cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:14 pm
What's the matter, real? Afraid to find something you disagree with? There are many; literally hundreds.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:38 pm
Science needs to evolve... there is a wall in science it is called the unknown. When it comes to the unknown science is as blind as a bat?

Does pi repeat? It is unknown.

So all science can do is speculate like anybody else. Science has speculated God out of the picture and where is their PROOF to justify this???

They have none but they are adamite to the point of disgust.

They talk about easter bunnies and santa clause, why?

Because they are afraid we will notice the little tiny box that they live in.

They are afraid of what is outside of the box so they figure if they close their eyes and deny the unknown it will go away...

Not everyone wants to swallow whole their lifeless, dumbed down, unscrupulous, godless, unconscionable, perception of life.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:46 pm

Science needs to evolve... there is a wall in science it is called the unknown. When it comes to the unknown science is as blind as a bat?

What you fail to see is it is 'science' (which broken down means all reliable information/methods of aquiring said information) and only science which constantly pushes back those walls of the unknown further into the cosmos, despite religionists ongoing attempts to fix them into a set and immovable position.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 03:49 pm
Only if your brain has fossilized. Although they do try, the Creationists concoct all sorts of false interpretations (read that as lies) to show that that fossils support Creationism. David Copperfield wouldn't stoop to such a low trick.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:01 pm
Doktor S wrote:

Science needs to evolve... there is a wall in science it is called the unknown. When it comes to the unknown science is as blind as a bat?

What you fail to see is it is 'science' (which broken down means all reliable information/methods of aquiring said information) and only science which constantly pushes back those walls of the unknown further into the cosmos, despite religionists ongoing attempts to fix them into a set and immovable position.

I don't doubt that and for this science deserves it's due but for them to make wild assumptions AGAINST God and fight ID tooth and nail which is both unflattering and dishonest to the profession.

They should just dig up the bones and study them and let great minds figure out what the heck they all mean in time. They are insulting to clergy and miss the whole point of what spirituality is for... UNITY.

Evolution does not disprove creation and it never will... Creation does not automatically rule out evolution either.

We have scientists on both sides of most important issues in science... this is no different than religion disagreeing from within...

Though science has proven foundational things creation is far from disproven, as I said, just because man evolved does not mean God did not create the materials we evolved from...

Science has much to learn from God...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:02 pm
And the number of the beast was 999... Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:06 pm
Here is a natural law...

Evolution can never precede creation...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:11 pm
Doktor S wrote:
Please demonstrate how the fossil record supports creationism.

This I gotta see!

You mean the 7 days dont match up with dinosaurs, that kind of thing?
Day in hebrew, Yom. perion of time, not nesaccerly 24 hours.

some people say we are still in the seventh day.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:12 pm
i cant spell neccaserily
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:14 pm
How can you have something evolve if you do not have any materials to start with?

Evolution needs creation...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:31 pm
Science has nothing to say about whether or not there exists a god. If a scientist ventures an opinion on it, that is the person, not science speaking. There is no evidence that a god does or does not exist. Which is the reason it is not scientific, which is why ID cannot be accepted. Simple.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:34 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
Science has nothing to say about whether or not there exists a god. If a scientist ventures an opinion on it, that is the person, not science speaking. There is no evidence that a god does or does not exist. Which is the reason it is not scientific, which is why ID cannot be accepted. Simple.

Then why is science fighting creationism in schools if they have nothing to say whether or not there is a God?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:40 pm
Because it is not proveable if a god exists, therefore does not belong in a science class room.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 04:58 pm
timberlandko wrote:
real life wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
humankind possesses the ability to interact with and to act upon the environment in manner other than that attributable only to natural process

Hi timber,

You're a very naughty backsliding evolutionist if you believe this.

Have you considered going to an evolutionary seminar to recover your faith?

You are seriously off the reservation, pal.

Your persistence at nonsense would be astounding but for its foundational source, which happenstance permits no alternative. Humankind, a product of nature, has, through natural process, achieved some considerable, and unique-to-our-experience, ability to artifice, to discover, understand, affect, and thereby to effect, by human will, processes, natural and otherwise. All critters known to us other than ourselves are bound to and by the natural, we alone, so far as yet we know, have available to us the means to transcend the natural through the artificial. We have evolved this capability, naturally, without magic and despite religion. what effect this development may have, if any, on our continued evolution, if any, remains to be seen, though as a species we are trending toward longer, healthier lives than were the lot of our progenitors, and science, a natural consequence of our evolution of intellect and dexterity, not religion, has brought about this alteration in the course of the human life cycle.

You have not named anything

timberlandko wrote:
other than that attributable only to natural process

have you?

You propose that man's development of tools and devices are all attributable to natural processes

timberlandko wrote:
Humankind, a product of nature, has, through natural process, achieved some considerable, and unique-to-our-experience, ability to artifice, to discover, understand, affect, and thereby to effect,

yet you claim that their use is not a natural process.
timberlandko wrote:
by human will, processes, natural and otherwise

This semantic gamesmanship is so transparent, you could star in a Windex commercial.

Either man's activity is or it is not part of purely natural processes. If it is not, then you seem to be close to proposing supernaturalism,

supernatural 2 a : departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature

when you state
timberlandko wrote:
All critters known to us other than ourselves are bound to and by the natural, we alone, so far as yet we know, have available to us the means to transcend the natural through the artificial.

You can't have it both ways, timber.

There is still time to save your evolutionary credentials, timber. Excommunication is not a foregone conclusion, but if you persist in unbelief it may go very hard with you. Diversity of thought is not generally welcomed. Toe the line, and they will accept you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 05:06 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
Because it is not proveable if a god exists, therefore does not belong in a science class room.

Many things taught in science are not fact... they are called theories.. are you saying theories or theorems do not belong in science?

God is a theorem...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 05:10 pm
RexRed wrote:
there is a wall in science it is called the unknown.

Bullshit - what to the religionist manifests as a wal is to science but a horizon to be reached, crossed, and provided the base for the exploration of the next horison.

When it comes to the unknown science is as blind as a bat?

Bats rely mostly on mammalian echolocation to guide them through the night. Science has the flashlight of discovery and the sonar of accumulated knowledge to guide it into and through the unknown.

So all science can do is speculate like anybody else.

Science, in contrast to the religionist, speculates from an informed perspective, postulating hypotheses through logical development, not wild, afoundational assumption, testing, refining, revising, or rejecting each hypothesis as the evidence demands, not denying or rejecting evidence inconvenient to the hypthesis, as does the religionist.

Science has speculated God out of the picture and where is their PROOF to justify this???

Scince has not "speculated God out of the picture", science merely points out there is no proof there is a god in the picture.

They have none but they are adamite to the point of disgust.

Again, science takes no position pertaining to any religionist proposition, beyond that there is no proof for any such proposition. Science does not argue there be no god, it merely describes the natural processes which have brought about the universe we observe and know. What may lie beyond that universe expressly and by definition is beyond the purview of science. Scinec does not meddle with, or deny religion, religion recoils from science - why might that be?

They talk about easter bunnies and santa clause, why?

Because they are afraid we will notice the little tiny box that they live in.

Wrong again, mon frere - it is the religionist who walls himself into a box of his own making, a compound bounded on all sides by dead ends, beyond which lies not the unknown but fear of the unknown.

They are afraid of what is outside of the box so they figure if they close their eyes and deny the unknown it will go away...

Science is afraid of nothing, least of all the unknown, which by function and definition science embraces, seeks, and explores; but for the unknown there could be no science, no discovery, no horizons, no new frontiers, no advances, no achievements, not future to conceptualize and bring to fruition.

Not everyone wants to swallow whole their lifeless, dumbed down, unscrupulous, godless, unconscionable, perception of life.

Again, it is the religionist who denies the reality of life and existence as opposed to celebrating and exploring them. It is the religionist who perpetrates the canard that science entails an unscrupulous, immoral, unethical lifestyle and worldview, it is the religionist that recoils from the truth, finding myth and ritual more comforting than adventure, discovery, advancement, and the actual, lasting betterment of the condition of existence.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 05:12 pm
There is a solid body of evidence pointing to evolution, zilch to a god. You do the math, Rex.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 05:15 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
There is a solid body of evidence pointing to evolution, zilch to a god. You do the math, Rex.

Evolution does not explain creation... So evolution loses.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 05:17 pm
timberlandko wrote:
RexRed wrote:
there is a wall in science it is called the unknown.

Bullshit - what to the religionist manifests as a wal is to science but a horizon to be reached, crossed, and provided the base for the exploration of the next horison.

When it comes to the unknown science is as blind as a bat?

Bats rely mostly on mammalian echolocation to guide them through the night. Science has the flashlight of discovery and the sonar of accumulated knowledge to guide it into and through the unknown.

So all science can do is speculate like anybody else.

Science, in contrast to the religionist, speculates from an informed perspective, postulating hypotheses through logical development, not wild, afoundational assumption, testing, refining, revising, or rejecting each hypothesis as the evidence demands, not denying or rejecting evidence inconvenient to the hypthesis, as does the religionist.

Science has speculated God out of the picture and where is their PROOF to justify this???

Scince has not "speculated God out of the picture", science merely points out there is no proof there is a god in the picture.

They have none but they are adamite to the point of disgust.

Again, science takes no position pertaining to any religionist proposition, beyond that there is no proof for any such proposition. Science does not argue there be no god, it merely describes the natural processes which have brought about the universe we observe and know. What may lie beyond that universe expressly and by definition is beyond the purview of science. Scinec does not meddle with, or deny religion, religion recoils from science - why might that be?

They talk about easter bunnies and santa clause, why?

Because they are afraid we will notice the little tiny box that they live in.

Wrong again, mon frere - it is the religionist who walls himself into a box of his own making, a compound bounded on all sides by dead ends, beyond which lies not the unknown but fear of the unknown.

They are afraid of what is outside of the box so they figure if they close their eyes and deny the unknown it will go away...

Science is afraid of nothing, least of all the unknown, which by function and definition science embraces, seeks, and explores; but for the unknown there could be no science, no discovery, no horizons, no new frontiers, no advances, no achievements, not future to conceptualize and bring to fruition.

Not everyone wants to swallow whole their lifeless, dumbed down, unscrupulous, godless, unconscionable, perception of life.

Again, it is the religionist who denies the reality of life and existence as opposed to celebrating and exploring them. It is the religionist who perpetrates the canard that science entails an unscrupulous, immoral, unethical lifestyle and worldview, it is the religionist that recoils from the truth, finding myth and ritual more comforting than adventure, discovery, advancement, and the actual, lasting betterment of the condition of existence.

Can you tell us why, starting several hundred years ago, most of what we know of as the foundation upon which modern science was built, was developed in the nations that were dominated by a Christian worldview; and many of the giants of science were Christian men who believed that God had created the world, the universe and all that is in it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 05:19 pm
Wrong, Rex. Evolution is not about creation. That is a seperate question.
0 Replies

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