Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:47 pm
Jackofalltrades wrote: pictures. It amazes me as to how God could create all these amazing creatures, and give them so many varied colors and shapes and our vision can see all these colors. Why, if we were evolved didn't we just stop at monochrome.
Biliksner...GLAD to see your back. I envy you getting to see a Grahm crusade. Sounds like the weather there is changing like it is here. We are just breaking into spring. The weeds are taller than my son (were, I just mowed). Who is getting engaged?

i know. i went as a skeptic with 2 of my housemates, but then i found some other friends and we filled up 3 rows Very Happy that stream of ppl that went up to commit to Christ was amazing. i think it was something like 20,000 filled the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) when Billy came in 1959 and 1962. but Franklin's had pretty cool vibe/message/music too. albeit not as many people, but hopfully today and sat. night filled the telstra dome (holds 35,000 ppl i think).
ah, got some friends from uni/church getting married in NOV. i went to 7 weddings last year; one more this year ... puts on the pressure Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:55 pm
farmerman wrote:

Hell the Conquistadors almost emptied a continent in the name of God. ANYWAY-Hitler was an avowed Young Earth Creationist .

Might I add that "in the name of God" usually preceeded a chopping sound for much of history.

& lmfao.

terrorists suicide in the name of allah. does that make muhammad an invalid human being?

people might "in the name of god" conquer nations/whatever/enslave the aboriginal race
but did Jesus die on a cross and rise from the dead to live in heaven? yes. you can do what you want, say what you damn like, i don't care. in the name of <whatever> you can go preach to your kids and friends.
but that doesn't invalidate Jesus as Lord over the universe. like i've said, and will say again, even you can't change history. you can call us "jackoffs" and then say "you're not taking any heat" in the same sentence, but if you're going to, let's try come consistency.
your own words eat your own actions.
it's been nice having a "civilized debate" with you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:57 pm
mesquite wrote:
Biliskner wrote:
mesquite wrote:

John 15:6
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.


Many a man has died a horrible death due to that one. Crying or Very sad


"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
- Jesus.

Carrot and stick

your Christology is... well, non-existant
(but i'm being arrogant here aren't I? 'cos how come only Christians can study Christology right? - hey that reminds me of that time they wanted an atheist to run the jewish club and we were all like - err, ok, lmao.)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:57 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
It's more like stick and carrot; if thou does not believe in me, your penalty is death. I'm not sure when the carrot appears...

thou will ascend to a higher being of existence if thou believes in evolution.

that's where your carrot is.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:00 pm
RexRed wrote:
Biliskner wrote:
farmerman wrote:
Chronological ordering:
1.Darwin goes to Galapolas.
2.Darwin sees many different species.
3.Darwin "makes up" Darwinism/Evolution to explain different species.
4.Does Darwin see the species EVOLVE from one into another? No.

Wrong, dead wrong. Im getting a strange feeling that you are some undergrad student , whose got a "sort of " knowledeg of the major subject but has not spent time in considering what you write.
Darwin began with copious notes well before the Galapogos . His acquaintence with his own grandfathers work, his own dabbling in the clergy, his time on the pampas, his time on the Galapogos, his detailed and copious notes and specimens of finches that he pored over for about 30 yeARS. fINALLY , HIS friends mediate a term of agreement for publication between hhe and Wallace. Then, the years of modification of his theory and 2 more publications and a revision.

Without the benefit of detailed understanding of genetics this man came up with, what is arguably the most important discovery of the millenium.


0.Darwin reads/comtemplates his grandfather's work.
1.Darwin goes to Galapolas.
2.Darwin sees many different species.
3.Darwin "makes up" Darwinism/Evolution to explain different species.
4.Does Darwin see the species EVOLVE from one into another? No.

I saw on a show on the discovery channel that Darwin borrowed his theory of evolution from another naturlist who wrote a book on the subject much earlier.

hey Rex, can you point out to me the "millions of years" in the verses in Genesis? I don't think I have ever asked anyone to show me before Very Happy and it'd be good to know...
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:00 pm
Quote, "...ascend to a higher being of existence..." I don't believe in fairy tails. If you can produce anybody (except for characters in the bible) that has achieved tihs "higher being of existence," please show it by proof - not just your words. I usually can believe some things I can visually see with my own eyes if it's not intentional magic tricks.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:06 pm
parados wrote:

I find it interesting that you continue to refuse to discuss anything that Answergenisis says. You only post it as your reasoning but can't ever back it up or respond when anyone raises questions about it.

It says a lot about you.

i agree. it does say a lot about me.

there's nothing to say about AIG.

let me hold your hand while we do this:

1. scientists walk around the earth.
2. we see some rock.
3. Person E says: It's 2 MYO.
4. Person C says: It's 2,000 YO.

who's right? take your pick. you can argue till the bloody cows come home, and you can if you want to, I just have a life outside of this thread.
how can person E assert with more confidence that they are right over person C? everything is based on assumptions. like the rate of decay of isotopes and the "consistencies" of everything that we witness TODAY. if i tried to prove to you that victoria's alps snowed 4 weeks ago, and you didn't believe me what do you think i'd do? you can travel up Falls Creek today and it'd be hot as and you'd be burnt to a crisp in 2 mins of sun. then you'd say, oh that Person C said it was snowing here 4 weeks ago. it is summer and in the middle of summer it doesn't snow. so he must be wrong.
whatever man.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:09 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Quote, "...ascend to a higher being of existence..." I don't believe in fairy tails. If you can produce anybody (except for characters in the bible) that has achieved tihs "higher being of existence," please show it by proof - not just your words. I usually can believe some things I can visually see with my own eyes if it's not intentional magic tricks.

you must believe you have no brain and that mass penalties (traffic jams) don't exist.

mmm.. jam.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:13 pm
ha ha ha ha...I've been to Bangkok and Cairo where "traffic jams" are the mother of them all... ha ha ha
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:20 pm
I did not make this up but someone told me it once and it stuck with me.

It is about a snake...

A person goes into a room and is locked into the room. They notice a light switch on the wall and they turn it on. Suddenly they are surprised to see a snake slithering on the floor of the room. So they shut off the light immediately. They figure if they do not see the snake then it is gone... But the snake has keener senses than a human in the dark, heightened smell and hearing...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:25 pm
Um yeah about half the animals in the animal kingdom have better senses in the dark than us.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:27 pm
Rex, What you heard may be true. I seem to vaguely remember something like that too!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 09:30 pm
Biliskner wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Biliskner wrote:
farmerman wrote:
Chronological ordering:
1.Darwin goes to Galapolas.
2.Darwin sees many different species.
3.Darwin "makes up" Darwinism/Evolution to explain different species.
4.Does Darwin see the species EVOLVE from one into another? No.

Wrong, dead wrong. Im getting a strange feeling that you are some undergrad student , whose got a "sort of " knowledeg of the major subject but has not spent time in considering what you write.
Darwin began with copious notes well before the Galapogos . His acquaintence with his own grandfathers work, his own dabbling in the clergy, his time on the pampas, his time on the Galapogos, his detailed and copious notes and specimens of finches that he pored over for about 30 yeARS. fINALLY , HIS friends mediate a term of agreement for publication between hhe and Wallace. Then, the years of modification of his theory and 2 more publications and a revision.

Without the benefit of detailed understanding of genetics this man came up with, what is arguably the most important discovery of the millenium.


0.Darwin reads/comtemplates his grandfather's work.
1.Darwin goes to Galapolas.
2.Darwin sees many different species.
3.Darwin "makes up" Darwinism/Evolution to explain different species.
4.Does Darwin see the species EVOLVE from one into another? No.

I saw on a show on the discovery channel that Darwin borrowed his theory of evolution from another naturlist who wrote a book on the subject much earlier.

hey Rex, can you point out to me the "millions of years" in the verses in Genesis? I don't think I have ever asked anyone to show me before Very Happy and it'd be good to know...

Did you miss it? I posted the reply about the billions of years in Genesis lastnight in this post I believe. Read back a few pages and you will find the explanation. Took me a while to write. Thx for inquiring about it. It is on page 55 if our pages are the same.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:22 pm
farmerman wrote:
Rex.Its been a fairly recent thing(within the last 75 years) when many religions first acknowledged that evolution was "worthy of consideration" to less than 50 years ago when many religions embraced evolution and accomodated their theologies to no longer deny the obvious.
Thats why, to me, the present force of will that is being mounted by a few of the Evangelical Christians, the Lubovitchers Jews, and a few sects of Islam (Wahab,) is so out of touch with reality that it threatens the US Constitution which, while guaranteeing most rights to all (in 2005 ), never conspired to afford special rights to a few. The special legislation that would be implied by teaching "Creation " in science was recognizedby the USSupreme Court at least twice in the last Century. Now the judicial system will once again be burdened by a more slyly wrought definition of Creation in a much more cynical form (Intelligent Design), which by its very format and display of data, is merely a weak attempt to circumvent the bounds of the bill of rights for a few crafty petitioners.
Isnt it miraculous how the IDers try to criticize and question the science that underpins evolutionary synthesis, yet havent a clue about with what it should be substituted . Theyve got a "theology based pseudo-science" that cannot even stand upright , let alone walk into a classroom and take questions.Its so laughable as to be scary in many cases, yet this is what some people confess.
Then when, theCreationists/IDers get close to being outed, they will slowly slink back into the midst of their standard Creation mantra that claims that evolution, too, is religious based (however it is evil atheistic, non God centered-sort of the loopy wanderings of Jack-off -all trades ).
As Lord Ellpus said on another thread "yall never get the Creationists to back down, so itll do no good to try to talk reason with em".
Thats never been my point in joining in here, sinceIm more concerned with the kids that wander in and out of any thread on A2k. If you look, there is usually only about a 10% response -to-visit ratio. Most people drop in, read, and go away. I dont want those kids to be laboring under a false impression that Evolution by natural selection is going anywhere. If anything , it is stronger than ever, and that just frosts the Creationists shorts. Also, believe it or not, unless this forum just blows away, there is a "public record" being established here that is already known to the principles in The upcoming Pa case, and by that fact, represents a "hosting cross section" of the publics perception of science and religion. Weve already been visited on this thread and some previous ones by some people who are well known in the Creationists Camps of the internet and the CRI.
Your own expressed accomodations that youve tried to patiently present as a means to reason your own religious beliefs and the findings of evolutionary sciences is not unnoticed by many of us, however,having said that, you are just as in dANGER OF BEING VILLIFIED BY THE id CROWD as are any of us who have joined in the discussion from the more secular side of paleo, biology, cosmology, philosophy, and good ole debate.
I think we well recognize that you speak of how much religion has "adapted" and actually has been made stronger by this adaptation rather than the almost mindless
"lets make up our science as we go" methods of the ID and Creationists, and for that, I am, at least thankful of your patience and politeness. I know its difficult to keep this up while all around,the arguments "pro-Creatam" just are on an endless "do-loop".There havent been any new or creative arguments posted "pro-Creatam" since I joined abuzz in 2001. They were going hot an heavy back then , and, here we are 5 years later going around the same barns.
One thing I miss was,Back on abuzz, when we had an earlier debate on this topic, we had a teaching minister give his views on evolution from his synod's POV. It was cogent, well crafted, and , unfortunaely, lost for posterity. I wish we could have the benefit of that position statement herein. It would present yet a third view that could be put in the pot.You arent perhaps, he?

Wow, this was really well thought out post on your part and I will respond to it in the best way I can... I really am not worried that much about the radical right wing conservative consiriacies because there are so many good christians out there to keep that element in line.. It is like a right brain left brain thing, there will always be both sides to function.

I must say I worry about people doing things just to be on some sort of side or to pay back rather than to proceed with the work of the times. These times need compassion and they need a safe place. There will always be dems and repubs.

I do not think that the conservatives want to exclude evolution from the schools. If evolution is taught it does not mean that for one day of a childs life in school that they could not be taught and think about the question of, is there maybe a "God" who may have had a hand in why we are here?

If you want to call it creation or intelligent design it is still the same thing. God should also be brought up in ethics class later in life too. These should be bought up so a fair individual choice can be made of what they personally want to believe...

I am definitely a third voice. I like that hehe

You wrote this:

I think we well recognize that you speak of how much religion has "adapted" and actually has been made stronger by this adaptation rather than the almost mindless


Yes, it can get extremely mindless I will totally agree but I do not think religion has "adapted" to us. Thanks for bringing that up. I believe God adapts to meet us where we are and bring us back up... wrong decisions. But as in religion, we have come out of a dark age. This was when the real meaning of the Bible was nearly completely lost to the world. People were not even allowed to read the Bible...

When the Bible started becoming allowed to find it's way back into the hands of the average person they at first saw it very strangely. They literalized it, they dramatized it and they theorized it but there was infinitum to learn about the Bible, and where to start? Even today of the last remaining few, the Bible has not yet seen it's renaissance.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:34 pm
El-Diablo wrote:
Um yeah about half the animals in the animal kingdom have better senses in the dark than us.

The snakes are probably at the top of the chain of species that don't have arms and legs.

Humans are smart enough to fly and make devices to see most every spectrum of light and in the dark too. But where did we get so smart?

Humans have the most complex facial structure the cat is second.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:36 pm
The bible was "adapted" for three hundred years as they talked about the fictional stories that was transmitted through many by the time the last guru actually put it to pen. Anybody ever try transmitting an original story from one person to the next? What actually happened? Did you transmit the story word for word exactly the way you heard it? By the time the 50th person hears the story and transmits it to another, it's so corrupted, it's probably a different story entirely.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:47 pm
The snakes are probably at the top of the chain of species that don't have arms and legs.

Humans are smart enough to fly and make devices to see most every spectrum of light and in the dark too. But where did we get so smart?

Humans have the most complex facial structure the cat is second.

The facial part is pretty cool. Cat is second huh? I believe it when i think of tigers and lions and other fleines.

I'll take your bait and tell you that evolution gave humans intelligence.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:50 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
The bible was "adapted" for three hundred years as they talked about the fictional stories that was transmitted through many by the time the last guru actually put it to pen. Anybody ever try transmitting an original story from one person to the next? What actually happened? Did you transmit the story word for word exactly the way you heard it? By the time the 50th person hears the story and transmits it to another, it's so corrupted, it's probably a different story entirely.

The Bible says of itself, that these were "holy" men who were "inspired" by God who wrote the Bible. So it boils down to what "holy" means and of course God giving the message. These holy men wrote using their own vocabularies and style but it was the image from God they sought to express. These people were a tribe of scribes who worshiped the word as if it was God.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:52 pm
El-Diablo wrote:
The snakes are probably at the top of the chain of species that don't have arms and legs.

Humans are smart enough to fly and make devices to see most every spectrum of light and in the dark too. But where did we get so smart?

Humans have the most complex facial structure the cat is second.

The facial part is pretty cool. Cat is second huh? I believe it when i think of tigers and lions and other fleines.

I'll take your bait and tell you that evolution gave humans intelligence.

Cats can even smile Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:54 pm
Well, of course. Those poor, hairless, defenseless creatures that didn't have enough intelligence to compensate for lack of fangs, claws, and great strength mostly died too young to reproduce.
0 Replies

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