unknown just a few generations ago. We have much to learn, much to discover, and only very recently havce we begun to acquire the tools needed to permit exploration beyond our immediate environs. Long before Columbus was the boat, and then the rudder, and then the sail, and then the compass. By comparison, we've just figured out how to build frail, primitive boats, and have yet even to conceptualize such things as rudders, sails, and compasses.

I don't know how your slander on God and creation (the dumbing down) is really helpful?

Given that "God", particularly the God of the Abrahamic Mythopaeia central to your proposition is an unestablished, undefined, incorporeal concept, devoid of empirical evidence of existance, subject to multiply contradictory interpretations and characterizations, and that creation as you use the term is likewise an absolutely afoundational concept, burdened by enormous and ever mounting hard, empirical evidence to the contrary, your assertions there are but meaningless apart from their betrayal of the ignorance, fear, and superstitition foundational to your philosophy. I slander no one, I ridicule the ludicrous. Exposing the ludicrous for what it is is helpful in the extreme toward the end of eliminating the ignorance, fear, and superstition behind the ludicrousness.

I find in this forum we may never agree

On that we can agree; such is the very point and purpose of forums such as this.

but science trying to study God is like a rock trying to study itself...

Now there's a classic of meaninglessness - biblical in proportion.

There is such learning and knowledge just beyond the wall of science...

No, science has no walls; beyond science there is but conjecture, unwarranted assumption, fear, ignorance, and superstition. Religion, and in particular religion predicate upon the Abrahamic Mythopaeia, is nothing more than the quarry from which is mined the blocks used to build the artificial walls of the intellectual fortresses the fearful build to shield themselves from the uncertainties, discoveries, and accomplishments of reality. What is helpful to the human condition, and to the furtherance of the cause of its advancement, is every effort to batter down those walls with real knowledge and understanding. Your "God" is a dead end, a halt to inquiry, an impenetrable, inexplicable wall, whereas science is all about inquiry, all about going beyond the walls to discover what really is out there, as opposed to imagining, fearing, and denying what might be.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:25 pm
I remember my Religion teacher once using an analogy. He had a really nice watch ok. He said.

If someone asked me, "where did that watch come from?"

And I said "O, well theres a story. see, a few years ago, there was a storm. And all the leaves and some twigs, and the raindrops and an old can from in the bin, all got mixed up together. You see the wind was so ferocious that they became the workings of my watch. And the leaf streched and turned unto a strap and pretty soon, i had a watch. Pretty cool, huh?"

Now I have more respect for people, than to think they'd be stupid enough to believe that.

Its pretty obvious someone made the watch, because its all put together just right
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:29 pm
I have never read such sophomoric nonsense as RL posts on these pages. It's so incredibly bad, it's indescribable. Must be it's describable by something metaphysical or by a psychotic in an asylum.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:45 pm
Its pretty obvious someone made the watch, because its all put together just right

Thats the diference between "watches" and biological systems. Biological systems aren put together "just right" they are a "good enough" solution to a problem.
Thats one of the best arguments for "trial and error" evolution adapting to a quickly changing environment on the planet. Our environmnet is going through a sweeping change now. Temperature rises worldwide are forcing species to either adapt or go extinct.

Biologists have stated that both polar bears and hippos are in danger of extinction from factors related to temperature rises. The answers you seek require careful study and analyses. Creationists miss the long term picture by opining with some really lame points like
1 we werent around in the Devonian to see fish become amphibians (conclusion-therefore it didnt happen, despite the gobs of left over evidence)

2 If a 747 was designed , so must an animal.(duuhhh?)

Yes ignorance maintains the state of bliss. Why worry , be happy.
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real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 01:59 pm
timberlandko wrote:
The only natural [process is that which evolved humankind's intellect and manual dexterity. From there, sentience takes over. A critter does what it can because it must; it has no options. Humans do what they can because they may; they have options.

Are you saying that man's consciousness is not a natural process? Certainly you must believe that it is, if you are to remain consistent.

So also anything resulting from man's ability must be only the result of the natural processes which formed and drive man.

Show that this is not so.

You do believe this, right?

If man is merely the result of natural processes, and has been formed by and driven by natural processes, then anything man does is the result also of natural processes. It cannot be any other way.

Therefore, anything man does that effects other species on the planet , even if it causes their extinction, is merely the result of natural processes, right?

If man is just another animal, then he must do what is best for him which may not be so great for other species, but that's just evolution in action, right?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:15 pm
real life wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
The only natural [process is that which evolved humankind's intellect and manual dexterity. From there, sentience takes over. A critter does what it can because it must; it has no options. Humans do what they can because they may; they have options.

Are you saying that man's consciousness is not a natural process? Certainly you must believe that it is, if you are to remain consistent.

So also anything resulting from man's ability must be only the result of the natural processes which formed and drive man.

Show that this is not so.

You do believe this, right?

If man is merely the result of natural processes, and has been formed by and driven by natural processes, then anything man does is the result also of natural processes. It cannot be any other way.

Therefore, anything man does that effects other species on the planet , even if it causes their extinction, is merely the result of natural processes, right?

If man is just another animal, then he must do what is best for him which may not be so great for other species, but that's just evolution in action, right?

Despite your feeble and transparent attempts through misconstrual to frame my statements in such manner as to bolster your absurd proposition, your forensic skills fail to meet the challenge you've set yourself. Unique among critters known to us, humankind possesses the ability to interact with and to act upon the environment in manner other than that attributable only to natural process - humankind is able to alter the environment to suit human whim. Humankind's ability to do so is indeed the result of natural process, however, humankind is able to manipulate nature in ways no other critter, bound by lack of adequate intellect and suitable dexterity, can manage. No other critter than humans can so significantly affect, and thereby effect, the course of nature. What humankind has done, is doing, or may in the future may do with this unique-to-our-experience set of attributes is immaterial; humankind, though part of and dependent upon nature, is not inextricably bound thereby; humankind has the capacity to alter natural process, for good or for ill.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:17 pm
farmerman wrote:
Its pretty obvious someone made the watch, because its all put together just right

Thats the diference between "watches" and biological systems. Biological systems aren put together "just right" they are a "good enough" solution to a problem.
Thats one of the best arguments for "trial and error" evolution adapting to a quickly changing environment on the planet. Our environmnet is going through a sweeping change now. Temperature rises worldwide are forcing species to either adapt or go extinct.

Biologists have stated that both polar bears and hippos are in danger of extinction from factors related to temperature rises. The answers you seek require careful study and analyses. Creationists miss the long term picture by opining with some really lame points like
1 we werent around in the Devonian to see fish become amphibians (conclusion-therefore it didnt happen, despite the gobs of left over evidence)

2 If a 747 was designed , so must an animal.(duuhhh?)

Yes ignorance maintains the state of bliss. Why worry , be happy.

I've previously mentioned climate change on Mars seems to be following the same pattern as on Earth (i.e. polar regions thawing, etc). Have you seen this regarding Saturn? May be that it's experiencing increasing temperatures as well. Interesting, I think. I wonder how we caused that?


I think a couple of other things are obvious but worth re-stating:

Biological systems are far more enduring than you imply by your 'good enough' description. The ability of creatures to survive and thrive is programmed into them in ways that we only hope to fully understand some day.

And as we've discussed repeatedly , the 'gobs of left over evidence' that you refer to is circumstantial; and inferences are used to fit it into the evolution story. However, all evidence that we see can be interpreted to support creation as well. There is no evidence that 'only evolution explains.'
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Doktor S
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:22 pm
Please demonstrate how the fossil record supports creationism.

This I gotta see!
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:24 pm
timberlandko wrote:
humankind possesses the ability to interact with and to act upon the environment in manner other than that attributable only to natural process

Hi timber,

You're a very naughty backsliding evolutionist if you believe this.

Have you considered going to an evolutionary seminar to recover your faith?

You are seriously off the reservation, pal.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:26 pm
Doktor S wrote:
Please demonstrate how the fossil record supports creationism.

This I gotta see!

Name any fossil that 'only evolution explains.'
0 Replies
jin kazama
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:35 pm
Re: Evolution? How?
vol_fan06 wrote:
What makes Evolution so believable. Just because a bunch of scientists tell you it is. It is a theory, an idea, a guess. Why?

What makes creationism/ID so believable... just because a bunch of pastors tell you so and you read it out of a book that has been translated and re-written numerous times?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:42 pm
Isn't it just amazing how some people are willing to stake their whole belief system on a two thousand year old book that hasn't even kept up with the truth on 1) age of this planet, 2) no evidence of a world flood, 3) creationism has too many conflects with scientific findings a) age of earth, b) foundation of the bible, c) how there can be a "first" day without the sun, and d) all the errors, contradictions and omissions in the bible.

They want to keep believing in some invisible friend that's going to offer them life after death even though there is no evidence. That's faith! (Blind as hell, but still faith.)
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 02:57 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Isn't it just amazing how some people are willing to stake their whole belief system on a two thousand year old book that hasn't even kept up with the truth on 1) age of this planet, 2) no evidence of a world flood, 3) creationism has too many conflects with scientific findings a) age of earth, b) foundation of the bible, c) how there can be a "first" day without the sun, and d) all the errors, contradictions and omissions in the bible.

They want to keep believing in some invisible friend that's going to offer them life after death even though there is no evidence. That's faith! (Blind as hell, but still faith.)

Give us an example of an 'omission' which makes the Bible unreliable, CI.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:00 pm
real, Just type "omissions in the bible" in Google. You'll get thousands of hits. Pick your own poison.
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real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:01 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
real, Just type "omissions in the bible" in Google. You'll get thousands of hits. Pick your own poison.

How can an 'omission' be 'in the Bible', CI?
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:07 pm
real life wrote:
Doktor S wrote:
Please demonstrate how the fossil record supports creationism.

This I gotta see!

Name any fossil that 'only evolution explains.'

Answering a question with a question is bad form.

Tsk tsk.

Answer my question please, and then I will give an answer of similar quality to your own question.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:10 pm
real life wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
humankind possesses the ability to interact with and to act upon the environment in manner other than that attributable only to natural process

Hi timber,

You're a very naughty backsliding evolutionist if you believe this.

Have you considered going to an evolutionary seminar to recover your faith?

You are seriously off the reservation, pal.

Your persistence at nonsense would be astounding but for its foundational source, which happenstance permits no alternative. Humankind, a product of nature, has, through natural process, achieved some considerable, and unique-to-our-experience, ability to artifice, to discover, understand, affect, and thereby to effect, by human will, processes, natural and otherwise. All critters known to us other than ourselves are bound to and by the natural, we alone, so far as yet we know, have available to us the means to transcend the natural through the artificial. We have evolved this capability, naturally, without magic and despite religion. what effect this development may have, if any, on our continued evolution, if any, remains to be seen, though as a species we are trending toward longer, healthier lives than were the lot of our progenitors, and science, a natural consequence of our evolution of intellect and dexterity, not religion, has brought about this alteration in the course of the human life cycle.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:13 pm
real, Here's a good start for you.
0 Replies

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